'c-tiii-iii, 7' Ct" 'iiir-iiid" "FEW A'W7Toe1kr“ '; of Northheooh. _ _)iane1_lirirre'aLXirtrtmtteek In}. Emil Fridricks on Friday. U. Brattdof (tie) iGii is m 'stxrdrofnnarwttoo1t,"Chrut0ome, 'di2i,l','g,thfc'lt2ttttt.hitg,1, " the Vin-u." which will tub walk, of M0; was M . di.. about six months for it; completion. rector inzplace of his brother, the Hostess“ forthe' social hour to fol- late Mr. Orrin Wolfe, who passed low will by: lie-dame: E. J. Bruno. any recently. Julius Johnna has cm 1kihannn and or.tilte Ende- reappointed as caretaker of the broeE “It, _ ' grounds. The directors . __ Mr. and 'Hrcariidintt Otter; of their appreciation of Mr. Johnson', Chicago spent Sunday with their excellent care and of the beauty of aon-in-hw and dauxhter Rev. and the cemetery. ' lira. E. J.'Brnao. " autistic!) not sunday evening it the George Rockenhch home. Mr. the wick-end from Lake' Form In mium " the Mftérhn boom! hag completed her gig month, pre- Wimp. -' 'trtkmthramrttie'irfnthemttre thtvit-rtartheCithin-in-theomodsoet My, April IO, from two until bid at the bone dint B. Selit. Mr.Letl%mt-0rCts$eamriaatd glimmer, Its. main miaset a. Mr. and In. Roscoe Wading eh-' home ' t-tained a dinner on Sandâ€. The Noble Met, one of the director: WV df education at Cook county 21:091., moths: via qremtrihe--star-1nst9Yiar Riga hrition '01 Mr. Nota' birthday tuni- Roy has») of Calumet City, Ind. spent Sunday with his mud. thes next regal†meeting of the Deerfield O. E. 8.. there will be 1 Phi. “Cunivnl Bahia" " the blow M, the mating. Numbers of the out are GeomLutx, Bud Mekin.. by In'Dnvictof Wilm. ' On nut-day evening. April' T, Newly elect/edema“ of the Wom- en's Missionary society of the Pree- byterien chunk m: Resident. In. P. H. Heyer; vice-president. lint Emile KM: underpin. E. H. Selig; treasurer, lire. Fred Reggie; secretary of literature, Mrs. S. P. machined. . A fully from _ Wilmette he: moved Into the note which wu formerly occupied by the Seevuuo beg-her shop, and ere using it u e residence. The building“ ‘is owned The North Northfuld A family gathering m held Sryr. DEERFIELD. LOCAL NEWS Catherine The w ' Mi luxury i t _ terim church will -meet Thursday, Will mmzï¬ummxgrï¬ April q, at the home of Mrs. E. H. 5,‘ nt"ttii"ttii'thiiihirin. Bundled 80115 T church. _ In. Emil Gin will have Misses Emilie and Id: Kraut will charge of the devotional: and Mrs. be hoatesses " a sock! gathering 2m thrrPr will by: the lesson. for friends and members of the bocker hotel, Chicago. Mr, Not: was Inning!!! iiftr-ltitrheitrnuNarme.n out of the two thousand, in n recent this week from a two week's' trip to New York. On Sunday, the Slante- -rtErtT'tthrre South “dim W in honor of Mr. Stxtrttva,nt's birthday _anni- Win Ct., Deerfield,. attended 1rtx.trrtrrpiizattttsrhitridnire-ac CharksLSdig. Shaleftoan-i- day for Imam 111., when the will visit . her m. . A _ w T " J. R. Not: of the J. R. Not: Hud- Fatednr for av_urevera1" weeks ’tripJ I Edwin. the little son of Mr. and "erts, E. H. Johnson. hai whooping' cough. His sister, Sylvis. is “aye in; with her Mutants, Mr. and Mr; George Pectin, during the qw- an an. - Fred Rental: Jr. of Chicago spent Timothy and Wednesday with ht _ i B I B I T Miss Magnet Ludlow of Chieatro was the uranium! and of her niece, Mrs. Math: C. Love. On Sundny, the Jatre family tad Miss Lndlow were guests at the Joseph 'Dmm home in Lake Forest. _ The Chester Danforth . family srretitltt'tidiwr'th Mrs. Dnnforth's " father and son dinncr' iitl be given} at the high school on Friday Mrs. Albert Magi will cumin her DeerfUld luncheon tive hundred club on Wednesday, April 6, " her horns in Libertyvilla. 7 ning at the Floyd Stinger home, and tuud Easter basket: with tempting gifts. The but“: had. been made the previous Friday evening " the home of Miss 1"rrretttl'ratttre. tht Seinrdey, the baskets you distrib- uted toAhut-hss in Dedrfuid. Mists-tues-ur-rust-sn 11101pr elptt met May on» '. M. Stuttevant returned home arith Mr. of Wrk 'r'rL'grii"iE.3-i?GE A ' " P.IPF, Miss Jean Nynrd will be hostess to the Deerfield Teacher Bridge club atthearextmeett tiff†__, ' _ _ ' "if": Irarry "Clivey mttirtaiiieWi6 bridge on Friday afternoon. _. The Dorcas society of the Presby- terian church will meet Thursday, Mrif T, " the home of Mrs. E. H. The ttriehiidtisn or Mr; than“; Andrew Stage hare whooping cough. . _ hospital. He und Joseph 31:0an of Deerfield road, Highland Park were. in an automobile snub up only Sunday morning. near Half Day. Both. boys received broken col- TnIrlaiirNiiiiritTRtWOGiiriiii7trr-ii eimaideAaile length of time. J" 'rl hang of hi; niothei, MIA-Imita- Shirley Listng expects to return 1emyrtthitrrrkfrom the Highland a mastoid opérltion, The L. A. Listing fmily resides in the Merrill Myers home od Brier Hill road. Hondai evening " this'" Dabs}? James O'Connor visited his broth- er Richard O’Connor at a Pontiac hoatrtttrt hut fuck. Mr. Richard O'Connor m in. on automobile ac- cident about four miles from Pon.. tine, hat month, in yhich here- ceived a spinal itijury. Mr. O’Con- dgy, in honor dt his birthaay Inni- Mr. nnd Mrs. Anton Plagge and daatrhtasr- Iarrmin.---of--Nus BL. were Sunday guests at the William Plugs home. Forty-nine “tended the Enter breakfast Sunday morning following special services nt the Bethlehem Evangelical church at 6:30 o'clock. Member: of thoE. L. C. E. “tilted by some of their mothers, uted as hosts. - Mr. And MmrAlhettJh-auu was Sandi? Waning dinner 'itueists if the Henry Bellman home in Chicago. _liErtr. 11!"! but pntertained for In. install Bat: (Mildred Roll) The basement in the Ian-in: was taken to the Highland Park Beebe home on Ottoman amne heapital. last wack. l has been model“ into a pom- Otto Olson, who sprained hig ankle mt stage and ouch] meeting place last week, baamnmed his work in for -tlu‘Daa-nald Dramatic bathe. Chicago.- Bobcat-salt have been held there for Ilia: Laura luhlh ttf. Ri'egr flor- t.tetroduetiott, _"Beir Stage," which In†Laura luhlko of Ri'egr For- eat m the [wt of Mr. and Dirt. my. Wat pn Sunday. V ll. home in Anderson. Mr. C. W. Getty has returned from I business trip to Detroit. - W __ be? -uiaiTei" - mama" Thin; Thursday to Tuesday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reggie. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Comatock en- tertained " a bridge foursome on SaturQny genius. Their guests Mrs. John Willmxm (lid Hrs. Mai-11 Koebelin were Sunday evening 4rttetattcak-thsas-U,Soafkee-home-,ok County Line' road. _ T Miss Vivian Kassie, who teaches in the; (My: sehool,, Mgmpod. *Wisn'has been visiting frUndif in Deerfield this, post week. Mm.. Bett- Pitt was 3 companion for the lots Mrs. L. C. Hole. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. In. Gardner with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Owen of_West Luke her home in Burlington, where they remained for tho (by, -- 7 7 FGiiiii'liriiriTli0ter"rmaG" :3? iii; entire, week. r" 7 - Mr. and Mrs, J. Winn; mam: gpeqt the week-end with Mrs. Olen- “our“ of Racine. Mrs. Olendorf, who_i_s baring a -vmtion from her week by friends of Ewan-L Goiiiiiiii, , former Barnum hog. He and his mrihmrreiaretMtmritymrmttarnttmt misty miles, from, Sigma» Wyn. Thursday damn, April T, " the Wilmet sebool- Hostess†for the afteinoon will be Mrs. Leslie Behring and Iranians. HIilflldr T Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shekorski who have beenoccupyinc the upper _ immanent in erd Meyer’s building on Deerfield venue, during the past _ pe, have moved back to Highland The. Friday evening movies, which ere held weekly et the Deerfield Grammar sehoot, have been indefi- nitely discontinued. . Five local yam men have found employment through the East Sickle Wilt Project. They are the two anr boys. Edward Jacob- son, Herold Plum, and James Hood, Jr. . _ _". Lucy Bajifiild has 'rqturned‘ to whoa! min after two months ab- sauce due to whooping cough. - m" ie being presented tonietrt end to.. marl-ow evening. gage}: 8t end April frinn Tediired this as: --"ee"e'" I mtttrhitttrA--- "Imam m S a†Frank Bond! to: Mrs. Walter h; Roy Scull! were I wt of “no I Little urth‘th‘ " tl (human 1pm». T Mina Hanna . aim of Chic-go sin their sister, In. I Mr. and Mrs, Le tended I bride- PM evening, at the ho Mrs M. J. Conrad c Robert Janka. , Leland H. Ptnforl r-Mrs in} Mrs. children of Chic: mutt at the hon JYute. " funny . that day in 'tttmt' birthday annivem on Forest "was. University Mr. and Mrs. E. B. l Min Gertrude I! cago spent My , Mr. and Mrs. D. A. tertainod at dinner ning for the tineh sons. Jimmie and Bi daughters, Luella, visit?“ dt, the Mt and B. H. Kress he Mr, gm! Mrs. E: little daughter, Jet of were gusts on St nu tr. Sunday guests. M and Mrs. Delbert irirrW%rnirrT-iiiii' ton of Hmey. twentyv-fbur mam! the nymoind MI followed the ten Thursday evening, temple, was well 1 of the weather. 1 lathe Forest, on A; Huh is_the fame Greenwood menu guests on Sunday, son Robert of’Chic Ralph Carroll Al Northbrook visited roll home on Son Sunday. ' 13, at the home of of Highland Purl oFiririd were MF. and Mrs. J. moving from the Nolan on “Micki. Mr. and Iii. A: Mr. and Mrs. l. H.)