, enliven- Ihtiqns ; 'EE YOUR worlto “in-:1. Help , "tt 5-de had. Mtf bpd for " not!!! WWI. “I". unno- tive, Mb W. "than not no nannlotlbdmonmnarhhuw- nib]. but not '."'tr,."U"t a his WI. m. rent or his. Ut ml“: no chum. untur- nu-rhd . ro- ugh-{Hg .eru, Lug; Booth. " I; HELP WANTED- warn 61118103 OINBIAL It“. ml not! .o.ttstm. open. Int have good ram PAULINE? AGENCY _ M E. P. "" 1ee,UWiPd'i",'e'.'tg"t, 'td,f,tu'.'pt,t ieretrat.ia, will be Ema“! early -ecetnasittr_riatoVeuteer, m. tt1itrtrMttr, .me‘ to "For“ "git ',eg,','.t",it'tug wifo to tt gen- _ _ " may 'm.'" . W are tr'gl-gkti. who will "rtetf an}: . White . tdr scur- .eeLliugle.ti “m 'k1G1'll'lllk4 be Bood WOULD'LIKE To RINT OB BUY. with an or not. of Mimiâ€. E Park orDeertteH. _Xet, H. . 1284 T,21 fa'l,'rfni'fdWT'dl"ll _ AFT" iiiiiiiip "dtriktAtint_nutii.itniiiri (a. on n unmneema e . a e t.ttttketta',teetefgrs,2re Bitrhland Park Press. An excell- Park nap Wanted t, won " m: iiiFiaTiaa warn: coupu: m†w" W "tt tra gg'1a",'8"" nbout $225,000j HEP-1m . 6 $3333}?! sTYiE--cotIFtyRT--EcONOMY _.____mm_n§£h_° Opening ' LAUREL MOTOR SA LES, INC. ' k 29 South Second Street 7 _ V _ . Highland Park, Illinois "I. The Lake county young people's 'alia"""".' democratic club is holding an April ',e."iidlitlrf, Fool's dance, tomorrow (Friday) ir.' use. 59d night. at the beautiful new Wairke- SALES ' w Bull. I'm) W. W. “I H --'-'---'-'-'-'-'--'"'-"-"-r- of the Winnetka Plan Commission a New Sewage Plant at and recommendations made to it by. C Avenue Will Be city planner, Edward H. Bennett in 'liLtl f U 1921, coinciding remarkably with n , or tre soon the contentions of the various reso- '_ lutions. News r ublicit was s The new cary.ayeyte. sewage dis- noted, the 'r,e,'J',',rl'tu'lr, that, since a rarlta"re.ier-aa-a'et--totty" . 7’1" my own you 'rome-lil-ft, mm i" l Demon-w triet which. The Lnkd Forest and may f1ltieAqtet punts m fhtishe4 and will be opened probably in April, grading and 1andseapintt only re- mnining to be completed. The cost of these punts totals nbout $225,000, and the improve- ments no being financed out of the bond issue passed by the sanitary district in December, 1930. T Whom It Con ' tunh "liNuh" “MA :1;de b t4gg,f'i'i'5','ii flt mum l nu tttrut":,',',',,',','. 'dll Lue'ted't'r. 4... CASE TO STATE BOARD ttgf dh a: I',tg,Utt. â€and; tlt ' -----... 1%. Garland. who will not In yawn-{5 ' (Continued from page 6) foraatyd.htnothqrthartth-emttmatqd ------ In hing-If. (ligand) W. W. Gun-Ida. H " ak, “â€___u__ n,__ n-.....:.-:.... 1 - Holds Dance Apr. 1 was guns: Wyn.“ Ave-c iaGeiiarieGl devoted to'this sub- ieet by Chicago and north shore Supplementing the report was a minute at petitions signed by the owners of ,iioiirthiiiitieerttstrdrof all the property abutting on Sheri- dan road in Winnetks. Present Arguments In submitting these documents, the ignprovement "soeintion repre- sentatives presented in detail the arguments that have been advanced ine especial atwnuon'w"mc pruc' tieu_1pyp1tj1ttitg _o_f, 1tttiniort, on the and to the Net that while the Sheri- dan road property covered by the petitions totalled only a little mire than tsro-thire, of the en_tiedront- Buy UWIICIB - "v- “v -__,_“'_‘ “t"wv --"e'-_'--" 7 - _ owing to their present absence from I an. I wt; i. erty owneys col ,lijiljrnoiriileir contentiqns, call- SERVICE Chief Engineer Sheets; District Engineer Lamb, and the other high- way department representatives ex- pressed their npprecietion of the manner in which the subject was presented and gave their â€nuance that it would receive very curetul eonsideiatiop. It was pointed out that while Sheridan road was ap- pereatly subject to mandatory leg- islation in connection with the bond fame of.39tT, the predict! consid- erations then and now Were very ditUrmtt. CEBYSLEB 2-000: BIDUGBAI: it not and fir in " an ,1t1pelLer. trut WILL- WADE B O B - o, - L I N K _ Membership for V K N 0 L L W O o D - Club Ila-henna: ADDRmB-Ar" we of PRESS CHASEBLAKE to Tteirttutamttrsiiiiu it E3191 REES? g