_ cubic" 301.88 A canine of illustrdted lectures on in A choice assortment of dolor; gudening by authorities of national . . on w: given at the - _ 'uumuaaeiass.awdu,, F et.iprjtttg,ilhrortrNtstw,, tttUte held, by _" , , "?ilrt?ytri._"'" 1 ' GARDEN' cause the ground, being frozeri iiie up cannot rise to replace moisture is 'iioTiii"i"ii". the spring when thet can warms the branches and they start growth, _rhisGrilrniirir'i follow and the cells of the plant are frozen. The sorts will stand vgrious insects. inglndigg "AisarjiieF,l 'Mti;jt‘;'," " --e ""“‘"I' "-'tt-'" __ -1 = ~1- LEONARD "lalllllt CO. Spread the ro-ots out earetan-GTir' wittraoil and Wisdom carefully. The plants should atambbtttalitrhtiy I tt tt 1.“ ttref tttt -- place. Manure should‘ be dug into the soil each year to furnish the nee.. 218 W. Madison St. "" Mth-she. u. "no may. an trttd a liberal ttiiantity 'of. stag]; manure and soil mixed in the bot- Climbers are usually very deep mtt9tdsmrntettreh-diasitt, for -food and water. In planting a vine a hole 2 to 8 feet in diameter and Metal “feet _deep should be dug vmmumummm from windows. done. tear them apart. Mr. hbiriioiiG. iii; Ci",; in his hook cumin†"Any house thr, lira 13-930291 'HutPetttd,.-tlPtrtltrttittes, arfth n or ‘vi'nes' my iiriiii"tiirireiierfi'i,'riGi2 9nd ply]! them apart is not a are housé in which ti live Some of the objections to vines no that they keep walls damp. This idea is without foupotion, " the over-lapping leaves shed water and keep the wall dry.. Some people seem to think that the roots of tirtesr.ymrw between the brick: and The advantages of vines are My. They embellish good urchi- tecturo end hide poor .uhiteeture. They give needed primer and are a source of shades. They give decent to flower borders ‘when trained on pine", arches or trellisea. They form vistas end give food and pro- tection to the birds. Flower Showr -e swim of flinch -__._._t__iaLfhc_, M ----__- ' MUNICIPAL N avy Pier to 8L00jet dozen. on: um unwell: MIL, 2 TO t 1932- " A. M. 0. In P. M. Lle& food." Vines need Iota it -mexNiWRI 'tWelty This is very easily etiona to vines teriu which grow xirofusely but are all: damp. This shy bloomers. - t . h -. potion, on the Us: soft jute twine to tie vines shed voter and in place, leaving plenty of room for Some people growth. The beat my to hold i the Mt! of plant: to I wall when they have the brick: and no natural my to cling is to use a '. Yhe! lee, bit of old shoe leather looped‘arouml The lectures will. be opening] Fall's will show visitors without, charge. The “anyhow; opening session in the lecture hall handy-y; gill be-et . p.m., tlnturdar, April The sch 2, which will be children’s day at Duffy & D the'show. The Junior garden clubs ni. Flyinl will present . “an!†nympodhm" jestice. F under the direction of lire. George NemerotN, in; tTiiFr%rreiiti; -e: 'tiiiikiir,cariiii; Ntyy Her, opening April lat. ' field Ghrden Club; Illustrated Talk . - With care in plhnting and 1toanore thgtLttt4itttrtsatsattiitsaIiIisiIiei1 anrAtimsirdy in this locality will be a pleasure to see and will more than repay for for the effort ex- PMtirr--fhmttirtrted by the Deer.. ""3riiii'ii'iiir Giorya and the "iGirTiiii2" Good ground cover; gm 1iVrtle_arld 'ri!.tf.titli/eiuhtd Ground ivy. _ "CmtmtWfFT6iWgTTiriiriF' 'trrrise"e'tr.. culation, of gin around, the plants. Newly set plants should not be al-, Media bloom the first year. There as a great many annual vines that are very satisfactory. B_tgt_pne_fhnncguscart,nisaoamr. the hardy, is a font "groweijd pros duces. lovely purple flowers on the old shoots. . _ti_mes attains a height; Jiariiit ttttsts "'p'charming" _ ' lyi, '1iriiitriimaii'si ivy igiitcgrt,ii,tt, ot Fee, . . tgregi-d2 eaves m am they and its growth dense. . Tall but puts out side shogtg Maia: iiiiiWiiiWiiriiifiirririrtiiitrtirtuiL It is perfectly lurdy and a vigorous grower. Its foliage ehtuttrei, in fall to a brilliant puiple and dark red. The Virginia Creiper called Ameri- can ivy hogs of the moat graceful English ivy is perhaps the fav- orhit vine for mrlis, hut 15t is. not always hardy north of New York. I#t1tttt1_e1t9_tttgreeirs is one of this which encircle the twigr â€an; shortly constrict the wood and stop thttiriutelt and fastened id ilk $783 elude my be planted on the north side of the home and this dimculty ovoided. The English ivy does well in such-a lpeatitm. . Vines should be pruned in early spring or after blooming, Pruning the roots in opt to check the, growth of leaves and branches and some; times results in more profuse bloom. This in oupeeinlly adviuble for Wig.. T130 'hlver Lace vine is a hardy _on Gardening at SpringFlower Show -iiiriiai Tii, t" - The lecture pmiiA m has be’en u- , t y TT' ranged by s committee headed by dutch tie vines MrtcWiB.t3ahinafthegf%,tatoit mty of room for Garden club, assisted by Mrs. B. F. t wav' to hold Cakes and Mrs. Charles D. Ever. when they have The subject: Ind spake" tor the ethttt is to use '3 retraining days of the show, follow: " looped around 81ndâ€. April I. . gr.m.--A Talk on 'e mted to the wall Cih?itfttiiits'..' 4. my; wig-s: 'esetftr,le illustrated. _ - ef - tee' I ThreyBowlers Tie TI. ’Iill -PrNFeiilira and Sweethnd'e roll the Reliable. Ned Wednesday Fell's will meet the Beveregeu. and Helix-hora will bowl the Reliable laundry. ' The schedule for the double" is: Duffy & Duffy vs. Menoni a Mace;- ni. Flying Euglea No. 2 vs. Me- lytietr. __Flying Eagles No. 1 vs. Three bowlers Foiled the high 1"Pfe of_245 if: the Majesgiq weekly 1timCgoe on, arid “Swede 1/itjiiirlt Hum tn: IT. r. "e"r'lttreB-rmt1tltte - anee Dnomos won two from Nelson’s 'tlr,g,It tat thrratte. _ Reee , Kemisrotr't, took 8 pdints from the ipts to date Mtri'estiesrin the weeklr doubles Jea- Tofu! .._t.t-..mtt-..t.. sue. The‘other two games in this Expenses for yea league were postponed Ind will be Balance on but d belied tomorrow night. _ March 99 1399 tion, while Fall’s did the Same to the Reliable hundry. On Thurs.. dar, Meierhoffh, took 'two games from the H. P. Bemratresramrthe Duomo, won two from Nelson’s Gange. _ Gtiiiiiirireiibritis1e it thé Mifiaii? Bowling Alleys, Sweethnd’s "ton will be slides of "Roadgide Flaming Through Illinois." . The April meeting of the Buyinig tity/gully),.,.,?':)) he Qg.ld,;LQe home, of Mrs. M. G. Kettner,dt22 Lakewood place,- The program for the_after- noon will trtsorftik on "hi1nes" bx Lilacs to Be Topic r,_a_,_,rB_tLvir_tjtif1trriiga.t Club â€lint-dim And? T, , oam--tNtxgr" Gur- den. Hrs. Freda-ink Moore. limit-ted. _1tu_sry1ba,,A3tril T. 4, p,m,::--t1m-l Gu- den Tatum. In. William T. Church, Iths.. V Pilar, April 8. 2:80 ..nt.-Ntromrtt the ---Aebdrsi-arett q.rd'iiiicduiha Glam trf um. um. Helen Hurt 0.1m. mm. mt). Willhm A. Rama. united by In. Schiller W41. _ hath), 013m 8. B 'xan.--rutr Season- in Ruhr-l on. Prof. W. G. Yunnan of "gym plumb: JItustintf_d. H thud. Wednudu. Avril I. ' 'ou-late" Plum: In J'ItrV and Gas-dons. Jena Jam; mun- 'Niidui." A s. 2 Tr.m.-_ht South oiii'l'tl.'l'.' 11:11an _s. lung. mum An event which ell lovere of iris will welcome in the illustrated lets. ture on “Intending Pleat: for the Garden and Rock Garden," which will be given Sunday “tomcat: " 8 o'eloek by Mrs. Silas E. Waters of Cincinnati. Ohio. Mm. Weten is e woman of wealth whose cordon conteine one of the Wtest collections of irie'jn the world. _ of the inhlor clubs will plant‘s 'reqtemm of songs sad (lunatic sketches in tttmtttgttm In. T. J. Knudsen of .thrHnef1etd, ni., will show lantern slides depicting the sqtivities or 8,000 school undone" of Sprintrfuid, ‘A my: up junior an}... 11.18;. 1egrhr,9rtr11Atr81ruy..s-crgLt.t IRrtl11r_rsgt9r weekly _borrtl', + 51.13;â€; =._v aarbcm.T.GC- ; - @5103?! liFTf, §ZZ§;29;. Lockwood. Expenses for yea; ...-..:irjrii.iri Balance on hand _ V ' other at Vault and Selig’s for those aehiwere "makhe'-extrsctasaa,-just to assist or to fulfill their pledges. "9ffieerr, whoserved this past sen- aorr-aret-PretsH,eettr-Martrh4-Pottenw Cer, vice president, Mrs. Robert Pee: tin; "qt9rrtrewytt, E. H. Selig. money. Students receiving such aid worked " vuiqus tasks at the high Marathi] Pottenger, the president emphasized the‘many ftne things done by the organization, especially providing work for so many, with the two employment headqmirtes-- one at 1lttUlttsrtis1P Pharmaeyjp; mu. " uulm unmermum, 1’er- man of the clothing committee, dis- tributed three hundred used gar- ments,_estim§ted cost about $400.00. Twenty-tseven families have re- ceived assistance from the Deer.: fleid Relief or nization which does ttttpts -thrnngh, -fNperzisor ,,.Inmes TeaMmerB-XUtMrrotTsTRtTiit6iitrWiiin December to _April, inclusive, was Two hundred fifty pounds of pinto beans were sent by a friend of the, Ttretrideats-Mamrho Pottenger; from Colorado, to be distributed among the needy of Deerfield, arriving here last week. ' tycoGor. [are almost dettletatasd. ,. Realizing ‘that the organisation 'will be called upon to act in the same capacity next winter, members anticipate an- other drive next fall for funds to carry tm for the 1932-33 season. About $150.00 in pledge: have not been turned in and no help was re- ceived from the governor’s fund, nor from a charity football _ - last fail, which? promiaed Deedeld a share of the $800.00 proceeds. Money from these three ‘aonrees 'would an- sist materially in carrying on the work for another two months, " the demands upon the organisation emttinmstoaamevits., --" -F .-, 'Abotit' isriiliti" doling will be re- eeived from the ale of old newspa- pg‘s by the Box Ikttgtiantusmntt., Co. The thtnt meeting of-the Deertuid Relief foundation far the Egg-32 season was held Tuesdsy evening in the Citizen's State Bank building tnd it will cease to function actively until next October, because its funds m elm-t 49w I', sari-pa Mondar---Riee pudding. . - Ttretrdar---hretmutru mum. _ Wednesar-.ithmtrned string beans. _ 'rhtusdiAheamed tun. /tlalt. . PHdar--4hteoa. _ Fs0TiiiariTaiiti WIS toi Cranium Holds Final Meeting Tuesday 'rreimtrer's itebort Wilmot Menu sauna". JAM! " In: 'FrtrrrirtiiaiirirE' e-...-.........' _ 77.45 Lc--.-., 1,079.14 -..-.-...:iRr.1ig 60.78 rrv1ce . -,Was drafted 319-; ' Edith Grub-g. i sir-muo- we. all. want. 1fniiiritCiiii; Ker-5'"; 'ryP.y-hv, do by the Right that (Continued fro: NE