and ttt ." I N iiitnpyE.AS Inca u. m: P - ' F . J "pIii"irttr' MakeLKenge' _ _ l C Plates for fillings . iiiiiii"iiiii,iji""ii",i,ii1 in. " You; Al of the first of July. It will then em- Teaching Alanna how to nine ploy about 150 convicts and will pro- 084.300. suppressing Al. (income, AtM8, license plates " the .uknn liquor trattle, 11.344- Jihnpltt rate of 20,000 pair per tlay. in: ‘a "let for Resident Hoover, 81,- .. The Arm has informed state oth- 000. Recording the Indian sitrn) tree cent ot Innmutrrtitt9tt.,alittttlttaiptt, mi“; um eittttpmentsft1 be made by Nb. ant {man can for Howard Uni- nois workmen. _ _ ' - . varsity, negro. Employing a head Non, Kohlbuoch and Biuell, of 8030' of tttt w . h w thieatto, h“ .1een "mrded . con- U. B. Manama. tract to furnish and install equip- Taxation M meat tor manuNeturintt “immobile _ _ license plates " the Juliet It.“ pri: “The mini"! donut, on'ce son» the Went away†otttiinto_tlteuniudgtat_urn and Coastrttetlon armnt.netd.Pta,v. in BIN. to be used in 10:19.30“: The contract prion, imbued. is $58,543. The, one of eleven proposals, was the lowest that conforms to the trpeeituatiomc required. mot-din; to the Division of Put-chum Ind Supplies. The contact stipulates that the plant must tiinstatlesLhr-ltmar1l, and ready to operate at capacity by the tint of July. It will then em- ploy atttrttt 180 convicts and will pro. duesctu, 1938,1142â€; plats: " the rate of $.00!) pair per dny. sions '01. _triii rééently 'ehiét’ed"‘*$tit§ Testhearing of Many Pupils in State Sd munch than 62 percent of the A recent test. held at the state school for the deaf at Jacksonville showed that of "511 _ttor, and _ttir_1 pupils. at the school, eliglgtlyr more than six per cent ere totally ifiiiiT. id from M to- 40 pet eiinGrriiiF-- mal in hearing. . _ ALL OF OUR WORK Is GUARANTEED HOWARD-UDELL I .' Plate 25c Indians cost the government $6,- 821,190 in 1931, ineludintrun cow tial appropriation of $87,162 used 4,; in combotinx the liquor music. Na.. “a Contributing toward the expenses of the International Society for Ex- ploring the Arctic Regions by Airn $300. Contributing toward the Con- ' tics, $55. Transporting high explo- nte lives to tho naval ammunition de- die pot, gt -Hewthorne, New, rather tirl than on an oestatt,46,4t11,, Xaintoin- are itttprittt2ptCttt, the Atpp1tpIt, _erppite, . Egypt. Ethiopia, China and Persia, -.'t'he taxpayer’s than. once it [as into. the United States tram. in [but to he and in magnum. mental activity of Nrhieh the 'tnar- payer never heard,' says a United Press story from Washington. An hour or two spent turning the page: of the Fenian! 1mdtrrrt will show thit Uncle Sam hu more use: for the doilnr than even the tnxpayer him- "mtett-morir to-be donéthm nine out of ten laymen know; Tnke the mat- ter of money itself. Recoining old silver coins alone cost $646,748 last year. The paper for the govern- ment’s bonds cost $846,000, ",UW. “tau. 1V5 my lvrvuw -.. Gum. 833.657. and tor Alaska in- cry brereetion of monuments, cele- bration. of birthdnys, or the par. chase oLhirth sites, 8a421,00T-trt- dialing ttrliflit.te..t. for mgr-git of any field in which it is not tenieel Garden $201,738, the Library of Congress $201,738, the Smith- eonien institute $1,208,711. Shit your eyes end think of somethln‘f.’ Whatever it is, the chencee are that the government did something about it lest year and spent some of your money doing it. But don't be too sure that the government was ex- trevegant in all its expenditure" Return for a moment to the White{ _ . k e its ll. There you will find that the' covers p - vote plumber wee hired for $1,680. lay-zine being We to at. a plumb: er'tt full time for heathen you pay the cook! m9. whet the White House did for the chief cook gets 81,920 while the lesser kitchen lights were hired for $1,320, 8120 end $1,080. e _ For instance: Complaity of Government WANT-ADS _ l BRING RESULTS ctgt_ttg.ttttd, your HANDSAWN "owns , sharpened and adjusted .-------t-" '. Taylor has with tffieitncy and greatest economy dischatged the duties of-offias of Coroner of LakeCounty . . LAWN MOWER SHOP EM and adjusted _....., At aerusticiiaii'irii/ti/iriiitsirryrApril 12, 1932 Phone 3090 ' Adjusting, Cleaning 700 Central Avenue iEEEiiCriSiEE w: Your .Suppof't Will Be Appreciated CANDIDATE FOR IKE-ELECT ION CORONER OF LAKE COUNTY """"t""'=ii=-tIrii"BllllRnr'"'""""-' T' -T- _tjttr, Sharpening 41 7. - llllllllllllllriisiiiiitiitiirii; ---_ .. Ween!!!“ "a-..---.-.---------' -.u6.00 - 32.00 66.; Yi 'iiij'i.ii a; f if: Eiiiii