"T0 MAKE FINAL ' Miluil.t1ll.lltB1uiBl, gNMSPit0tNhllf out: of Inst Thursday, but she is "irfttttirmrath.' in“ W" wart not prepared M week in added oppor- tmtitrr"rtt-e m about sixteen acts --jrrhiiirhire not been mud of .which she has knowledge. e Musié flhsisaitinerit Gives Program In Assembly, With en unusually hm number " “Wait Burned†Ma but week, a speciel final tryout was held Tues- daynkhtsftersehoolforthoeewho 15min. had ' chance-3° â€park- fore the committee. V NeWs and Happenings at; t)jisiirfiiili:r-'iShrelds dent Stunt fifth“! Yaur at: Inst hybrid -iar tr mei Eon; _ . _ -tr" - “M““i'f 'T'"'" MT"- - ""' if well and - have nil _the Bennie of tlk state teachers meet.- pnrtt$ort of. the dndersnce of the maxi mum polished of was in; on April 18, thére is phso to); style: of teitehimrprhen-the parents Alf-i1 m - l - - Am thy tuition on this. am. ware pupils ind now; -"’- nu" -f Xhiauua'etune1tforatlafrott wbrwere1auhtrrrmtarhyittntr Members of the victorious rifle mm which is. com Min; in third successful season. Left to ruhb--Ptrst row Wallace Hilbom, Walter and: "Dott" Clark Duncan Reeds. Second Yow--Robert mum, "Wham" Hamilton "Jim" humnmm tGi Nichols. Lu: row-Jana B. Nana-tack, Mm" mun, 'ifoi manna. mm mm, and Henry Schukie. Nineteen School Days Left Before Stunts ink GM! has more than Production Mr 'BON â€in†IiiiiiiGtiiuir," will}; pad ir, Apgillwmch is scheduled tttApril Marthe 7,7 "t_-t_-FL-r-r---. jfrtji'N , ’mlstâ€"bohï¬Nvï¬Aâ€"flmm Although mu mikenbcrger has convicted tll “a Pine ffry ftrtts dent Stunts" and hu Bniahed der Iigning the may diluent an. an. is 'tot-ret ready .tet. divulge all the {acts about this you": production. Theme songs were given I hear- ing Inst Thursday before the com- mittees. Two songs submitted were so strikingly ditNrent and original that the committees have been a yet unablejo decide which one to use. There in even a very great possibility that both my will, be ttterror-tttttttmet/ttrt, the lining, we“ ttmtkiiiiritit"'Mrirhekr" must: chm are Edgeley Todd and David iitrGiiir'EGi' the school for their run- In order to give the students, I spring mention, school will close on April l, and rill min commence SCHOOL CUMBt' APRIL 1 is}? iarriirhiTiiii, 7513176. FOR SPRING TrACA'rroN, 'Hotrkittis, 31's.}. Re,Jumes 41913.91“- T ll 3 tttA", L This“ of tli-tii-htm, MA mums fhhilllfi'llil HAYS " mums MI SOCIAL Slil1qili,.hkN!lltllllli1l.fi nae members of the faulty were n - _ _-c-----.-.. _. entertained by the executive board Playing four numbers, the orches- of the. P. T. A. It n social list fr; prguntod the ttrat part of the Thursday afternoon in the English program in the usembly on Friday. club room. . Seven! members of Mr. Einbeeker's Mrs Herbert Smith an: several phylics clue give I science demon- sonn “companion! nt the piano by station, and ttw Glee dill) m- Mrrc.Herbert Smith sang several songs accompanied nt the piano. by Miss Gordon. After the vecital there m . social get-together and roiruhmcnts were served? pro Mrs; R; B. Anderson, Mrs. A. M. Btsldild, Mrs. Charla; “Emery, Gaidsik,' incident} Mrs. Frank 13min! _ Inner, Mrs. George man, Hopkins. Mrs. J. R..Jones. Hrs. Gor- don Kelly, Mrs. Hiram Kemsieott, Mrs. M. J. Mlloney, Mrs. Charles Mason,, Mrs. Raymond‘Roth, Mrs. Rénslow Sharer, and Mrs. Adolf Wolff. Under the direction of Mrs. Man- nings, the orchestra plaosd ""Ne Talisman" by Brockpn. "Valae Mig- zigzag: _ttprJitp, “Fund. " th, Wooden Sumter-8“" by Jesse}, "md "Mnreh, El Capitan" by Sousa. ninzaf "The ‘March 01 the, Wooden swam-3’15 artrperetMtrmsterrfor it: triekinestc" , Robert Brown, ttatt, Births. Vulgar Simbén; t1LrTroiiiiiotr, Sybei Ander- ert Rassmussen. Mary ' Hoffman, Sine Wax-31911 Stewart kae. Louis Lit tQ g l!†"tttEt-ttttgt-ttttttl." -5.c.t,f.l. Lt ert Harrington, Edith Sherman, Carolou Coale,.Thomatr Brown, Karl out, Gerald Ritzenthaler, John Rob. ertrsrHttVtrtrtttlr" RtitriitW0r," Kasai Austin,, Betty Ann, Shepard., Shir- ley Clark, Catherine thmnintrtuun, Barb“: Balke; Ted Cabonargi, Rol- and Haugh, Phyllis Rarbahn, Janet f1ylr1zilr.t 3919!! Irirrtt, itettt, PEN!“ Sound. Jack Hugberg experimented with a few eye tricks, while George atitm ave a lightd-uy demontrtrt- tion. . gThe jfollgyinz' artudenttr compose the orchestra: Osvaldo Saielli, Vir- ginia Parenti, Marguerite Esmiz, Robert Dobbin, Robert Clarkson, Marcello Rollers, Cody Bunnie“. tits,: Robert. ,StahL I,_vrrxrtteat_r!'rAtts Roberts, Jihhel Button, Betta Hip- sley. Carl Kinley, John Christ,- Rob, Min Hokanson. Elizabeth Hoffman, Richard LarkiuL WDIAQng - Cope, -_H Ed- ward West, Bandit Athertom- Pres: ton Root, Carl Dill, Foster Port, Ruth Jggirm ter Mefcslf, Edmund koetreliir, Rob- ert Williams, and Frances Jenkins. tremely ditritN1t," iii! Mrs. inâ€- Jin, Min-y wrurhtrviriirtin 1iard- ___ Introduced by Ruth Pardee, James Ewell, Peter White, Edgeley Todd,, Jack Hagberg, George Hinn, Al Meyey, and Dave Cinman explained a few laws of physics. James showed the pressure exerted on a piece of ice by n wire" loaded with Weights. Peter White 1nd Edgeley Todd demonstrated several pendulum ex- Undqr theFderrhip of Mr.Mneh, the Glee club an: 'thc “Mexican Segmdg’: ind 'fru Vildtyt m." The physics! properties of a metal were expliined by At Meyer and Dive Cantata. Since the bend mind: in; the fit. Edgeley Todd played the mine for the students while they . marched DURING ASSEMBLY THURSDAY. HARE " 1082 . idyrhLgbuairtit; wag“. .. 1 "Mii'itttr" Make»! Pitta for . '., at Joliet . tare, Kohibuach ' Chicazo. bu been tract to furnish u meat fpr mmuhctl lit-em p131.“ attt" as. ttsis Des-um and contttttteti.ort , $58,543. The wee eleven pronoun. that conforms to required, accordinl of plapt must twins! and ready to 099" the first of July. ploy about 180 com dusit1urf938, lit= rate of 20,000 pair The tlrm has in nigh the imminent" win nois workmen. _ sions "of this" iirekjris' Test' Hearing Pupils in A recent test] school for the det showed that of " pupils, at the 3911c than six per cent int from M to. mal in hating. ALL OF 0' GUAR HOW, "