an" 7' _ An is of Grim Stgiig 'IIN, 'ttgt""',,,!',', Thefts Large Item l :u,t,'er, In commenting on a summery "of crime statistic. recently published by the U. s. Meat of Justice. It Edw. M. Selig, of the Vent & Soft; Insurance Anna. of Deer- tieid, mm- tertrr4rtthr_t, 9min. _fH1t.i,: MN", mm. mm}, - .'“"' has†compriud 95 par MT of a! the gave oft- reported to the police. _ This fitrtsmr, exphinod Mr. Solis. inclndgi mtomobilo thefts which, with nag -tion, were can“; in number chitin; the month of April than at any Itthttr tima.. - " ttttt, The individual penance: of all album, at shown by the report, were 6 per cent for robbery. 21 per cent for burglary, " per- cent for larceny and theft, 26 per cent for automobile theft, and ti per-cent mise calla-om. - _ V, _ ' Mr. tbtitr Nithfr pointy; out in} out of I total of TN (wigs which were in the population group of 10,- 000 to 25,000 1nd only 88chre in I , Support this tMmttng “Milan. eettatofttargrdepotfttao.vRrtvomtioet, ofstats’righta. . cRettuetket of'oostof _ govemmekit..crurmorirdeT"por- "tusofthetttatrs...Aaq-deitrryvery CountyandCity. ' _ for Govznuonr .-- PRIMARIES APRIL 12th "Whats-m M mruaaao.rmrrlet,?1= arm Aumt it Public mu ““9"“ "'"" mm J. “In" _ lament-duh State Tun-m . W,†m QM†MArtrm A. MAI - E 'i-Gaia-iii,'; --,'s,m can: was cm noun r. :30an ADA. P. "Att" "riiruiiinfiid - in fret _ _ rPPPt JUDGE HENRY 39 t)is, Butterscotch and - " _ Vanilla Pecan STAT! CANDIDA'I’IS ’ re Item you no called "small" (attics. ' - - "of A. more detailed analysis of the published tables showed that the number of f Juatiee, 03cm: reported hound 36 per , Vuit & (by per 1,000,000 population in cities of Door- of 100,000 or over. and 35 per dar n during pot M00,900 in cities of lean that Mt “a 100.0â€. his aotMtw. uvirtuolly. the an of " limo ratio for, both km and pupil ed to the citioc and indicates that residents in _ the small cities need protection It. Selig, against burglars, robbgy and r. .th thieves on much u do their big city the group living population: over 100,000. brother nrordts, " per cont of the cities which made return: This was further borne out, no cording to Mr.-8elitr, by u eompari- son between the number of offense: under the individual etnaaitbratiottts. For me. the untimel- of bun-cler- ies avenged 8 per day per 1,000,000 population in both the Inge and small cities. The number of theft: artElytt4 14 per dey per 1,000,000 pit5iimriiif YEW ts,rire-ettisartsttt-f6 we: day in the smell eitieec, The [i.-t-inutanuthiht thefts ever- L.iiirTnrei.Fr?.rPtThi,me',E', and T par day in the mull cities. iGiriiaL Aa,-. WALT“ m lure-cunthoh Cannon-Lam u mm... ... - --..-| . 1itsrda."tT"1 FROM I,Mg110a'nf -rwriir» ir--'- -, - . "r-F - 1.. PI... r. 22:: I BRIEF NEWS mm Salary reduction: of $62,575 but not m voted by the WW high school hand. .'tltw nnnuat pat. roll now will run $214,525 install“ of $267,100 as Us been the choc. Howard Holland, Waukmn fu- neral director, sustained I frac- tured left leg last week, when his heamremtttatrtreh byatmek inthe vicinity of 1208 Sheridan road, Wau- _ The Waukegan recreation board. of ftve members, ereated by ordi- nance In June of 1927 by tht ftrrpet JaitrittfttWMttt councu, 17:: aurommRR. and its powers restored to the city ,omeiLarurcacrestgtuigttt ordinance m â€â‚¬ch " council last week. Mystery surrounding the death of Vernon Mihan, " of 2138 Grove avenue, North Chieatto, was" solved but week by uignce and police " in Inquest that lead iurortr to draw the conclusion that Milan fell and ftaetnresrhisok1ttt, . "_---""-"""'---" aiitisin,riiiL dead. 91: 2 o'eUek this morning at the Condell Memorial hospitsl» in Libertyville. eutttt-up-pauttt-ttp parade " Honky mama, April 4, iaTaiiiGii iFiriii-iGFTir) -of it? o'eloeE Giirk that organisation " . meet- ing Saturdtrratitrht at nhgt county Two prominent omeials of the Illi- nois 'Society of -Engineery, H. J. Fixmer and’ H. E. Btrtifikti" were "eiiti'N last week entered an order in Wood- stock continuing the trial of SW Auditor Oscur Nelson dn a charge of ooxispincy to, April 14. The case wnsuntintrisd Hy monument on . request fronCAttorne, David Joslyn to State's Attorney A. V. Smith. Brm in ..Wnukegan for the put 19 years und designer of whiny-‘01 the dropped dead suddenly in his winter home in Straw“; Florida. [at week of 3 heart attpeir, wording to word reaching Waukognn. _ hotel “-1620 Sheridan road, North Climb“ week, routing" it: four occupants and‘ causing damage esti- mated at $10,000. the hotel yup landmark il-th. city. A fractured left iriF7iiiraTiiiiirTr- Fire of an unkna’wn origig orept iiiFiiT giioTeTDiiiiiii. at County Beat iiuriiig_rgpiteit1erreitvsIute. TIGER; '. Webster, 55 uwciated with d Lit! in am architect“ downrvn“ nth; member of Cfown Illinois U My Crowning of University of nlinoii May quota will be the climax of the nil-university co-ed Hay tote to bt hold Mar T in Memorial stadium at -tsraa, will be an “Olympic Fen. tivat." Hay queen wlll be ‘elected by /the' satin madam body this Hurt-us. _....-_..___.- . pr-T Min ximnYiiirii"ifii of Westville ir xenon] chairmen of the fete. Miss Arlene tktteidenhelnt, Mendota, Miss Biiiiishurlritliiiut,TttieAtro, and Miss Alice Domino, Wilmette, ell ere on the commiwee. _ "REESE: co-edl who wish to lave, dnstetntt parts in the fete are Two Damage Suits in Accident Aftermath now _ underway. ado} 7202000, many were filed in gagging“ coax! b! WHEELER"! ES; . tttrertrMe ‘mident, was chutes: orithhtripe negligent» Twcr suits. aakhttt for a mug dyn- It is handled by met-chat: who desire to render . ml "rviett to the Mon and, wow and you will amoral» reason. HIGHLAND PARK MW brawn}! Ft Cantu! Bud's" Window Cleaner “in†Haiti: Shore (that. iiiidiiiikt Fete my 7th Elm Park Finn-um mungplnr. IAIOB' " -198: um Ruin" , Plate HIGHWOOD 25c says " Astoeiated writer in a story fron D. C. _ _ ' .Charle'l G. Dawes praidént, and Eugene chairman of the boa ' may; for public is, 1 world war emergency. own tdmirts. The twoqinnntterir i " "tttpre in thy pub] , _,,tCtjrt,_ttgltl,,itt, ' s A mrq,e,stUtrer,tr., Hoover hardy pins â€hinting. the wheel: "iisiii" has aehitvjs, In those sumo you: ing for the govern!!! continuously than Ihr on big jobs. has ere: " atmosphere of sub: ality. From the ht view, the tower Ne is dmost " nnknov Eda: ire trained lt; familiar yyith the 37665.1;le den; Brief Mi " “soldie: