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Highland Park Press, 31 Mar 1932, p. 4

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if - W777 ' commomsas . my“? cm 2, um. fthhfti'lt,s 9 ammscnum mm nu: - r * to l . . _. ,, SHERIDAN an. id) "Lf,tt,7r'l'd,',a, . Rogers t"del;'li'i'e) . TrjglllllllMrNN lilllftlg ll (3mm W -. .‘_.____M COUNCEOPPIBES Resolves Tlut Any Improve- ment Altering Scenic Beauty v, M ItroNeetJetetrte -.. tion was adopted * Sheridan road I!» ma u n plum” manic bunt? are eoan'eit Monday evening . retain-1 tion was adopted deeinrintt that as Sheridan road was WM“! plan- ned u I plmm drive-and its mule bounty carefully mama} through the years. thy low of in. provopgent which vou‘ld "P,lette. ylvvvu-v-..‘ n --_e""e" or china the pro-em highmy would bo'in the opinion of. the coun- eil averse to the. wishes of then most vitally interested in precan- in: its, puny Ind urging the: the state highway department,- he ro- quated to refrain from any Im- provement in the road which would nuke a highoapeed We highway nets, in. Net_RRtrmqAer,P'!i'r"."'f".".'. - '.- "r ................. In. much- 'tesftsed iiii76GiriiFFutiithotedeeCLLU, . Junior Membership T w" -.----------_ At the close of the enter-um] - Created for Ditturhtepr 'rtalo-Atrteriea, puma .; j,t,t:Ai,'ii,1,1 tcst',t't,td'l't' At the regula- 'tteertlne of the city The March business meeting of the Highland Park Woman club hrrtutthtUmpp,tt ittNsrprtyrr1rrPd) iirtportautt GiirfnfeaiittiiiTiiiiitii7iii' the membership. A Junior member- ship we: created for the daughters of the members. Unmarried daugh- ters between the ages of eighteen and twentr-iive are eligible for membership upon payment of nom- During the put yeahmeny of the} young women heve shown great in. tenet In the dub, they heve assisted‘ the club members in their under-. “kings, they have been eftieient and wi11intworkers in the main] serv- ice work and they have attended the club meetings " special guests. This interest has resulted in the change in membership. The tluy members young women end in their desire to; hove them in. closer mining voted for this pleasing addition to the club's meter. ' The daughter: of the members are cordially urged to become . part of the senior ehtti. Mrs. Carleton Hex-knees, the presides? of the.rrhrh- tmtGaTtrw"rP'P"""'r"."r war - ---"'e'--er"L-'" - Warren M. Dahley; ehaietnnn of the o'eloeh, Sheridan Rebeca lodge will membership committee will be very hold a Como game for members and hay” to give any tgtr informa- their friends. Many valuable prim, tion to those desiring join, and including a bridge lamp, will be they and the entire club memberrihip given away. The nttnir will be held “and a cordial welcome to the in Odd Fellow: hall on Laurel ave- -dfiiiiimted on_ page 85) ' the prune“ OE Elle nun- ' - - km Tdilti'i'c1G"il, apetiareynqtAp1r-i1-4htt.as1tr.-1,t,t, {{th the help ld PM” Robert may of the Chieatto Regional Planning Commission" will hither prineiptlptpehtrr, on the West Ridge Communlty eNts"trroeritty " the West Rides ‘Ichool 8 o'clock. Saturday evening, April 9, 1982. Mr. Klugery’l talk, llluatntod with sumptuous slides, will por- tray the North Show Arms-Fi- iii; £0, Vim-of the future. the city mu, an tad the very impomnt part it will hall, Durham; m play in providing home sites and school, Highwood. i-tion., Mitt!” of the has}: ---.-- type for china: of rapidly up: - intt Met ' on . l Present St','; A -. " -I ni--Lx- 11- . In; ".mF""0"'""'"'-" _--“___, Transformation of the Skokie Val.‘ lay into I series of beautifully land- mped 1W3 _trroad,.tteeuded boulevu-da relieving growing trathe congestion; adequate parks and phygrounds; properly planned com- of vital interest to property owners anirresidtr.trs of Highland Park will iiUTi iiiiiiie am) nyir:rr.'--P; -aiitnvtudtoattenertoreeui_rref _- -ui.-i.i-F-'"" s"" in: f ttterrtaio-Amerkats D. T. Po- Bearing $b potted Easter lily to h 'tr club to I). held April 4, " disguise their purpose two stylishly trprt " st the St. Jamey hill, North dressed bandits escaped with $32,000 will mtatem _ Bittltsmod. in gems inst Sunday, after one or: ti v,1 agate: on “to with? Chicago’s robberies. A l l “WWW Theundistratnedseeestrtotle ed ttrl, mmnnicste with Mr. Hoeog- penthouse apartment of Norman E. ni ttt Inter than Hominy m?on, Bensinger, millionaire billiard oper- NMI “I" star, by s service slevstor on the At this meeting sn opportxtesttr pretext they were delivering the ‘will he tthen the candidstes to - plant. The Bensingers lived in High- \nress “Wk” and explain their land Psrk during the summer of . a}! r'epubliun candidates for rug jute" , county gm! long}! press themselves and explain their platform to members of the club. All members of the Ink-American D. T. Politicd club and their friends "e_reqtt,ettedtt)testr-t, “the 3711.} use mam manna: The club's. stei1ttletrtmm..n1ttti? composed of Guy Viti, chum-n. Gabriel Domed, John "nti, Ecldio i, Bold Political Meet Como Game April 4 at"iotrimittee on ar- be). T clever may gnu yuu a... w. w- for the dinner, and irurmarramnrsntrititttemterted airTnir"iiWitiiyr!rete.",r u reservations can be with some Italian comic Ions! by The east for" ou Lady :1 is. u m.--------..-.- At the close of the entertainment Auk w..--------""" I; ad raiiE “‘- “'-" _ them will be . danee, to math fur.. tdia irr.r.rir..r.ririr.rirtrLC"iiiiHi,., M. - - -- - --__ In I. m Till I‘ll. undid-u for ”auction. q a school bond election will be held April 9. . Mr. Rogers In: and three W af who years each no member of the bond. V . Polling places will be open Iron: 12 am, to q pan. at the Nertield- Shield-high school. Highland Park; the city hul1_,_Lake toretttte town Present Comedy at Oak Terrace School Another comedy show is coming to the Oak Terrace school atAltrly wood, Sathrday night, April' 2nd. Thanks to the Modem“ society w_ith peetisd'to be gt howling mecca. In the tirtrt number there will be a very popular little girl " the nagging wife, while. another popuhr Iced girl pity: the mother-in-lnw.Goorg¢ 'irifiiir'iui, been ehmsegrata the hen: peeked husband much abused by fine second number will be tn lulia'n {we comedy with If“. E. Biitxteel “an. 'rioriattf, 3110 guy: 'iiiserG. “piogéd by Mr; 5nd D. Cuechi. . -_H -sanrtrsui1rtetrGekmrt-h, With Mr. George 13303011 - , tunic! lsaghtér, for Farmer Residents Ate _ . . .lleldUp isrl1bee Home. mini" it; "i/G.' _ -iteGinsrisr, -who named and run to her hushgnd. Ellie}: tit Garr" Imam her brandishing revoke“. Take Man Arrested Here to Kankakee dent tty KMKIKQO WHO VII Inwwu Wu. . in Highlnnd Park on suspicion by The oloctlo’n 1111 be held at the once" Driacoll om! Baton, VII Lincoln school hon-o, corner Gran returned to Kankakee county Jolt Bar road ond Lincoln 't"m'S, on week by Sheriff Albert Goodknocht Saturday, April 9th 19%: between when he is to rue chum of for- the. heats of " o’clock noon all , They were Aueovtyd in the tet: iiririliie4, silk- Pttditet sad the Cult Ten-Ice 'ers. one”: the president at the Board --. of Education. ' med f c. a. Wil who served the district gr t s-" . " " you; 12m " nKankakee f,t',,,t'r-tittd Board of mum, the put 4 your: " its pmidcnt, de.. ' former mi; tlined to be u candid“. .foe N4196- ,, - liRah .-------d In. 1:. In” 1BeiiirC.U.V.uL.rLcc--ua 'igiE-raihl--Mtrii, Ina _--..-..:.-------- In. B. I“ . Julia ..‘.'.7.W........,.~...-....’......< IaLB-Iul me “at! Petr TCCC-r. Mr. G. _.fuitailit,t __ ”m"fim% gf.tglt Intent _.-_... In. . M. Fu-td, - .to Ti eke“ my le had Ire, L,'!'?,.'.. rl at tight o'elotk: Plinth to App-r in Dram tization of Events of Life The children of Rivinis’ who! will prmnt musk: of Weahisttt.ton'a time and damn!” aittatithsant events of the period in their “Wuh- inseon Sheba." Thursday evening, larch 81.n80’cloc!L_ - '.. “Elli; GiiiGltia of the Wishing- ton Bieententtia1 will take the plece of their maul apt open and the public is invi . The program and participate, who were chosen from the sixth grade, is as follows: out“: or PLAY . lane yci",r2ett'gt 'shtHhood. Pt---- V Sean "s-yr-ht-Ltr, the W. Piece An mun villas. ttt listing- ___‘ . and! eta-Th -iiaraTwtud. 80m We, ' WWW, EMHEW' _u-- p... - -.---, an. 1rC.?..WGiitGuil at bout. loam Vernon. m 2Lt'N,15'U'l'3a,t Wyn": klt'tP,1gha??. “I "Old Lady 31” to Be T Given Tomorrow Night uiG,irTt' tiriirGGiiy club audi- Won 1iiiareoreniratrcArrir, 1, s"""""""""" -erPF'i-TF---- ___ __ H. - - H --i-_e-_"i-_-_-" clever comedy give you "at for con- iiri.rare-. -.. iriiriae ...--_ Tickets my be had from my member of the Drama Fortnightly club or, of the Presbyterinn Guild. There are no men-vet! mu. School District 108 P Bold Election Apr. The annual election of schdol Dil- 7 ' 1:11:30} W No. 108 Will be held Batrudar, ' Your April 9th. up“: can. [ Delmar M. Bluier and George W. Carr. whose terms as members of the board of gduation expire in April, will be candidates for re- ,r1eetitttt to_eid otBeryuPtlttttdt 033m VVETW f,“ alfa.' WWI}; F. $5.... ' Gnu Wuhan-sh. Yasmin l u. own. new Km. ti (Continua! on. page 81) bf lat. aTut 1i7iirFrreiia.iiqttt ir.r.r.rr.C.f..C.T" aiii. litigi- ....._...-...'....... It. = Iri.hrqas Truth...“ Mr. 6. lath-m 7::f:::::'i,.‘.‘_'ic_n’ffi in»; ii:, 'tma'"" wittrtham I bog reao1ttttttatts frm, . boards of tnw chambers of co) -1aimtss1klu_tr,_rtttr, Representative with Higtort Recently . de Hubbard Wood. ciatiou emsferred hour With chief ', Sheets of the St. ment, and aver: in Chiw- on i questions of SN and prove“! eh and 11th tt bard ravine. 3:161 ment ma J other oMeial loam to Luke ' Poretr included Why Taxes Since the t mixed, 2091219, the ‘ugecspr are the valuation property IT it can levy II} by the uses no parting: Cor valuation tttt imam or m: make the way to red is to retina the rate of nuioti. is upon} it City of 961, a]

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