i i "'"", HIGHLAND paw: LOCAL and, t.a ' _, .r 7 v - . .rlWiiiii'rii DWI "tl', u---___,, - "as, l I?! "In: I mgmgnc‘s Misa Ablard for Wash- _make their home m an A new set “fills-33f ___ 1iithiiiuo Hartoeacteachtr, i,,,h,"i'ali211if;'; Pie Il . T ’ _ 'f the Oak Terrace school is spends luncheon on OWedgl mow r-" LWthii.o WM i 7 1373 the spring mutation in Northern sir", and Mrs He " _ -7 _ isconsin With retatives. r . . '-pr.y f GOODYEAR - The Pi Dela Business Girls club Lake avenue eqtgrtam '- r -4u 011133 Emu. are to hoWan em, on Tuesday evening- A --r-. ___~_r___ 2.qu carr,vei_)y_r.1t._/)c._f, LOW s t PRICESI IB.] L33ALME-d, J, iri.gtcl?.ttt.,.gugL1aeas r ‘Mf. attttLMetst Geo. Child: or u. we _ Goodyear d ue.' _ ‘ 'is"itaiit"""tiMr' "ii2 "Rat! ~29 P, "~- . ___ R; VF A, 3516'; I .---m A.†Aaivstille, mp, where he will re- N 'dee rat 1'lkth'l'ire':?.'iiiiiiEi same his studies. tert A 74-“... andâ€... John Dale Kusick of Fon du Lac. per - - . _i.-.-bir" in: rue: answer. “Anon pv-uw- - ' VVW - _ _ _' Precinct "cGaiitueiiiiiit "n" â€w'T†Tenth Precinct Highland JL/ 'tdl'",', rot-Government» the People â€Vote the Dunner-tic Ballot . Supettwllg Coed The! mm“ ltr""" CASH PRICES avenue. . V T' It A D I Mrs. George Emmet who has been hymeldures wintering in Winter Haven,' Flor- : M than" _ ids returned home Tuesday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Hsneock and baby Tt 193.2 of Toledo, Ohio are visiting, Mrs. Hancock's sister Mrs. Geo. Clark of "etort"Ait 643 Vine svenue- They intend to “WW“W†remain for about s week. - Miss Marion Weisenberger of 1201 _ . .. . hree pm“ --'- 7 m y _. "M __ r of her college friends over the week- mm m... _.-- "h, Lo . -z,. t, --re -__ev h i “Radio _ tr.1, mine immer w o is n . ttat. training at the Norwegisn-Ameri- _ can hospital returned home Tues- " (by to spend her two weeks spring MCI SERVICE vneation. Mr. end Mrs. Henry Jackson Baa- l,','tttlft', 8 kin announce the marine of their Ptkee I Phat treet daughter Clare Ruskin Bocquin to "a-r-i-ri-tr-i""'"" Mr. John WilUrd Sharer on "tur- . x . day. April 2, st Evenston. Hrs. ernment by the People Shear is instructor of French st he Demmtic Bend . museum. high school. ne'er-t. '. 'iiCiirssrs.iet.rtt_ttd, _----.---- - -....... . family who have resided in Tet, 79:14:21 u .17 ' '2! Ina-II ki theithome _ Jamal"! -H, 1“!th t.tj'lti!"iitti,,? 'air 1'tirl In: i'triie-i'iFGiCrFimi _------- John Wilhelm. Mn, my}!!! be suntan high schooh I.†Miss Katherine. 'Berube enter. "tr. 8m "We.-'""'. n......,,, - 1 T _ mined eighteen of her friends at a Howard Hoyt of Onk Park Were the it}: 1Gcgiidar,ssstnirut. . Sunday dinner guests of Col. and has __ _ Mn. Howard, Klee is returning Mrs-Heater B. Clurk of baggage 1.1. home Saturday 1pm Hiehigen State oreeeditstrthe exhibition tear " the 3 college, Lansing, Michigan,“ spend Highland Park Woman's club. Mrs: his spring vacation with hi. mother Hoyt who is a cousin of Col. Clark’s - -- A- m..- " u than is the present exhibitor at the The Misses Haul Miller, Mar-l garet Hunt nnd Genevieve Card mo- tored to Missouri to spend the Vacl- tion week with their respective por- enta, Mrs. Fr G. Piepenbrok and two boy; "eompartud the teachers of the Tuerfleid' Gamma school. , Myra J we Hutton and her mother Mrs. Lydie Button are spending the week with relotivee in Kenna, Ill. Myth Jane is spending molt of her time with her grandparents Mr. and Main 'itFiiditmr-a-tut-titrr-,-a- my, jikiijTiikit_r_r,tey_tt! and hopes ttt shake hands with' Preside-Hoover before returning. Misses, Charlotte Brand 3nd Lois Clgrk left.Monday, April- 4, on the ,-__ -- LLidt -- In“ Ablard for Wash- Vine (1 an»... “an." tii'r1ruYrill {Huang to»; Man elec- April I " 'i7ii7o'iiiiir. '"iri"iic; will be served before the election. Billithilds who has been Spend- “his twon'with his parents futcmt‘lklilu. Geo. “Child: of N, [‘lhnville; N. c.. where he will re. Mr. tiiM Mrs. L: w. re: 61 North Green Bay road week-end. -- Weex-enu. t The L. N. Green fumily of Au- rora; Blinds spent the week-end with ’Mrs. Edna Green and her (barium: Ruth of 312 N. Green M. Emriet ri, Img been Miss Etta snmeio, of the tide“ Winter Haven; Flor- truildrittrHit spending her spring TStr """"- -_.,._ d»- M mother-“in Rode nter Haven, Flor- truildrittrHit spending her spring u- 7 _ 7 _ ' WY- --. cation with. her mother “in, Rock Listed. among the stellar Hm imd W". ford. aiA.'drittiikid who'hu'been' Momma {my noon to "e visiting, Mrs. m for several weeks is ‘slowwim. even as: uiriowUnith" "Pa Mrs. Geo. Clark of proving. _ Plumber," “Shunghoi E " Ther intend w Mr and Mrs Philip Scdlly of "Lady Ire, . must," “d " , , Tttts " mm DeerfUld ,i1l... entertain ft,,,',".'",',',",' the mm' x""- - 1-4.1..- " an ---r------" thnner will [urlleu may - --___, - ction. City, N. J. where they spent sev- "tNIV" ""'."h""",' -- __ ,7 7 V, ,,, been â€and. eral weeks. " _ __ Ace." with Buddy Rogers, Baggy 7 by, parents . Mrs,, Charles Steele of Austin, tMtg magmnug‘gig‘?%ï¬g$::& t'l"eV ' et: N. 1tu,'rf, of- 1','t,rg,l',?)."'" af N., 'iriiivmae'-a1.y.r1hi_ _hitvwithatlte--r, _rlte_rtiirrtr- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur wanson -.- TGi" itâ€! J,t,p2; °f the fam- _ _ - Ter-tatrial-their Smithy evening: sup- "hee Eats n i ‘ e " ' Ppn du Ite, per.and bride oib last Sunday. S w __ _ . -. --e_Ar.te o'-' M __ L. T""-"?" .- -WNMt "et ' . > - ...: " has been- nudity my! Monday brings Will, 'P, A o " " " Rt, I1ir,11t.tttt2 high provider. - 1-1: In“ mason of ' over the t Will tol rem on SIN!- shlwn. m tf Franck It Ichool. - k Bu Campbell Chapter guild will meet TI a“; Friday afternoon " the home of ' l Mrs. Peter Grimm of 868 Bloom W8: to street. Mrs. Jean ginelair ma Mn 1'l tlf, - Anna Cuban will at u hostems.‘ iriimi u . Mr. and Mrs. Hm Jackson Bu- ool. _ Alia annqunce the '31an of their my 5nd darutrhter, Clare 3mm Boequttt to _ " mnl___a ISL-u-n gutnrantr. 3| remembered ffl "walnut“ - -. -_ - the helm. Mrs. Wilhelm who spent V â€7" _ . winter' with her daughter In Wan-‘. Attrittive Program been, has returned to her home """"r"r""", here. . The array of photoplays' pro: Mrs: Elizabeth Smith who spent grained for the Alcyon during the the winttyith her “We†Mrs. coming week gives promise of sup- Cherie: L. Berry of Trornmrom1 - plying ontN snteitimimmt even enue lin NONI? for her home in for most porticular theatre-goers. Logunsport, Indium, The new projection equipment. The marriage of Mrs. Irene Lour- which provides the Alcyon with the idsen end Mrs. Elmer P. Quillnn on ole-mt picture on the north shore, iruudstauph-8l., _u_sirymqt1ttsd, is now in operation, and should in- " 4 pan. by Rove P. J. Holly “the creue'the enjoyment ot those at-. -r.- - '-- ------m Thaw were tending. Mrs. Eliubth Smith who spent the winter with he: (hunter Mrs. Clyde; L.’ Berry of Homewood av- enue lift Monday for her home in Logansport. Indium, The writs. of Mrs. Irene Laur- j1ien and Mrs; Elmer F. Quinn: on Funky, Much 31, w†sokmnized It 4 p.m. by Rev. P. J. let Wthe bahmkuhl. A seven o'clocx allure; was lowed nt the {home of Mr. until Mrs. Ernest Schwandt,’ 616 Cantu! avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Quillan will make their home'in Highland Park. ', Mrs. William Pearl is enterttiini. (tii- t"aiicrGLortoorrrirttf, at luncheon on Wednesday. -F-v--- --, --_- Mk and MrserHenn; B. Clark of Fri bake avenue entertained at dinner trule an. Tuesday evening. . _" _ One agl,i,r,Llt, -,trtt1,-uLts-,2-s,2f,tt.far,t â€- r?i-',-,tt, any. N. J. where they ',"i",7ii? --.. IN! __ hee.' spending several men V ere u rglatives bub Mt for. New York tn from whet-(she win sail on Sum» his day for her home in England. Her " aunt Mrs. W. E. Holland and dumb: bo ter Beryl of Aglington Heights mo- 3 "orted east with Miss Cross. _ co: l~mmd~unwwmuonuu jiitii, -.," Howard, Hoyt of Onk Park were iii?) ri, _ A, " "A «It? Ta Wiiiiiiiii'tCemWJ '5ETtmMltr'_"'"'"'r"-'" W _am,s,_81tri.t? mother of Mrs. L. F. No _ meeting of the city eouucu Home Jf'mthe . Wteytpgmb aeashutr3f?tt4tr, 91mins, and the who spent the winter with her date 0f the next ieittihr "Mari: _ TV daughter left Sunday for her home Hominy evening, April IL _ t. in Des Homes, town. . , râ€"â€".â€"-â€"â€"â€"j of Mill Mnrttaret pp- , of Mrs. Irene LID!" Elmer F. Quillln on Ir81, ms solemnized emf. J. Holly tithe nannMe Ibex were and) PERSONAL o'clod 13 v T'ei"eeet '1W* club Alcyon Presents . _ Attractive Program Ime lCllloun-v. n.-- ‘, edienne, Edna May Oliver.- in "La- dfes of the Jury.†Others of prom- inence in the cast are: Ken. Murny. Kitty Kelly, Jill Esmond, and Ros- - -_r-- " um um. "5‘13“1833 an“ L .v...‘_-h typical Rogers farce and enlisted in his Support are getta-Goudal and Joel MeCme." Tony Wons Scrap- book, a Slim Summerville comedy, ,a Vitaphone net, and news events Peel,',.,'.,',', the show. » l ' /1'TdiifittrP, and Tomorrow" star; ring Rum tttrtrttertort ~3nd-Â¥uu1 Lukas is the big attraction provided for "r"si'i'Gi'r1ir-iir"yiiitettiuttt1, “Busmess Friday and .Saturday bring a tile hit combination. Hit number he is "The Fi'nnl Edition," with 93; fert and Put O'Brien, of Mi Pure†fame. Bit number iii? _ i appeal "iFiairiarlrrmjni Pf Todd in “Sen skin." am ttrains-lure ite the pro- includes a Mickey Mouse car- Fur Jacquettes ' G. Spring. Reduced Prices Mdldaner 8dHiirner muasnn. A?llb if???“ -Nrtttr--ttt “1:va l of romance and superb act- The, remainder of the' bgill in A',"""'"""""" ._ -- - Id, ttlip remarkable picture _ _---------.- No Media! Held Furriers PiVif Eili to the Ab. aiis11r a 'l'nelmu D.A.R, ff, auur of American Ra {I}; annual ire nntieiira' gram of re Assisting Mrs. Carlet Mrs. J. A. ington Me land Park south en1 held at th started of linble Law " Neuoith Next TM- ei: J Annie hoe Harg' Nelson’s ( 857 in follows t his, p1