Fl? rrve for --e -.- ' __.', .. , an Scheer attended, . funeral 4n Dorcas Circle Four met Wednea- day, Mgr-ch 80, lithe home of Mm. Imam] meeting if the' Presb'ytirign ward One day; Att 'thni theeutntitttit myths; elgctipn) _tt_mr_f3ttatttttigrCryr, luncheon. The meeting was set for- Libertrril1is on Monday, as a repre- sentative of the Deerfield American Legion. . home on Chestnut street. The house has been made into two sportsman. Mrs: William Neville was plou- antly surprised Int Friday. by guests from Chicago. Arlington Knight! and Dmtrite1d.ihgtwrur far. a pot luck luncheon at herb!!!“ on Elm street. The occasion was in Holy Cross" parish Git. The Ntar and Rosary society will meetfridcy urchin, April a, " the celebration of‘Mn. Neville: birth- Mr. and In. C. Kenneth Melville of Wanker-n won the Sunday eve- itiitrr-irtrrer-ttttuutrurhr. iWI‘i; Raymond Dobbins of Elm street. ’ ‘ 1itrerirtrsrnserir ts 'intgrtiititc ing her luncheon bridge club on Thur-thy. -- Douglas Hating: wu home from the Univerilty of Illinois for the Easter holiday: with his parents, Mr, may". D. A. Entitled! . Jack Gibbs. who attends the Chi.. cago Junior school in 'llle1rt Ipént the" Easter holidays with his mud- mother, Mrs. P. tLBUdemtndt. Wortrh" been qompletod on the Local and Personal ROBERT J. PEARSALL Ar, mum: " l COUNTY AUDITOR An accountant with a full knowledge of _ _ Public Mtirs. K. Your "(a and “wort " be 'oreeeutext. Primaries April 12, 1932 Ammmxhenct thin. am nation is the ‘week of the regular given next week. Postpone Meetihg The Deerfield Grammar school] gym, "s"iGir)a1'l"lt'k'i,"i'l'l'll'rt Parent-Teacher association, which ance for retirenient at . definite was schoduled to WA til f), has my This retirement feature is be.. Féiimiï¬ifï¬Ã©ififï¬irï¬â€™izkrfiml , . -- 9W7) tWiwr- “£170: greasively or pivoting, whichever the guests prefer. Nude for the sluice will be provided by the Jockey Club orchestra' of Dauphin“, irhieh fur.. nished such excellent music for the Dmrrfie1d Firem’e dance. There will be a door prize and many lovely prim for cards. Mrs. Harry Clevey is chairman of the committee and is lirefirr, MA. Rayménd Dohbind, Min Elise 01:?mnch and Mr. Hodges. The p btie is cordial}; invitedig A card party and dance will be given Stun-day evening, April 2, by the DeerNid chatter of the Eastern Mar" " the Deerfield Grammar church Int 1e mammal an " i mutual up itG"ietivururriiG "G","';,',' up an urcvgmo an m _ But a titt “I l' """S'F iii"iiiitiiri'"iuue GI',,';'!),'.'"?." t l 7t'FI “Win- and names†'_, __ -""'t - , eiUt in the advantages of life in- -rr-e.------- sur‘unce and s _emrnNte haul-once - rognm. He outlined tint insur- It; 121;?an A " once phould be talter, out to, cave: . . . to . t. the oniount id the mortgnge on your It _ '., p home; insurance for the 'sdmartion _ of your children; monthly income kserfle1d Grammar school for your family â€damn; irumr,, eaeher association, which once for retirement at I definite MESH Deerfield C. of C Deerfield troop- 61, " Ind 75, of 5. It 12:30 o'eioek. the Rout-y .clnb, Ptmtrrtarinn and . The Aftermath ‘promm will be Catholic clinches, namely, will under the dinetion of the Social at.†their mnnal hobby-show on Service chairman, In. M. o. Mop, Satun'lny evening, April 9, at the kins. D-full Gallant tchool. Chi Boy In. War. Farrell, state chairman Scouts. Inve' plum“ til {abutting of Club Institutes, will be the - attainment. of honor. _ _ past year, has increased its assets over $25,900. Mr. C, W. Getty, the secretary, reports. It is in excel- lent fhumeiU condition and is an far. portant contribution in finnneintt homes for local property owners erecting new homes or for those who are reftnaineintr older homes. " vim continue to be an important factor in the community. The plans words one of the most satisfactory methods of home finaneintr as well as an un- usually safe way to save and invest sible to obtain a job oiira.ufiomti of the advaneedatge. 7 _ on Apiil ttrrt. The “mention is pow (put and one-half - old and association ovens its faith series with 'shares for mrtr1ie-mhreriptiott "tTiiiTirtirii 317133358 ing years when one’s health nihil- eauke the iPsirdd an be iute, id his monihfjv" 75061: resumes: of gen. liMiiii stock market; {enclosures of montage: or bond issues. A, month: 1y checkrright now for most of us a". was“ went. Iuw (IUD-u "on I layman's point of View of the steps necessary to take to probate a will; the disposition of an estate where no will is left; he explained in de- tail the advantages and dUndvattt- ages of real estate being held in Joint Tenange and Tenancy in com- man; the points brought oac;ma.1mgh fkhoirBotird - _ - ine a joint bank account were also interesting. lad Inst but not lent Elect ofBeem Apr. 9 Harold R. Wnt, lathe. firm of Vnnt & Selig. (no this talk which In his 'own idea of presenting this subject. Mr. Vsnt m formmlly . tt)y8ettr1qtret apiknowin: the Id- "ding-and Loan 7 ' . W. B. 110131119 Tell of Association Continues Wartimelihoeriettees T to Enjoy Prosperity . -L,..-. I iortd an‘intennely interesrttmt were. and-hi- mn-XrgLohmmboth of the Public Utilities Co., Chicago, mr"Hrrrtnr-SttttrtstBP--"rtr-t-ttrc- troduced by Carl E. Bates. Rotation of the day. Following the lecture at the Rotary club, Messrs. Wagoner and Lehman neeompmiod Principe! Enter to the Deerfield Grammar school where the some lecture was tetettrrfpr_the_ehiHrett of. the sixth; seventh, and ,itthth nodes. vited the members of the club to a pioneer luncheon at her home on County Line road, on My, April 5, " 12:80 o'clock. . The unmoon'a ‘promm will be under the direction of the Social Woman's Club Will Have Pioneer Luncheon Dysertuid' Rotarians, meeting last 99:94:! AT His?! yeskly 1yrelteetet, eduyatiot 1:9.me qudorsgs iikitoirC. no vote out or respect for him 3nd the servicg hephu mmdered,ttie high 1rtou. There ig' po 7 opposition. -"rfirGTiirTar1tn.lreGEai%itrir open from 12 noon until T pan. on Saturday, April 9, for the purpose of electing onemembe; of the Deer.. f1etdcShieidt, high "hoorhoadd." Mr. George T. Rogers of lake Forest is B, candidate for re-election.‘ Mr. Rogers has on excellent record, on the board and Manned for a num- ber cinemas chairmen oCttwadu- ’Wï¬iiï¬wwm?nï¬ of _. Ff Forest, #rs. Raymond Flinn m’ reelection ind utopia of oeii. Aekt agiuked to th _ 3 hinge}! When Auto 'ar] My. V. TtIIT etentf, president of mgatiherar head of mum kfti