Pom-TWO For a Representative in Congress, State " Large, Vote for a Man Who Will be a Representative Mr. Carson is Editor and Publisher of the Greenville Advocate, one of Illinois' staunchest Republican news- papers since 1858. He is a native son' of our state and an outstanding public-spir- ited citizen. He is Secretary of the Bond County Repub- Manhunt “the _Greeuyille Chamber of C6mttttt'ee; and a Director in the State Bank of Hoiles & Sons. Although fighting in the front lines during a quarter of a century the battles of the grand old party, both personally and through his popular newspaper, Mr. Car- son has never before sought public omee. ‘He is deserv- tnir,msil quplified and worthy CONGRESS WILL C CARSON _ State at Large ser-" Candidate for Greenville, Illinois WE‘REW Old Vernon Hotel . mm . at Half Day Burns‘:t hot.' 0"er The old Vernon hotel in Half Day, was completely demolished when fire swept through the two-story frame structure last week.- TheOttttldintr, valued at about $5,000, lay in ruins today although the Wheeling and Long Grove fire departments were able to cheek the spread of fttunets to neighboring structures. TheEVemon' hotel, own.ed by Mrs. Mary Kelley of Chicago, was not occupied during the past three -llF'orJllllikoaamtia,tg, Burn have that's CLEAN and oasily regulated with WAUKEGAN Kopmms ifl 00KB» Paul Borehtuft . Frank Siljestrom Highland Park Fuel Co. Menard & Mccogni Your fuel dealer will be glad to explain the heneiitsutsslstasceaailrrtatulated heat with WAUITGAN KOPPERS COKE. Call him now and ask for full particulars. Learn why WAUKEGAN KOPPERS V COKE never makes soot or smoke. Why tt IS thoroughly efficient. Why it is so convenient to Handle and easy to burn. Or write for details to the North Shore Cigarand Chem. ical Ckmpany, Watkegan, Illinois. Iillllrllllllihh'llll? - " Tl. PI!!! Many years ago, it was known Is the most familiar stopping place for tourists and _ peopte of Chicago bound for towns of Wisconsin. Although the structure proper was erected about fifty years ago, a new front for the building was erected about twelve years ago. yum _Prior to that time, however, it housed a number of different en- terprises during the tifty-year pe- riod. Fire ottVinTs estimated that the total damazé amounted to _at least $5,000. _ smoke. Why i w V C' .7. "GONG. CHINDBLOM’S CAREER OUTLINE!) voted his entire time to legislative work and to the needs and interests of his constituents in their relatiom with the Federal Government. Even during the present campaign he has been compelled to remain in Wash, ington to attend to most important business', involving the economic and industrial life of the nation. His policy in legislation has til- ways been to promote the greatest good for the largest number and for the country as a whole. He has opposed unnecessary expenditures and__§pecia] favors eVen to large and powerful groups. He will ebntinue "to-oppose needless expenditures and The 18th Amendment became a part of the Constitution before he became a member of Congress.' He has supported laws for its enforce- ment because it is the clear duty of Congress to provide such en- forcement. __ -Hisr first, -opportunity for action on the amendment- itself occurred on March 14 last when, he supported by an actual vote in Con- gress the movement to repeal the 18th Amendment and to return the trenchment. EEG?“ iiisriitides., On Maréh 25, 1932, he 215-oei, - cent beer in , tt1e_tff3Iff/) which do not themselves prohibit its use. In these positions he was sustained' by the clearly expressed sentiment of the .voters not only in the 10th District, but by the entire Mandi», Antes -futhmjhat he will follow the same course on these questions in tbejptgfe: ".. His Congressional District' ofhee is located at 1521 Foster avenue, Chicago, telephon Longbeach 6526, where he will be pleased to receive hhis1jrei_pf sung re ittLri_rrrliit_rttt1t1t/t1t: TtiarTirthe"it1ririiTrh"eiCirFiitiiiry April 12, 1932. ' Chicago Woman Victim ‘Mrs. Elizabeth MeGarrahan, M, of Chicago was fatally injured and three persons were seriously hurt, onehaving a possible skull fracture, when a car driven by Kenneth M64 Garrahan, 30, of Zion, érashed into the rear of a two-ton truck parked on Waukegan road just north of the Deerfield limits at 10 o'elock "rfriiWiiriittiWriC0tmrt wear. _ ttp, tturerattomr-atsoat-thar-6eertrnd . hands and a possible skull fracture. . His wife, Beatrice, had lacerations about the right hand and a broken right wrist, while a four-year-old daughter, Kathleen. sustained, a fractured right leg. An infant son, John, 8 months old, escaped with- out injuries. All injured were rushed immedi- ately following the crash to the' Highland Park hospital, where Mrs. 1eGarratuys died. Although . still ruining from shock in the accident. all the others were reported as con- siderably improved on Friday. An Aigguest over the 4etth of-Hr!z Pt (Continued from page 7) “Kata Accident East---- Week at Deerfield, Ill. VINE mummy. Ami. T, “a: iif the fr6itgE' troCRepre- tlization of the States THURSDAY. APB". T, l‘ Unem land I at Ha: