' I I -iiniysasgruIgIY _ _aIBMiXlil8IllOhY Ill .r Of course a hemtrain or another g, snow storm between the time of this , announcement and Sunday, would - ' cause a postponement,» but if _ the "e-e, ai dwing process which has been go: H in: tin for the last several days, " me. if *“iidsd‘h C-ELq18t3lr1strsttes,--ertnttmteg,- Tiiirui-iriFd "flirtyâ€,"i'fiaii "'iViriirgilt; April tr, " the St. James 'hsll. Bridge, flee hundred and bunco will be played. There will be . door prize. Refreshments will be served. All members and their friends etc Ravinia Players to Broadcast Tuesday Hold Card Party " K ' St. James Hall Apr. 8 mm. and 4:30 pan. ’All ea11trmrttrt be made before April 10. Name and address nnd number of children in family must be given when cells are made. The Ravlnia Players who recently won cup: " the first annual com- munity play contest, will present a play over radio station WCHI. Deer- field, Tuesday, April 6, at 10:15 p. tcu-a-ttie-activates sent has nether: decided upon, but it will he one that they hove pre- sented previously. $165 Is Cleiired on The Cupre Arte club of High- wood announces that $166 was clear- ed by. the "yeeer1sftprArttpt? and, dance given at the Oak Ten-ted to the course, schoolnn Saturday, March 19, This money will be distributed. to the nouncement of the professional, Tom Kelly. ‘The menu! in -fttte condition. and while the fairways are . little soft in places, the course shzuld-beready to play on' the week- en . A . . o o “WERE Aiiratis ‘roquestin‘g‘ this Help "call H.P.22&80rH.P.897between8 ley Gall: ehtb, and every other tr"olf- er of Highhnd Park and the North Shore district! - __ _ . H-------------- Local Course to Be Ready for Play Unless Weather 18 UnfaVOrable iiiiiiiiiiaxr t The Catholic Daughters '" giv- Fore! Members of the Sunset Val- Sunset Valley Golf club will be 1Corttitttitd "6Trtiiiiri"Sg7 New Tenth Bole a: Tvm-iris Nrjiitrr Wi; 'm. . Memurofthechi-tiuurunttualitvomtpofcommunitvN-pers '.'T" be Hubbub Park Press new Social Service Sale [Spring Musicale or P'0i',h,,?,'.?, CLUB T0 . ' . Children's Garments Woman 'ot Club To Be mm nun-mm The sale of children's sentient: sponsored by the SOcial Service will take phce today and tomorrow from, IO, m. to 5 pan. at the Social Bere.. ice headquarters in the Old City hall. The little dresses and temper: ere particularly attractive, made'u'p in ioringr1ike and colorful mtorialg. And the prices on all the cement: are elm afjggiv: and very resum- The sewing has provided work for chairman of the Highlnnd Park a naimtrer of women who have-been Woman: club, Mrs. ArthurrF. Br- unahfejto find employment of any tteld gnve grent consideration to kind; Remember that your interest bringing the best trio possible to meangi , continued. though small, the clubrmemheru ttnd the program two†for thi-department - and they tan to give is agtotrt-itttemttrt- through re-orders ehieflr, it is hoped, ing. thttthe work can go on for home Mr. Felber the leader of the Fell tim4'i her Trio wax formerly a member of Mm sponsored by the Thrift-Shot-f ormtrhitutd Park. . ghslteal church. comer of Hammad avenue had Green Bay md."l‘homns S. C. Swanston, is the director with Jean' Dombos, pianist and Lucille be an interesting program. An" in- ;vitatipnjs extended to the publiqm enuie (if ttieGirriiid "vidir'iviai- taking p1nsttlt,et.first week it! April. ' T "ill, fashion' Show of Ina Cortil . els will be held at the home of . James L. Martin, ao Hazel t nae, Saturday afternoon from Ir.. 0 to 4:40 o'clock. This show is Itg',tat regular meeting of Deer- tlehtd, hields high school Parent- Tenchers numintion will be held on Thursday afternoon, April " 1932. WimTaTWR"mW meeting which _'ts. to be held It the home of the trenitttrer, lit-3.01m- erine Ponsi, 166 Beach street. for the Women of the Moose, on Thurs- day evening, Marek M. All omens Fashion Show to Women of Moose _ m - . L...,..-.-..,..,..-...".-. "'qr, Meet 1hisr-lilvening Ravinityediyyr fe' the ' Grace High School] P.T.A. ' 9 meeet April 14 The' attention of the Women of about Cantata at , (faint: "Life Eternal" by . B. Boltonris to be 5&3); Today amrTomorrow m1} {gnawed to be we. 'tig-gy in“; Ieaammtr,--'rsmtartxr,-ttmtnrar; W £1163 On Tuesday, April 5 the mlémbers of the Highland Park Woman’s club will huvo a delightful afternoon of dumber music when Herman Pet- bar brings his trio to the club for the ssprimr.musieatle. The Felber Trio with Herman Fel- ber, violinist, Walter Steindel, pinn- ist and Theodore du Moulin. cellist are well known and highly thought Mr. Felber the leader of the Feli She is best knohrn for her am, her Trio won formerly a member of and still life work, original 'c'omposi- the Chieago Symphony Orchestra tions réndered in o minus:- suitable 131':de as soloist on seVenl "teew- very tmeeeagfttl witli small portraits matte. "v, Faber is niftt_lrnowie 3nd handguns. A portrait of Skin: QM. . t. _ . nag; eiiiirii, GG Ai, Enei§vvi .The gnusiraurpromiaes tabeyt dee-r viep Church Hoyt will add interest "h1rhtfirr--omsramr-ttre -ehttr-mmfen _ "-TWriitiiiisiiriiifitd bite' TTr-'-" are cordially urged to be a part of ___________ - Than-lint". -q.m.-t-..t.--_tt-t-- Funk Brian Val-o he _ Moeatrt9e " _ lurch Intuit-e . A _ Trig) Inc: 911;} w...“ Johnna Behms Rotary Club Hears __ Talk on “Know Iirmoig" The following selections- will he itgyrrtutthe" prom: _ tGGii"%id FM on. " Xi: the regain: weekly luncheon session of the Highland Park Rotary program m at tine talk by W. B. Holgnte, building contractor. of Highland Park, who gave a very in- teresting and illuminating â€count of his, experience over-seas during the World war in the construction unit. Hie talk was heard with present. an of whoin expressed np- prgcigtion. Mr. ~301ch wt; intro. ducod by c. J. Shettilir. ' club, Monday nan, in the Morainé meet at the time of In. Gordon Graham, 1441 Muscat med next Monday utternoon, April 4. Mrs. (Henson will be the" uni-ting hosts“. Mn. Irving Clark is to revigw “San Michele." .. hotel, the pAnetrtat feture tsf, ttte Me-rims" Given Tuesday, April 5 ‘Me'et's Néxt Monday 1932 Last Exhibition and Reception . of Club Year April 3rd; Musical Program __ All reservations shot'xld be in by Much M. They may be-phoned to public to attend the "tatrt-erxhittitt'on of pictures and mptiou and: club year on Sundny "temoon, April 3 from 8 until 6 o'clock. There Vivien Church Hoyt is a Chieatro artist Whose Ntttires have been ex- hibited at the Art institute, St. Louis exposition. travelling exhibits of State ot Washinxbon. ‘Lminois duodenum 'ttinoiir-aoeietr “Steven's- hotel and in runny one-man thaws. She is best known for her fUrqrer out! still life work, original imposi- that rendered in o manor nibble The Highland Park Woman’s club extendsj cordid invitation to the Bert Rammelts Brehestn will do ihe Past ofrleerg Will worthy patrons of the Order of the Enter-n Star No. 712 have arranged an entertainment in the form of I little play on the evening of April 6 in obsemnce of the birthday of village liaise, -Aprit 2. This is the 1y to "the Tthigitt bf Hie ttfisit,c2tiiid to .11 Eaten Sm numbed and their friends to attend. _ Remember the date of April 6th and come to the Hume temple for nu 'evening of pleasure. itil" JiiFEiif hard iiiiireT iEe" Web ship of Mrs. V. C. Hunger, and they wish to extend a (sordid invitation The next meeting of the Brier-nu Community club will be held, Tue-- dar, April 5 at 8 pan. " the home of Mr. and In. Charles J. Chun- bers, ttt N. Ridge rand. - , - . -triI1atreaEouae, Apr. 2 The Ravinia- Woman’s >club will Past worthy lustrous Ind put . Hold Heidi: April 5 Entertain April 6 i" 1% tyes?.'?,