NORTH SHORE GAS. COMPANY] W Rid your kitchen and daily cooking tasks iii an outs§£?:&t§i;i,mu9 cook stove, Gain a inodernomartiv, styled, ti PAY NOTHING NOW! To make this improvement in your kitchen, trade in your old cook stove NOW. Any type accepted You will receive an allowance of $10.00 which will be made the down payment on a new gas range. The Iaririi iiil DOWN PAYMENT " Months to Pay "cookfsmtrjlg It pays to buy a Gas Range you know will give you many years of emcient, satisfactory serv- ice. MAGIC CHEF Gas Ranges are recog- nized everywhere for their unexcelled quality and perfOrmance. They are made to give you more years of dependable, economical, _eG.cient service at'a first cost that is extremely moder- ate. Buy a MAGIC CHEF for longer use! ALLOWANCE , Telephone 330Pr3301 MlrtlrlllllTlllllf Till P333. ondiUl5ubrdirtrrtiTtds" no trkrttremttrttt" _ - _" ,oirr neat trashi11/This payment is o hr a few donuts. Then our Easy Purchade, Plan _ gives you 12 months to pay the , ce. Come in NOW and see the large ttrr,': of modern, inproved gas ranges in our display. Lenin *full particulars about this easy to buy April gas range offer. Or range will be installed in your kitchén gt edmiiiWe m. _- :, without any obligation, for Artyle finish