. _ All work required on the farm M, in distributing the Nod and J is obtained from men recruitodi ‘by the city. from the make of the, . jobless. They work without pay, " any time-for paying jobs. ----teveiarytiurimtrsuhrit frown W - ___ -"e dn the farm hat summer have been . LiiismLirctuhaasstrutpC1tttlttyd1ttttt,t mm mm noon. IN CHARITY WORK lnterosting Account of Methods Utilixegl Then-9 fe {mem- . Arthpuith ugly to per can} of_it_s popubtion is ‘dependent upon chug - a I - a 1.4;! -- AL... " pvvw-ku - "_"-"" if- ity for food and fuel, a three-tom relief promm which he: been strip- ped of nonoessentinis, lir bringing. Barrington. .0., n tmtntrban rubber manufacturing community eredWarb1r,l through its worst economic crises. aeeoidttt. to an International News syndicate story from that city. Not only no the residents of Bar..- baton who' need help being aided in an "htient and direct manner, but the aid is being furnished in such I. way u to attract wide atten- tion throughout the country. Three Printing]; wrt Three principles form the nucleus for the promin. Tyey urea f.eop- needy secure GirirriitTCtTireTiiFr wood lots tram which the needy ob.. tain fuel Gd a fifteen-ere truck farm. where the unemployed raise much of the produce used at the food depot. A typical month was that of De- cember when 460 families in this city of 23,934 Wm_m PM“ iiiiGlum no frills a: cast}! Arvtrr, r E§ist§nngelfm agencies investi- _ . . . . . gate ,ieltuuyr1ieuion for relief 'did From &30 Till Midglght depot an purchnged ttther. -ird'r'-eent"rGiifPTir'rTiirs or 055m from theitekfBrm, c, I, and nre being used up as rapidly as needed. Plums tUrendy are under way to canines the had. min this year. Once a month, John F. Mong, poor relief director, meets with the Red Cross, Catholic Service league and the Salvation Army. A balanced ration is determined upon to be put into effect during the ensuing month. The charity groups handle ‘such relief needs thit are not pro- vided for under the city plan, such The Chamber of Commerce acts as e clearing house for all requests for help. and eupervleee and man- ngee the entire city relief pron-em. Solid cooperation he been given by all churches end'r‘elief organisation? end etch he: been assigned to hen: the some pert of the "extra" relief prom irhietrtarndts to bring um- lhlne into the homes of the boor. -irirfiNifiiiiriitRiarisTrtiriiiii Shim Relief At, from lo- Start Inventory of , k. t Assets of Waukegan Bank; Planning New One .Luryeu Inst melt started their inventory “Janet: of the Wuhan sun bank premiutory to listing them " the petition an: the teietr has been naked to tlie in the circuit court Asking permission to {all nll fhe" “iii to the Citiscns' Bank & Trust company. . _ C The attorneys of the Lake County Bar asaoeiation, who are working on the petition, admitted that they had Spent one day in outlining the legal data that the petition will have to contain to porinit the court to bet Four thttite Foot Moraine Model in the Refrigeration Industry V Arxr "lll Genéral;M9_t_91:sAYal}!§ dnto to the I“. of the. Wankeciii sum, “not, up the News-Sun. Deposits in unuu For. . Thole mud in the organiza- tion of the new bank, which will be founded on all of the meta of the Wankenn State end the liquid u- nt- of the" Wsukegm National, pointed out that the new institution,' on its opening; will lave approxi- mately 90 per cent of its deposit lia- blllty in liquid form. This condi- tion will prevail to meet withdrawals _ which we expected in the ttrat few ' days by the organizers wht are pre- stances. Tim -eoiidrtiiiii __ __ Emma“ Exceea' the anticipation of the organisers, one Saturday, Aprtr2, 1932 _ given by L t d Highland Park Press AILStar 'r-A-S-tE-til-B A LL T E A M, DANCE for sue-h a set of circum- WM "DENON REVELLERS" of the committa- Incuba- out. be“. of the In", in support that in to go to hunk. " "ted in the rebuilt of between “800,000 and "900,000 of the im- pounded money in the two beaks. immediately through the opening of the new institution. that they would exert every wihle dart-in eh. in: “my the may legal my.“ “Tau; 3671355 woula b; but!!! the opening id the bulk. bm The 'hvyen working on mayd- 'WANT,ADS BRING RESULTS LOWEST PRICES in Frigidaire Hm