HIGHWOOD CITY CLUB 'ere SPONSORS Bil RALLY of th Grney. Be is a member of the State Constitutional Convention in 1920. State Tax Commitraiotr 1921 -25. The Hon. Oscar E. Carlstrom . saw service in the Spanish Ameri- __ awakens! in. _thtIts,iliirJrjryA7.,tt:, lands during the insurrection follow- triously discharged all of his duties in that oMee, and to hit beat ability. He hos been compelled, during the present campnign. to attend to im- portant public business, Involving economic and industrial life of the nation at Washington. Hie legisla- tion has nlwnys been to promote the greatest good for the Ingest num- ber of people. Important issues at the present time we 18th Amendment and unem- ployment, and while this constitu- tion wss enacted before Congress- man Chindblom became a member of Congress, he has supported laws Ttrr-qt-ic-tein-ent-dm-r-ie-ar the primary duty of Congress, and its members to provide' such en- forcement, but the opportunity dur- ing his service for action on the 18th Amendment occured on March 14, lest. He then supported by his vote in the House of Representatives the movement to Repeal the 18th Amendment. and return the control of intoxicating beverages to the iriatG,rwitichCthe eonaituentsr by. their overwhelming vote axe in favor of. In this positiorg ye has District. served-two-term' as" Merger and of the State of Illinois, is highly recommended by the Highwood City club, for-Governor of the State of Illinois. He has held the oiBee of member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of the Loyal Order of Moose, and the American Woodmen. The Hon. Oscar E. Cnrlstrom is most heartily recommended by the Highwood City club due to his past experience for the nomination as Governor of the State of Illinois; on a platform that inspires eoNidenee. A vote for Carlstrom is a vote for a change in the 18th, Amendent. Oscar E, Carlstrom was commisa sioned captain of Infnntir during the World War, and served a you in France. The BomOscarrE. Cari- strum Thé‘non. A. v. Smith, Candidate for re-election as state: "torner iq TGiiOimirririiir iiiiiiriFeTfiairrTair by the people of Highwood for re- election. The Hon. A. V. Smith in nmanwhohnafoutthtforthepeo- ple of Lake county. The Hon. A. V. Smith has nude a record fire Lake county as he: been made by no other county in the state. The Hon. A. V. Smith is I men of I very wide experience and men ability. without i doubt. The Hon. A. V. Smith has kept out of Luke county tungsten and rockets", and he has fearlessly fought unscru- pulous oMefttitr and omen of bankers The Hon. A. V. Smith. our present state: attorney, he: kept opt of (Continued from page 2) T'oF Ipect and have been kept out of Lake county by this feuleu idol of the people of lake county. _ ' . Fe: 'te-tati" , ' Hon. Richard J. Lyons, Republi- can nominee for re-electlon " Rep- resentetive of the 8th Senatorial district, Lake, “client-y and Boone county. The Hon. Riehard J. Lyons is well known to the dear public of Highwood, and is well liked and thought of. The Hon. Richard J. Lyons is n very coungeous, able, energetic Young unit. The Hon. Riehnrd J. Lyons always has shown a most vivid interest in the constitu- ents and his friends in Highwood. The Hon. Richard). Lyons is high- ly recommended by the voters of Highwood. The Hon. Richard J. Lyons is known to - one as "Dick" in this community, and many others. A vote for him means in-) felIigenE and genuine Firifrisiiriitimirir. For State Senate Hon. Ray Paddock, Republican nominee for re-election to the ofBee of states senator of the 8th Sen.. storisl District, Lake. McHenry and, Boone counties comes most highly recommended. The Hon. Ray Pad- dock, is well known in the entire county. It is needles to say he is well liked, and has thousands of friends. The Hem-Ray Psddoek has per- formed his duties " State Senator to the entire tsatitsfnetion of the peo- on many ben_eNiaipyw, for his dis- triet.---lthe Highwood City Club. The creation of fire zonetrthroutth- out Lake county to bring about more Mieient co-operation among. the vnrious departments in combat- ing fires, was discussed as a major topic. 1teArrntltts, 1atlre, CQunty Fire- mens' iiiiikifittiiii' " the mommy This topic together with the plans discussed iiirev.itiirtRimmttrtities for extending fire protection beyond cor- porete limitt is'a mint considera- 4ion-or-the-duemeatrt-treouIc---lNe association, just recently organited, has in its membership firemen from 18 Lake county departments and is expected tp.. represent every force when fully iirgarsixed. ( , Col-lace Named A eonunitteeoopointed by Preai-l dent Huber to investigate feasibility of laying out fire zones includes the folldwing: Chief C. E. Hoskins, of Highland Park; Chief Charles Ber- ger, of Fox like? Glen Craft, Bf Gruyslake; A. C. Sorensen, Watreon- ville; Chief "mes Steam, Antioch; and A. A. Meyer, of Lake Bhdr. Secretary John Moran, of the An- tioch department, und Chief Hooking of Hizhhnd Park, were named u a committee to not up a program along education“ . lines concerning Wire "ttting and fhe prevention work.‘ The next rushin- meeting ot the nssoeinthttt scheduled for. April 25 and just Prior to the annual elec- tion of one". is to be held at Wau- ends it w announced. » Sedator Ray 'Puddock, of Watr. condr, spoke brUflr on the associa- tion and outlined . number of bum.» dikeCotrnty Firemtn’s _ Group Plan Zoning of County; Hold Meetil nu In)" Fellowship of Faiths. ‘PRIMARY WON Meeting at EvunSEon .. "dt B NEXT TUESDAY Money will be diseussed--for the raising of funds but the philosophi- cal, religious question; "Shall Man or Money" Be Mnatert"---at Evan- ston’s First Conttretrational church, Hinmsn ave. and Lake st., Sun- day evening, April 10, beginning at exactlya'kwr pan. "Six Faiths, in Fellowship†sre to be represented.‘ For Proteatant Christianity the spokesman is Professor Fred East- man, professor of religious liter- ature and drama at Chicago Theo- logical seminary who he recently _attaeked the commercializing of movies. Judge John P.’ McGoorty, of the Superior Court of Cook coun- W, spesE as s Romsn thith7mis- lChristian. The Rev. Hang» M. 'Kingsley, D.D., director of egro work of the Contrregtytiontl Church Extension Boards, speaks " [Negro Christian. Avis Clsmitz Shulman, wife of Rabbi Shulman of Glencoe and herself trained. by the chief American seminary ddr Jewish rab- bis, will interpret Judiasm' answer to the "Money" question. Malia. medianism is io bis represented by Sufi Mutiur Ralman Ben galee, the one, and only, Moslem missionary The North Shore Fellowship of Faiths, who present this unique meeting; includes all the communi- ties from Evanston to Highlaml limit. E81336 Fremont Tittlé,‘ thth,'iit" ‘E‘v- Park, and. lea E. Shulman, ehairman. They head the 'North u""'W"e"W."hYJ'"'.", WW“ fl" Shore committee of 100 comprising N April 24-30, Announced widely representative men and wayt.tttiittr,r Loin: L. ?trti,trtt.t hats itohi-eii" Of h.“ this iiubutha ttoitti Chicago. _ . 7 'Possum Killed by Auto _ on Market St., Waukegan Apparently the oldbelief theta: 'poiumm menus a hearty meal to most colored fplks is all hoole, any- ararr-aar-aittht Pounder, demand by the dictionary " an "American walked in safety down Murket street. Wonkggsn, one day last Week; until Al Rules, white, of 830 South Jockson Jrtreet, come along in his cur. The 'postmen apmumttU' didn't know the fame rules and u a re- unit the pone. stuck moth“ yellow headed [Sin in trauma my, de.. noting sudden depth for a pedestrian in an ummt'wfth an Into. The mystery of hay the 'pouom lint! on Market and long enough to at run over by a oft, Ingmar, t Emmpastgr at Sunday Eve; April 10 Lake Forest, The Rani. of “Gleam: 7 rice head the 'North "f tion week as April 24 w 30. The state department of, public health , offers speakers, booklets, motion _ picture films, and expert advice to In every community which wants them in the arrangement of observation of health promotion week. Special m activism! covering, I with We of to subjects are suggested for each day t. of the week. 8peeifle plans for these projects and arrangements' for br thnnmisrtmttom are available from an the state department of health on a.†request. -ee 7 Polling â€our The polling places in the 12 pre- cincts of Deerfield township ore sit- uated " follows: ' county auditor, and precinct com- mitteemen. I No. 1 38 S. June Terrace, Lake Forest. No. 2 City hall, Highwood. No. 3 Oak Texaco school, High- school. Kenosha Has Money "m _ l “Bank; $77,785 Is Total pot, Ravinia. No. 9 509.N. Green Bay road. No. 10 Brand Bros. storm. 532 Central avenue. No. 11 Lincoln school. ‘No. 12 476 Roger Williams av- HealthrrPromotion Week- I, I --"_ "I never-knew a dollar could be attached. aorftsr,'1uutsamasd-3liu'Uiam . E. O'Brittt, city manager. temptations tir spend lavishly has meant a saving of $1.51 for every man, woman and phild. It's real money, 88/785 which wott'thttve to be raised by taxes later on. "East Laurel avenue Sunday, April 10, the Second Sun- day after Easter: _ T:80 am. Holy communion. _ 9mm; like Church acth 11 am. Morning prayer and scr- mon. ' There will be a meeting of no Service League and Women’- Ame lliary on Holiday, April II, at 10:00 o'clock, ttrtherpkrGh house. Lunch- eon will be mod “'12:†o'clock; The executive board will _ ineett " R6." tr. Kelley’s ofriee, 27 N. Sheri- it; 4 oeerfield - Shields high ilk 6. N. B. Gas Co. ohee, s. St. . Trinity Episcopal Church " The Reverend Christoph Keller, iid." Wm 1v- iii. 8 Northwestern railway de- (Continued from ,pm 1) was»; nun. 1. m; and wh - in gram b med new campaign OAK Mr.