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Highland Park Press, 7 Apr 1932, p. 51

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ith Kar- P. 8T42. mute tamper- LAIN " loca- . avail. bet. Ad- 6rrd week ' or ,rt block 1. 6-8pd Tel. JK 7.1..l wuBSDAY. APRIL |ble for we. 5-7 YOUR Tit Ui/iid 'or ', or nt- TU. R. m a help. Mum ', East lil. 6 Help 'utiful house avail- e or My.” ', at.. high C-‘lpd 82tt at- "Hid 6ttf SITUATION wAtrrzp-rmreruyen1 nur- ried nan denim position as chum“! or homo. expert driver and mechanic. beat of references: will stay on "embe- it wired: will also work by the (by or hour, Tel. M. P. 2255 and uh for Ed Senor. 5-2pd ____._7__,7,, SITUATION WANTED-Nurse, competent. A-l N. Shore rein; any can. children, ortsUt hawk: 812: will travel. Miss Carl- ton, Mansfield 8668. 6 SITUATION WANTED One or more wash- ing: to do at home. Tel. H. P. TT9. 6 SITUATION WANTED ---._- Funi by experienced hundreu; v and deliver. Tet. H. P. 3475. SITUATION WANTED-BY a neat cotored girl to do light house work whole or part n time. the latter preferred; references if required. Tel. Lake Forest 1719: 6nd srrOTro'N WANTED-carpenter work by dny or contract; work neatly done. gel; _ _ I! n (In D Hm any or anus-c... nu... ........ -_"""" August Anderson. H. P. 2938. 6-8pd SITUATION WANTED-Hou-work by week or day. Tel. H. P. 2966. 6pd SITUATION WANTFD,T SITUATION WANTED cPyh,t, S SITUATION wAeerEar-Fimtutr-ssirl-avuh-- " chamber work, second work, or nurse- maid work; good Lake Forest and High- hnd Park references: Swedish Wing. Write Box' "27" Forepter office, Luke For; s_r er; German: marrn-u. n ytnlt: with teadtmr-hmdtteatrer arch. ' _ ”a." nnrviozs u gardener in WANTED TO RENT-Small Groom unfur- M can.sz limiting! Balk: reason- able' rent. Address “18" Pres once: 11be iFGTGa7terru, girdener -ttvhte Quartersq Call even! 2596, T HELP WANTED Gi'o%r1iiokGai%iterer;' 12 years expe- riemee; tt - in Gleneoe: wry meant] clean: willing to please; 26 years of le, â€"-‘- -.. " HELP WANTED Girl for general house- work or mother's helper. Tel. H. Ps HELP wAN'rmr---Woman with good style sense: md position; business exp". unnmury"¢na"lcm work or door to door): give phone. ‘Write Rar care Press omce. _ 6 HELP iFGFriEfr-some one mum: to give I few hours weekly to housework in ex- change tor :p‘hno and harmony lessons: ost., m, REL mine woula like pm 2e, Tet. Glencoe 197. EELP WANTED-- WHITE GIRLS FOR GENERAL Hun mud good positions open. Salary .15 per “k. In“. in" good Mme-n PAULINI'B AGENCY Tel. M. P. 2520 3518. cook and gem-n1 fri,iiiieGF7iiW7irrimmr"Br second wor.k and are of children: Bute ulna expected: the Memes. Address "A-B" PM once . _ 6 Wanted To Rent tnnun "11...“- .__._..,, _ _ T German; married: 8 years experience A - . - l“. " “I iiiri7, 1TiirrrGre' m... tamer: I south. Brawn lather Phehet Owner, ml! the "9332' for " JirrLm, manna rm. larch n: ("on belt with an buckle. Finder - 'l Itreas .P._\KAE_TEQ .TIO. 'WHI’I’E COUPLE Goa-nun preferred, __ 77 Must have good H. P. references PAUIJNE’S AGENCY Tel. H. P. 2520 . Lost and Pound Help Wanted name iirki CC..riGiue md., gardener ip return for Call evezsiugn -""""osugt, sr_1Eto_ite__etty_ple'. "in! Pf, I982 -__- Fnmilr, wehityrts Lnndscape Kurd?"- ion in 'Qi'u edit tdr i. 6pd mead mu- huulcuf or mechanic. m ”emine- the (In! til -4. a... nu house work ' a: tr-Tpd 1 .-_., -7“-.. - .1; _ Mum 4;.de ii,"r"i?,i) wanna co mm arh". Roda-Wm“ m Book. hm" - In. W m of Ah. or.. a Patt'tt""" a u. M It. " i WANTED TO BUY---' or 4 chairs; dininc‘ room she or smaller; no cane or rush seats; must be reasonable. Tel. H. P. 1314. q WOULD LIKE TO RENT OR a-r-a-ici-il with acre or more of ground. m, Emum! ‘V Purl: or Deerfield. Tel. H. P. 1260, trrrd) WANTED TO "Bur-Book; single volumes, sets. or complete libraries. A. Flack. " E. Van Buren IL. Chicago. A, 6pd CHRYSLER g-DOOR BROUGHAM: if not called for in 30 days will sell same; sex-ill No. 15742. motor No. 8992!. Sheridan Game“ Highwood. Tel. H. P. 2815. 6-8 PUBLIC NOTICE,IS HEREBY GIVEN- thgt on the 19th day of April 1932 " the hour bf 10 o’cTock Tht the fox-com. and continuing? until troo.dsprt,1t1d. “If: j MONUMENT NOTICE . To-Whom It May Qoncern: ship known as Smith & Garfteld Sales and Servtee and/or, tht Sindee. Siertt. in l“.- solved ll! of March 20th. 1982. The bus- iness will henceforth be operated by Mr. W. W. Garfield, who will not be mpomible for guy debts other than those contracted by himself. (sinned) W. W. Garfield. " 1o.eut PIHictlion) Report of the condition of Highwood State Bank ,W“,“ ”and; Stan» at Illi- nuis. at the close of Wig“! "l "r Ite: - -- . "‘“" -- M‘ - in . a " ilnr continuing unul Root" are sum. ..- ...- premises known and descrlbed as.rRB. DALE FIBEPROOF WAREHOUSES. Mt- 376 Central Ivenue. Highland .Park, mr. nois. the undersigned will all it public msetiow to. the Wheat. and but bidder for cash. to satisfy its claim for lien on Add goods. all the right, title. and interest of the following junta! genocitorn, in the iiil'rTua" Much. MLJLQIAS, $94M of Public Acgounta of the State? pthJaht to law. contents. _ _ Mrs. Verna at, Chimp?" .11. J. A» L-uu. UvIr-r -er-eee_--" ehiemtxr; ii.ri-aa7tC.iisir1r2-trt.uars Brad contents. child's desk, chuir and rocker. Mr. R. H. Robinson, 1017 South am ave- nue. Knnknkee. Ill.; Ian No. 2129; wood bed ends. buffet. dresser, sewing mnehine, davenport, daffy. Itt: U L- , L 18. wood Slut: Bank, “Imam, -tiW%tr'-TmrT" the above statement in true to the but at my knowledge Ind belief. and that the {who end Imounh shown above correspond with the Item and amounts shown In the report made to the Auditor of Public Account. unvtuyuu t, ~u-...... _-___ . Mrs. Max Wake. 965 N. St. Johps Ive.. davenport, vmisy dresser, win table, e, lamps. D. chairs. ice bor, etc. " . Riaht reserved to reject any and all Rmnrtcl - 1. Cash. Other Cash Resources and Due from Banks (1-2.3)8- 4tt.126.64 3. Other Bonds and geeuritiVn 148,981.00 4.,an on Coll-tern] Security Mia) _ .re,rr'» T _. .. . wrt 86.15%.” G. Other "tann (6b) .. . _ . 10,297.98 c 1...... A“ Rm] Estate (Sc) V 67,300.00 bids. IREDALE PIREPROOI“ WAREHOUSES 8.1mm on Real Estate (6c) 7.0verdrnfu 17) .A .. 9. Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures (9) "__. iietimtu1lttyt)iutttrrttt1 Tn: (tut Ail mm Capital Stock li) .-r_ . .. Surplus (2) "'V' . ..r. 'trr-"' Undivided Prottta (netHa) Reserve Account: M) . V Demand Deposits 15:) . . Time Deposit: t5ts) _m-.m-rte't. m1u Fumble (6a) .... ...eF. Other Liabilities (10) ._. _ Uiii N.yetej.,.itrAvt., flete Total Resourcés _ liabilities Jessie Gneh. 12mm an? ft. TArtt- m Hathaway; 1629-W. Adams ML. Lot No. 419; upright mlujsr of All: Hitttw iiiirirufiisrAyp,er WSWAIDJHJZ -I%ietiefie Pei, _ I; Till P3382 s 370,171.32 s 50,000.00 _ 40,000.00 " 43mm 1,257.45 129,271.39 _ _ 120,238.21 205,000.00 _ - 40.20 9,291.71 19.40 tRate of Blind... warrant to law. J. E. ENGQU1y'r., State of Illinois) County of Luke)". - Subscribed 3nd nworn m. day of April 198ta., SEAL (0.6.1 Plbucnuon) l I Report of the condition of North. Shore,' Trust Company. located at Highland Parkcl State of lllinoi. It the close ot business on _ the sou. day of March. 1932. a. made to we} Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of f Illinois. pursuant to luv. A“ I Mr“- V _ , 1. Cull. Other Cash Maureen, ' and Due from Bunk. (1-2-3): 72,350.41 _ 8. Other Bonds and seeuritieV5t 1gt,933A2 E t. Loam on Collateral Security l mu ---.-r--src-:_c,:r"rC'"'5"A' 153,765.79! r. an.» Inn: 46b) -.e_- . .rwre. _ iiir,hnt.y?! 1. Capital Stock 2. Surplus (2) ,. 3. Undivided Pro "V 4, My: Accom , s. Demand Debbi ‘ 6.Time Wits 12. l. Cub. Othe and Due f 8. Other Bond 4.1mm on l (611 M 5. Other Lou 6. [mm on I, (tgi-ray-eta'. g. er a 9. Buddy; E 18. I. Arthur W. Vereoe, President of the North Shore Trust Compariy Bank, do solemnly swelr that the shove statement is true to the but. _of my knewrefrr. and bfliel, -NWB.i-""-"-""'_.L_-_= = " unrmnd with the items iiiiiF'"rt-.-.lil-,.ie "”77 _nrno'un . nitreif=i _ iii=ImF=NqtRF F=9_=mqF--H-i 7 . H a at _ Nelie of Public Accounts, State of Illinois,', Belleville, .ast_5 biu-ntu-tratt-to'_. o,.,,l,iA, ~w Aiiiiiiifiiif' "rst.-E-httorr,Ntyr is-TG-Arai/tCo-i-NF-ter?"","."',',',','.:?,','.) . w -r-_-- Auditor omlic Aeeounta, State of Illinois,3 Belleville, Cast . t. Bouts, trrtyetrqith5, tt ARTHUR w. VERCOE. 'fe Ehmti, cyytryirx-yyrreyity.-l-l1..t-: . Pmidenngand Centraha, idl.in the aeronautie Statenof " Is r "-w-, I . . COUNT "Ire)tss _ __ ___-_ w _ --e ___ ,,,,, - _ ." Prgef te.,t"11'a' to before me this iWaTrace H. Wright, of-Ha.- {if titthdn Ai.19. v‘ . . .C.,," _? o Thti'rg E. WAHLMAN, VLomsf Pvt b.een visited recently by “an. . Notary Public' that commlssxoner. . - - [a SEAL 6Gir Loun- 46b) -.e_- . .rwre. _ 140,959.30 Lou:- on Reel Estate Mei V. 129,433.34 ngrdrg'al (i), L '._.’, VF ..,.- __ E'42 iiGriinWiiouae. Furniture and Fixtum 19) _ _ . Other Resources t12t Capital Stock (1) __.. '." Surplus (2) P.-Pt'r . V Undivided Protita (new My: Accounts HI -.-. Demand Wit; (trat Time Deposita.(5b) 'TT Other Liabilities t13) . Total nuances .._ Liahititie. Total Liabilities ROBERT J. COUNTY AUDITOR EDGAR c. BENSON, '; Notary Public i Your vote. uni support wfll be Ipprecinted. Primaries April 12, 1932‘ An accountant to before me this (3) S 937,875.50 433,130.31: -- -'"-'""-"T" -"_e_'" - .. i 22;.32-3}: The aeronautics body has been ad.. CCC." T .1 vised by the Illinois Commerce Com- ' 931.815.50l mission that Northwest Airways, dent at mllndq have filed Jin application for Bonk. qoipermission to operate an intra-state 'tttITA/tl airline, with Chicago, Elgin and, Mmikmkmtdjsmgfliflefi‘JLA‘; Republican Candidate 14tt.668A6 16359.00 Cashier 100,000.00 100,000.00 37,735.50 37,107.87 435,155.81 201,958.31 25,915.01 It with a full knowledge of 7 Public Aftnirs. iMany Certificates to i Airplane Pilots and l Owners Are Issued (iltirrtktawa,- iraiiview, Parkridge, ‘the Smith airport at ptnville and Certificates of registration have been issued to 571 pilots and the owners, of 385 aircraft by the Illi- nois Aeronautics commission. During March, the commission re- ported, the list of licensed airports in Illinois reached a total of 36. Dur- ing the' month letters of authority were issued for 13 airports, located at LaGrange. Rockford. Carbondale, Decatur, Champaign, Elgin, Lansm airports at, Chicago. "fiiv'iofisiy a Gter of authority had been issued to the Waukegan airport. _ - -is, commission has granted ap- proval for new airport developments at Peoria,.durintthtnpoth, . for 557 to: 0m- Admits:- Phone '.tLritTTirfTrii,jrtEii, NIH-1'11! , . tsieikei 57575751 ht. tl 'ic It:... li: IO ie .‘c CH

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