C D. A. R. Chapter' Plans Various Activities; cc; __ -. -r He-Meetingsjn Prospect I DISCU$ NATURAL / ' F SCIENCE TEACHING v-rr.--. fr- -th. America" TS Ram I" mi} ae-ar pan. given at the home of Mrs. By- _ ton C. Kawas- on Maple weave, : '-t Highland Path -A,arPuttdid-asro- _ -irrarn -of music and "eadintpr has T been arranged. further details of The teaching of the Natural Sci- ences was the topic discussed It the last meeting of the Elm Plgce _P.T.A. -Miss Bertha Cramer, who he: so successfully taught "Nnture Study" at Elm Flue was chairman of the meeting. She told how the children come to school full of interest and pleasure in natural things. Also, how they often come with much misinformation and how one must explain “that the dragon fly's skill as a toilet neither includes lip nor ear sewing: that the ut-woisid be Mrrified it he ever found himself yanking a scalp; that the -goiug auacdt,.theuuuLsittecrBtt_tpark the Interesting A Feature of Meet- ing of Elm Place Pn'.A.; â€6m? "eiriiaiTiFe"tr5mrWrNmET'9metr has] is not smart enough as plumb the earth's crust form hidden than and if by any rare chum a horse (Continued on pm 33) opening» her home on Egandale road; Highland Park, for, . 7C. _A, ' the executive board of the North are ch: ter of-the Datttritterer-of ir: "x',fz'eaWFfa'lli1'A'lel'G1'd,l'il". “"10 o'eloek It the home of Marl B. Garnett'ou Linden avenue, High- the founding of the Highland Park chapter of the Children of the Amer- lean Revolution. . . _ "The April meeting ttt _the North Preeedihtr the meeting I We! ceremony of dedication for the Washington Memorial Tree will be held at 2 o'eloek on the grounds of my party iriren' by the D. A. R: Delegates returning from the Illi- nois State D. A. R. conference held last week in Quincy report tb moat successful and well-run meeting. The Thursday evening session of the conference which was devoted to tended an invitation to iGa-ii-iiii' your at Alton, Illinois. _ Shore chime: of we Daughgegs of â€iii-Tet ,rnrbritvauritrarexeareek the Highland Park hospital. - III - III. '"'-r-e'--"--- Mr. Jamesw,Wntt and Mr. John B, in; . nimble! secretary of “an. Cupple who presented may vim They realize that -the man now in facts regarding present conditions. that otBee i, their best bet. The 'rtate ofBeera unanimously Leaders of the Republican parity gtieeted fora term of two I“?! were have made it known that Stnwon Mrs. S. J. Campbell of Mt. Carroll will uve. no. Important opposition tttV sate vice-regent, Mrs. C. W.. for “nomination. They know I Pflntreratf Evanston .33 trtate eorre- Irnnll Ata", winn- thnv no him, Pan“- TiiRmiri6ft "trtRfNtarr,-flttar- thrteir it: lacken of Molina as state treasurer and Mrs. L. N. Lindsay of Decatur as state librarian. . Garnett't'm Linden avenue, High- .' enreful révision’ of the banking 1n did T'rrh; tor-ttest-er mom 'Tiirtii- trt-order-to-fe-better-rr- H liat - followed by luncheon. tion to depositors in banks. . _ Q W Details Giveri mornings April , MRbV ht all the turmoil of THFIllanlEij brief political race, one man stands out 'ur the a candidate who merits renominaT ll be tion and re-election on his record; is of He is William J. Stratton of Ingle- side, secretary of state. V _ Whatever diMeuRiea. the voters *mi' may have in deciding who they held want, for governor, treasurer, and Ro" other important ofBees, they may atmg. rest assured that at least one choice f the has been tritttp1itted. Hardly any of l It them-re giving more than a may; R. / Good Manta Keep in . t. R. (Mice as State Secy. r--'""'""""'" -_eFe ---'-t -4‘ " J .riie'pii, _ he ‘ Mtitrrs:t A. ', r, 'r___.'ea' "iii ig, ; 5% E u f f,iir-frr, I he i “‘34“; ' en E " "e' nd ’ 0, I . Ch I _ ., - .‘_A.___g___J C. R. Zeis's, Candidate Conttretrtmsttn-ataatrtre Carl H. Zeiss, a resident of Win- netka and well known Chicago nt- torney, is republican candidate for eotttrresen-at-lartre from Illinois - ir t Mr. Zeiu is a 5 native of Chien- . l go and Harvard , - i prep: r a t o r y , I schools. He at- ia , " I tended the Uni- " ' versity of Chi- ‘ . '; cm and grad- ‘ tru' ‘ uated from the EIS '; Princeton Uni- ‘ S'v‘ c, 1 varsity. His law l ta l l training ittelud- _ ed courses a Harvard Law school and Northwes- tern university from which he grad- acted. He was admitted to the bar in Illinois in 1910. _ served for six yarn on tho Win- neth park bmsreraatd-avaa its pres: ident for two years. 7 Under the heading, "A Good Man to Keep," the Waukegan News-Sun prints the following editorial regard- ing the candidacy for re-election of :Willinm J. _ Stratton "s of Ingles'ide‘, Lake county, for secretary of â€Wife. The isatiiiiirsip'ti of tottitdettee in Sees retary Stratton as a man and suite piBeia1 is undoubtedly concurred in by the major-RT“ Like county vot- ers. The editorial: q His platform isrtutnotmeed as fol- lows: Balance the national budget by reducing expenses instead of in- creasing taxes; eliminate all gov- ernmental activities which are not ,ltqo1gtely essential and cut down operating costs in alrdeparttnenttst the submission of an amendment re- pealing the ,18th "umsndimsnt but Mr. Zeiss has been a resident of Winnetka since 1919. He is mar.. iiii'inii'i"tu'fAttrrn -o, tie _u199n=l 'f state, Stratton will be‘om undidntm who can beadepended "tttn-toi', favor with the voters. He will tie" .hutilut.1tt_1rtrr1trtlL.t9ttlte Reputr" lieu-it-diff.-"-""'-"-'---" . - Shanon, for the information of Leaders of the Republican parity have made it known that Stntum will uve. no, Important opposition for _re_tiomination. They know a than when they s1stfhitts, Popu- AA1ottduburt_ttt, "I - g _ Sam Santi of mtrhwood is eandV - date for precinct committeeman on t the Republican tickets in the Second Keane! ptJ1rertle14 township at the . midi!" -A ii1 TE" â€KT: . Sam: " e prawn c g in.that preeinitt He has lived in h Jdighrro3id for 26 yttirtrttnd has been in business there during 111 ’tbat’ 51â€: _irr'lirjrlli,Tirijiiia utr-tudp-ie-rr-- the taxpayers, is the only secretary of state in the history of Illinois -who has paid into the state treas- ury all interest earned on funds, in his hands, with monthly itemized statements showing the amounts of deposits and the amounts of inter- .est paid by all the banks holding money belonging. to the secretsry's oMee. Besides thht, he has brought about improvements in the method nor. Last you he This appointed at state waterway inspector by Gotten nor Emineraon. He is married, with a twig is r 4lig4'rnt ownen and tax- payer. r. an t s ' in the community whoaopreeiate his worth and ability and he has been well known in political circles in Lake county for 20 years. q L. O'De11, 212 Maple avenue, died last sung-day in the Passavant lags- pital,- in Chico‘gvcr ,_ He was; Chi- cago resident.. ‘The body was taken 6211113me ppd othenfise making his omce gore eiBeient and ecqnoml in]. l port of their eottstittttenta at elec- tion .time. All he has to do in b point to his record and let the cold {nets speak for ttsem'-.-.--. Regan News-Sum. _ . Stratum does not have to appeal to "tt wnving, party loyalty or my of the Ether "ittitnenta1 man: by For Committeeman Burial in Iowa Sun Sum "vea "' Easter Egg Hunt to . T 'Ili' 'iii) _f __" -Be, Held on April 4 HWARE TALK BY IgrlI0001Jlell, by Dan Hunt Members of the Highland Park quartet furnished the major portion of the entertainment program for the Eighth District American u, ttion meeting at Elks hall, Highland Park, Thursday evening, March 24. Members of the quartet are T. 0. Thompson, Devid Olson. Wm. Bow.. den, Henry Benson; and Robert Bridges, 'reemnpanitrt. Louis Otteni, Dumaresq-Spencer poet’s inimitable comedian, told several jokes whose broad humor was thoroughly ew. joyed by the gathering. Accordion solos by Dave Suttle received new era] encom. . . Dr. Charles Sehott Describes Conditions at Normal to Dr. Schlott declared his belief that the Legion should broaden its child welfare scope to, include all children. Children of ex-aervieie meet, he said, received their attention from the Le- gion because- or accident of birth.- Other children not,tso fortunate hav- ing 'Legionnaire or ear-service par- ent; were equally "ilsiutrrirgr' at at. state child welfare omder-, who tom gnu _tlrt1rurrAltp_qt, _1ti1r_Ittrtftr1t_ttf Legion wdrtiiiikTiiiiFii-firtTris- use Letrionnaire. _ fee; "wish‘ meamï¬â€˜ï¬Ã©WE dreds of children who have Vbeen looking forward to the Easter egg hunt that this interesting activity, count of wet grounds, will be held it"! later date. Instruction regarding the dag and hours for meeting at Sunset. bark yil}_bo__given by the teachers of the various The serious part of the, evening It: Lions club of Highlami Park, rd. llcllnd M "" Bonn 9-12. " IV- by agtgtodrstament end; June i,' $10 fer term "Old lady ', '?sei.l.dasnrt"--ftem-- - -e',',d,'al'igln' for life class students. _ _ Russel Flinn Call Mrs. Peyraud, or Mrs. _ the Univenitl Detrenhtirdt, 1796. 335?“: 12,t 1 classes under auspices of the North Shore Art League begins' April 2, ends June 4, $10 for term FLORENCE CHASE . -. PIANO _ Beginner- and Advanced Pupâ€- Inuhu Rel-um Method Veterans at Meeting neutrals“ mun-Wuhan Giéser Health Parlor (Woman Exclusively) "andâ€. um ,Qorrestingnsl Jttthrittro1tft so] Vanni-ind MtAterat Both UUWAY. MIC]! " In: new tirtttnmatur.day l aver- -.i" mid' "Yo-tttstr--', Evangelical chm Monday evening Tallow --------rrr chm - ' M. luv-I" - -- 1m. n i. h" " HICE‘M chkggm 3 1010-: ‘1'th 'triri3iiiy? 5'" Yol. " The man-Inge Loeb daughter James I. Loch. N Strum 3011.01 van Stmten ol St. Petersburg, J evening(_ Wedttet " the home of. on S. Sheridan t was rad by Rat of the'North ', in! 13391, and Mrs. Grant Phefp10 that the ters iiFTi'iiitari tomorrow event H. P. Woman's Mrs. Thomas sonLin-L road. Mr. Arel Amy Bridges of also-week-end I Mr. L. R. Rh spent _t,sestsrtt_1, V lip, on business, ova The Philomal will meet next l of Mrs. Milton avenue, Mrs. -read a pttper' flower gardenir Mrs. Earl D lane is entertui emoon (Than ".' Nina Wart} who, have be home with n Hgly Ghost win; spent bur out: Mr. and n. 9mg null andâ€. a, da.