l Robert is Otteni, nimble es whose ghly en- Accordion ived new nate hav- spices iTtiii tom action of children. elief that its child we scribes , to activity, d Park portion mm for day and yet. bark 'B of the evening ighland chh 24. " be held the Le- " It. aver- ' Raul Plint who is . student nt ‘ the Univenity of Illinois, spent the' rock-0nd with gin puma Mr. and Mm.C. E. Flint " 645 Glenview av- ""araaiii.e Jim-Ind mun, 1...... -rtete..tet.f..1tfeet Tm. f HE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS _. _1'i7Tdaurtu-Mn-trnrah3, -"" .-. Assn-vhf of If ' The cum- ubnbu thratt an: chm-u iiiiiitiriitiegc.t.t2pl'gt'gr"r 1...... Ch†m ' M. um! .10. e.-------- 'irTjiseeett2e'lu"P. an -Bee""m"-t'- --e- -- _ by a. an and m el an writt- 'luG'irCatiiiitfiirtiiiLtee.eete1t 'lJThhGuFGriiiricrau-"'"" wrath... flllGa"ar,e-seefsttett1tett: obiunrl- not“. cl amt-nick yle'll'f"aa%rauii'iGiiriiiiietyer' Ede!) Loeb daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James I. Loeb amrMr. Herbert van Strum son." Mr. and Mrs. Jacob van Stmten of Athens, thc, and St. Petersburg, Fly; took place last eveniniti.Wedttetsdto) at 8:30 o’clock at the home of. the birdeauytrents on S. Sheridan mad. The cgremony ms reqd by Rabbi Charles Shulman of the'North Shore Congregation Istael. . _ "Nht'amtrnsmrreeetftre and Mrs. Grant Eugene Hill (Betty Phefp10 that they sre in their quar- ters iittditarmr,ttrrrxaridor, Phil- Waï¬m FaiiN-Grr-iuiiiiiy' Evangelical church enjoyed a party, Monday evening in the church par- tomorrow evening (Friday) at thel H. P. Woman's Club., 1 Mrs. Thomas G. Pause of Anoka,) Minn., has returned to her home 7913137773 two, "reeks visit with her soiiu'ii-liiir" itie-thmghter air. Ind Marla-nest erehemnt- Sum» Cri,7,ir, ’."“"' - ma. Mi. Arch G.'Péue and-Miss _. Jl,i1tfi,tl,ft :,?t,t,ert,l,'rtg 'A-tli, Amy Bridges of Belleville, 111., were vil e . hoe f." B?†an Ag . ec 313019? chit-end guests. a ", ' 7 ', N. C., u sppndm'g his 10 day spnng Mr L. R Rigdon of Lincoln 111. “can“? with his parents, Mr. and .' ',, . . 9., 'd,t1TC."a"',,r,2'lMrii.' ‘Geo. Childs, of N. Sheridan "riiaGr-'"g or “a will anal;ageâ€"iilfégiï¬ï¬‚ï¬iflx‘m Park on business, over; an The Philomathean Reading' circle will meet next Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Milton Tillman of'Central avenue. Mrs. George, Shelton will -read a pttper' on ‘SAdventures in flower gardening." - _ Mm. Earl D. Fritach of Orchard lane is entertaining at tea this aft- emoon (Thursday). , Nina Wnrth and June Pete. - - . A4_An__J A- L A.‘ , Nina Wart}: ind June Marshall who. have been eontlned to their home with I throat infection. are Holy Ghost academy at Techny, and who spent lest week with her per- cent: Mr. and Mrs. Hervey Witten but returned to school. _ _ told lady 31" is to be. given " the B. P. Woman’a club tomorrow oearetinor.e,.prsattdtil,-t1to-eAtr, --i- The xiii-Hm thiee Witter: who is txttndent, If 'ririuGea Oll- Inwm l. 'llrL%TroiGrA-iti"aur"h. ,rueemtndrrM_tte.eg'1"_,'.Cye.'r" Valhalla-(aluminum 'i'zpi-BE'Ceiird tttt larch " a; -it. mm; serving [,1T1GG"i; 'iiaaai.tTi? HIGHLAND PARK LOCAL and PERSONAL Ur " F0. I ' and I! MacPhetson Thomas and Martha June Thomas of 537 B, Linden IV- enue did not return home for their Enter vacations but spent the time visiting in ‘Wamnmon. W. Min Hester Ann Thom-.3, who attends th9~Univeraity of Chicago, motoyed east"with friends. ’ Mrs. K. P. Mmhtle of 635 Glen- view avenue, mounceg the engage- ment of her daughter, Janet, to Mr. W. P. Libby of Milwaukee, Wiscon- sin. Mrs. Archibald Bailey and dumb- ter Barbara spent several days this week in Neenah, Wis., visiting her sister Mrs. Rory. A Mrs. R. C. Cameron who has been quite in with theuttt for the past week is improving. . . . Are you going to see "ote Lady 31" tomorrow. evening? .It’s being given by the Presbyterian guild at Jean Williams, daughter of Mr. atmraerrr.--iialgi11inmidscathtttttt from Mt. Vernon Seminary Junior college, Mt. Vernon, Washington, for her spring vacation. __ - Mrs. Veeda Kemp†of Lou An- geles, Calif., is spending seven] days this week as the guest of Dr. and MrsmA; J. Wurth of, Yale lane: Illa "WrW-=db-n" "In“: UL Ann: “noon - Thomas Tauasig of Chicago, out} Belitsr, Ballard. Carolyn attends . student' at Racine Military school, Wells college at Aurora, New York. spent Monday in Highland pug .The‘stses Cynthia Sims and Jean viditing his grandmother Mrs. 2immerman, who attend the North- --e-- ,7 -__ em Illinois' Teachers college ht De "iiiriireline Knapp formerly' of Hawthorne lane, has 111on to ths City, Iowa. over" the week-end. If you want an evening" of reall enjoyment, go to see 'Wld Lady 31" It the H. P. Woman's'club tomorrow evening( Friday);" ' _ _ - Li." Ftllr conga, who. attends the Ashe' ‘ville Séhool for Boy's in Axhvilie; m. C., is spending his 10 day spring hired ‘Zahn. who is a student at the Purdue university is spgnding Mrs. Chas. J. Zahn of Mr. Sam "WoTiiiiiis; $1110 hr rm: dent at Kenyon college at Danville, Ohio is spending his spring vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Holmes of N. Sheridan road. Mme. Marie _Therese visited herl, daughter Miss Pearl Swanton last week-end at the University of Illi- nois where she is attending ithook All Highland Parkers are invited W attend . Michel L. Izoe for governor rally at the Waalttatran hi h school tonight (Thursday). Mr. 1200 m "iittmr-Detrrper1rtirr-Nrer and county undidâ€?! if]! agent; "if.“ iiGrr"ijiiiriu' Trirtiiaf 6i 448 Oshton “can. entertained a a family dinner on Enter:- .‘ _ George Sinker, who attends the Cincinatti university is spending the week with his parents in Deirtuld. The Misses Isabelle, Dgnley of Fin- Jei YriiE-Timx-asmrEvilPtiyev of Linden Uvemte.returned to thitr studies " the University of Illinois, Tuesday efter spending the week- end with their respective parents S. _sheritiin M 'Mr. George Stryker of orchard tune, Deerfield entertained 16 of his Highland Park {aid Deerfield friends Inst Friday night. . - " .Rnth Berube. who, is, in training at the Mercy hospital in Chiendo it. turned to her home for . short visit last Sundny. . _ Mr. Edward Klee of N, Linden. tmirtttgt_itt spending his spring vaca- tion with his uncle Mr. Willinm Thalhimer at Richmond, Nirtrinia., Miss Dorothy Bteihiehl of Glen- coe avenue is " home for her spring vacation. Dorothy who attends the Milwaukee Teachers college, is the dntsgthter. of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bleimehl. V Mr. Keith Grant went back to the University of Illinois to resume his studies but . Tuesday. Keith spent his spring vacation with his Miss Carolyn Ballard of Orchard The Misses Earhart Ballard and tiure-tir-spendtntrHter Easter my. Janet Bard, are gnj9ying their three Have you purchased your ticket weeks spring. viiiit"iiiiCiirTh6 ttitnt yet for "Old Lady M"? If not you of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Small had better do so at once, for you near Cannes, France. They are ate surely will miss a real good show, tending school intranets. I if you don't attend. _ _ The Misses Mary and Diana Ma.. tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. vor of Laurel avenue entertained _ - ., - n " nuns- A; A.-- 1-..; “cubes-An.- respective parents id ttrl. aid Mrs. 0115193 F. to Boned Manure, per yard c........-...--., Black Soil, per yard _ .. _.....-.-......'.....-.-. Vigor-'0, per hundred o-.-------" Standard Bonemeal, per hundred..-. Blood and Bone, per tumdred,---.. Milonganite, per hundred ------" Neutro-Lime, per hundred o.-----' - P Tn we: tiintrurt luxuriant growth of shrubs, léwns and HIoiiitrEthe "soitmtttrtiitstrl?1y C prepared. Now is the tlnidfd 'isTitiir"eu'-ei-"wa=s'--sa---" ---the Garden! Mrs. â€DRAM“! ‘of Kinaid av- enue who has been seriously ill is improving.- , . Mr. William Gifford spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs; Clriton R. W‘on-N. St. Johns nvenue. ‘Bill “tend: the Uni- versity of Illinois. T The Misses Peggy Osborne and Virginia Grant who attend Rockford college are spending their spring vacation; with their resrpeirttve pub eats. The Misses Margery and Ann Benson of 2050 S. St. Johns nvenue played in a piano recital at Lyon & Healy hall on Saturday, March 26. Both girls are pupils of Miss Dor- othy Best of Oakland drive; Ravinia. _ Mr. Howard Klee, who is attend- ing Michigan State college, at Lon:- ing, Mich., spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Nathan Klee of N. The Misses Mary and Diana Ma.. vor of Laurel avenue entertained several friends at tea last Saturday hftemoon. ' -- _ . -_'- . ' -- PHONE 65 teT ' 148 North First Street W ir., Robert Hogue,. who 1is a stu-, denf at Elmhurst when; spent [his Easter vacation with trupd, jg tht -tiircroeicerl home in Carlsbad. y. Misses Earhart Bullard hm? dred-... 3.00 L..-........ 3.00. _-.--..-' 2.00 $3.50