L , sooufoiiis' Li,;-?-'-"--'--)- {the I! --- “â€1 - ___-.. "m" "B a“ yavointiG', 7_.__--.. m‘xuvemment are being "9&me and ably represent tttt and Minn. AM". M â€jetted to mhrixid scrutiny, the this district.†. husband. _ knobby; nt of . ---".'-. vvwla Hi: T""'"'" men; bl 'iris"; Chi (,',t'l,1uifter,",'it at. this attempt of 1 5.13“, iek {myth} ~Y.W.C.A. Tithoat any reenrd of - h ah - ~.. “an“; mul- unanimous “mu wnle ,V_- -- ...... - plate. » Her poems w. 1v. Ramsey of ChitittrcehdiriGG ,1','ftg','ttgtti,, F. Ji Pgtg, put peering in the Sun; at the league’s committee on Nom- Tll'd"'fg, , the o.rth S om Pyt Literature, North A: Justin-rend Elections; Mrs. L. T. o t e f 'ld,"')',,','.',', 2yhe and a?†and in several ehil Keller of Winneth, editor of we m“ o t " ctntilddtr, “Wu†tlons. As an added Voter-Land Mm. Donald Ska t.'ert1rtth.e '1',eiey.ttt the tn- the afternoon, Mrs. -rirTyiriiilid,' ehnirman of the Records tire mu†m 'WPT:. Ex-service give readings of son ‘eommittee. The “Records†will up. pen should Ieieome thia opportun- poems which. have ' pear in conveniently tabulated form ity of supporting {man who " 'Pt before in Highland P ttrnext may, Voter which will be only a trusted comrade but a ms- V - Wâ€. 1ttt.g on sale by. local lam throughout tun-e tttit . ‘_*_ I 'e"mRtr-i'rris" riarrT, the “FMâ€"fly. We have been interested songs called “WWI! .omtwafromludmintheirinhu- Juanestgi J ad ,?Trhraomrir"iiri, respective tUida will Itueentisd -' an: _ 1'111'd'e.esac,5tes-,yhl". - " 'tFYitraiiii'rv' »3 1tt:tAra,tattmat- -ttiiiiatriiitti, _... I .- "ISMkachi=:, rFtrera'. w gun" t Ion ['. who hear hm- 3.... 'tttrar, . FTFTT . Women Voters' the ex~senrim m--. ' --- - Minn-Q .1 use. -- _ Lake Forest 908 """"% Wm to m natal-db to th.Cexhitrittoet of ltr Work will «mum lamina tion of pilblie 01-! cusaion are an. by: In. Laura will bip 'hom, st the club for tt Boo. by. 'r'lt'3te, much consid- Hughes Lands. -ehairmaat of the “at tnro qmeira. _ ' nation this year. 'r, . . league’s Committee on Education, Ideal Features . In addition to the attitudes of you “Problems of School Budgeting"; During the gum", Ruth Woo congressional candidates, the April Mr. James Mullenbach of Hart. Meyer, . talented resident of High . Voter will also give the voting rec- iKUtrmre and Marx on “Unemploy- N Park will present . â€on". o ords of members of Congress and meat Relief and Petty.", Mrs. soup. Mor. lovely voice has do the State Legislature on certain. Savills Hillis Simone; public slain tighted her friends for you. .1" aimiileant issues, such as the reor- secretary of the Cook county lea.. now .3, tsintrs over the radio “or, vmisation of administrative depart- cue, on "What the Children', Bureau Monday afternoon nt that o'eloet Insults of the Federal Government, has done for Mothers and Babies"; over wan, She is the wif. of Mr, establishment of a Federal-State and Mr. Marry Booth, attorney, on I‘mnce E. Meyer of s. M. Joby. Employment Service and so on. “The Consumer's Interest in the avenue. 'ueeed. u “I. J,t,t.t,ttt.ut.yrn of Public Utilities in on the cover ttf the Press today The Illinois Lessue ofi Wong? Illinois.". _ is an illustration trom the book Voters also has, on Ble in ta o e _ . 1Trtrrt- . "Around . T'oidiiodt rattle" whieh a 203 N. Wabash avenue, China. 13me Men Are u. written by Rowena Bastin Ben- tht records of candidates for It.†Emmi" Church in nett. Hum Pttrk an truly Meets and general assembly. This Race f C claim Mm. Bennett as her own, as 1tgrttt will , ;l,t.1'rl'2t, the o or was she has lived here ever since she pub atasmm eotrt.'- “I“ . "e.---. . atln chili}! loveanda Should be sent to the 8tate lane .Joimng the '.'.tytr Organizations mistlony of natal: and 'lh'lt “Ice in Chic-m 'tidine the fandidaer tf Iulph, 3- door in. is new in]: her work. ..?tttt1trrtiotuusd Amusement of g',gt,t, for ftttiriatiiitiiiii' i',ittt Her publishers have solieited her to mitten-.1 to become in the 1'r"fr'?tat2Ltfth, ard â€hm tryitt_1qyguriGii or M... 1-- “Candidates Records" in the April Pri. 'ttrss ttmania. _-l- -- V Lowest Prices in, $ [Kelvinator History ,-__--â€" - 1w. .. . . In addition to the attitudes ot congressional candidate» the April Voter will also‘givo the voting rec- ord's of member: of Conn-cu and ee. ‘Stntc Legislature on cumin m’ Pyr .r- Triiiirthke-ar, a}? -tiiEiiarrair.T, ' J'fppteriiiiiirii are my f Nibblv 3nd , of turn of public 2mm. and my" econ- omical damnation of piablic of- n... I.-.“ L“, - the: qniGeiri, (Continued tia' p... 5) H --'-e-'e'.e v" "'0. Chttreh's lemhtive Lthvo speak 'afl'1tt , M-- Dependable. Service for All Electric Refrigerators - com niiuents. L {strict that he is 1e1if1t4 to . _'l'i'lll,'l'llr? I A; , u, .._A, A 'riirmiGTii' . p o clock. 2 Ohm!"- L44-.. MI Central Avenue _Bitthtand Park . . a Small Household M I z ', :9 ' ' Delivery and at tPmrerihtiiudi'tiu% try; an "I: in: to enact economic- without do. in: "er Tith, math] which; and: out," Firi.rfia't'"", iiiiiiiui';'5u'l,l,Q ht the an km» 5.1;}; is sid-it-L-iii",",-',"";",",-,','";""',",'," think Ant -I-_,. - _ _ '-â€"'--â€"a .3th M fee Die-ado. ' At.trotte topies to P"tttarfor dir. can: welcome this oppofthV; uppOtting {man who is not trusted comrade but a mi.. A-r--. - - cv" _ ,-_ 'Wuou lava I} T -e “""’ W“ . in the mum, a. of the North Shore post! m" T . rim Lotion and chnit- 1trttut, North American _ 'N.-atar, . Ire-know that sail- wuo neu- her tm ; bat Ee, wonder voice. Beatrice I f Mr. .Simpson, who is the 51'Prpt.e record of cf. - - - - -v--, - III , interested fetrt called 'rii;tiit2"f vfil'dl'd', 23:31- ahtrhe 1'.rytLlri, Mr:- Jhltp,y,tctozzu Small HomushohrMode1 I IP" Erie PERCH Installation avenue is" and In several .e.ht1drenroiiiiiicl, S m hon Lawn time. As an added enjoyment to Y p y the afternoon, Mrs. Bennett will give readings of some of her later q ROB‘I'. w. Plllllgutat poems which. have not been heard 0M†use... x... wow-sm- before in Highlsng Park. _ "V- -. - "It "III plate. _ Her__ pong†have "--ei"9P. - will“ Wu written by Rowan Bath: Ben, nett. Highland Park an tml: clung Me. Bennett " her an - cum: an. Bennett " her own, " she has lived here ever since the was a tiny child. Her love and 3p- procintion of ..a.a--, . ,V-_., -vuwu "m Meyer. e talented resident of High- lamd Park will present a prom-erg: of â€up. Mer. My voice "he do: lighted her friend- for you-e, end now she sings over the radio - Mondey Moon at 2:3) o'eloek over WGN. She is the wife of #r. Lowrance E. Meyer of S. St. John’s avenue. I w rw‘uuloluoll of her work Which W twp weeks. ' _ . “a! Future- ' During the momma. Ruth Wood] Never, . talentod "shin-o -1 n:_k has: her beat-min};- ;o;ra;o . Beatrice Benson Bentley is the composer of the, music h“ ------ ... (Continua do; p... a) tem mitt}. Rochester; I. Meaghan is with her WWI. ill 'iiiiii "__ -', ay- saw. Review of ling group of s,' ll jl(l,yli?a1tjlt'jill'l l. - 00w will soon com- Tiri " North Hm trtmif TU. 11.113702 Highland Park 8 for BABY Em" CRAB MEAT lb...-.LLI.C', §LUE FISH Right now-folks, need 1 eha from meats A? -rH-- rw "ehkt--ahGUi' fresh tool T 're-vt------.-. "------, "------c-L..-.., "-----au-.--.L., ttrtEiii “mums For Better Health has more than QUALITY Oqq it h a s S T Y t. E ! ces-av-Ae-, “1 Ttttee-ir-ss-- met In. Anerica': Ita- tiolery style eater. Best of an: in not expeiuive. This statiorer) Ntr won-up Io nni iFiiiiiiai " toda, "led Syn-phony Lawa. It is bountiful. Madera. But it cone. di. "m"""'"----......,. TI mn’tfhan and m:.._"‘ == . - -_-- Phone 144 , 8Se We 32c chgnge B't8 Central A 0 TWO The . Aut YOU COMP. OF Cl '(‘XID UN ICI, WI