sly ds ot B2 ly to in I Lake County Needs. A I , Business Mart For; " .. _ - A Businesir0ffiree Faun "H -e_ “W a; 1"getzua'tigr But. Ta; oltf, in†' . “a" “In; 1tPl2tht Richard ,'iii"ii", In. amid w -__ “new: btp,"lU, Br: Eng-I; 30;! “mutt - Cathy Joh- lAlIrh. John . "hiGii' Plan ri- M lich- ',h'r'il'al'4'l'lll1 a. as? maxm. RAVINIA SCHOOL IN . WASHING!“ FEl‘E Was drafted into the race for this important otBee by leading business and civic leaders of Waukegan and Latte County.‘ In order to place this important oliiee on a Rosina!!! Basis . . . . Taking it out of Politics.. And, to do by the tanner that which is Right . . . . and to Bight that wh h is wrong. " Who. Sarvella (Continutd from page 4) Secretary and General Sales Manager of The . COUNTY AUDITOR m mm: - Running on a Platform of "A Business Man For a Business omce†NEVER IN POLITICS BEFORE a»: and» um 'ii, Pet. and; a“... Republican Candidate For Cuoie Artie-Club "s., Y Elect New Olicers in; otbters were chosen for, the en- suing my president, Joseph Ber- tueet; vice-president. Joseph WC; taunt-er. JosertrHtabattini; secre- W. John s0rslirsi, some dim. Henry Florist“; orchestrs' leader, Dario Bangui; and director of pub- licity. Rocco Stells. Ttte Cuore Arte club held its main! election of canâ€: Friday eeesiitameetiateittthohomodt Mr. Jouph Rahattini. The follow- '5 I Special _Sthrotr_tktrrt0rttortt"tr (" l, "Approved" Meat Products Fiesh Meaty Sparerihs _ ' Mayer & Company because of their outstanding quality 1nd hati- mMit, Thwmepgar W..°!I. Wigwam itiatturumm.tntars, of purity and wholetromeness. It is but assurance that you, as odr ctrstppter,rwiirhesfuitrasatistfierL, WW W W I H -eT f Grogan’s Famous" Corner Beef Delicious Homemade Pure Pork Sausage Loin Veal Chops Our Best Native Round Steak Small Lean Pork Loin Roast Specials _ For Saturday Ontd Swgf’s Premidm Sliced Bacon 25 C Choice Native Pot Roast Lett, of the Finest Spring Lamb Lincoln Market '-------- 3w. (;- 4.5;: Ucra I Jac. r-r----------'-.--)----, 519 Central Avenue Phone Highland Park 3140 r-'---.-----.-. m . Liver Sausage If you asked as to produce the but Liver 81qu that money could buy we weu_ surely bring (on this WI] delicacy. Vita. I hear- iug bit not filialâ€. 25 German Wietteis The Arutocnt of Frankfurt; Thu is “new Ger-u Wiener made by the celebnted Lime)! 0'91: Mer. 190% 1rteatd.e,r.3dier all exq1 -w..i-- 23e l 12e . 14c 22c 25c F121»; :23.- L; a flu.