n of My TBUISDAY. APB“: " 4.337 /3 APRlll-lL,"s/rsAJl,,lJ-E DAYS Dance nets; lace Maniac; panties trimmed with lace. Step-ins; tailored or lice trimmed and embroidered; fine silk; hand. made . n . $1.95 Pajamas; two-piece; boucle knit; made in colon of white and red, white and blue, _ n and trombador . . JITl Tub frocks; new styles; as- sorted colors; materials are eyelet batiste, dotted swing, linen, French muslinLand LlLiiGehiet ttwn i" $13! types; bridge, chair, table and junior; up to . . . . $10 Percolators; electric," Wear- Ever tuuminumreighe ca- mcisyawith 903d I, . £35 Lytiminest E?tgiithheetzethy -tircileGiGi, 15hr; tt """t - ular nghipgtoq Cobain f Rag 'ugs,. sizesfor summer homes and our? American rooms; fast co on; 91513. irii] m 1,ciiiiii,i,if,." . I ' - ms, pairquan t y; . l plain. ilk n . . ;'1'e,'t,ftii; ' pe - _ silk 'rd.' "' .4" k tte Cuivtdtrttdtt was " AND - ','l,'IC'.'.'. 'i',.".,',',:..",; . m mummy AT . . sue huh 'll:',',',',",'? . : a: HOUSEFURNISHINGS int in govern] itylee; sleezgd _ Loweri'loor CURTAINS, BUGS AND DIAPERIES was»: a FROM OUR 1'0an GOODS VALUES 5,223.13: 3:527:22? Lax Tone: Soap; " a...“ . . . . . 31-†Sewttsu'Toodt Putt . . . EVA‘NSTON “on . CHURCH AND SHERMAN , . . .' $9.50 bobbinet tailored: Thursday, Friday, Saturday- April 14th, 15th, 16th . PalmoIivc Toilet Soap,. " but for . Jcigqn's Lgtion . . -. . . . . '. Amctian Family Flakes; 43e or 3 for Ivan Snow; 8 for . . . . . . . Ivory Soap; M351!) dozen . . . Impound Cheeses Itloxen for . . . .' . Beech-Nut Tomato Juice; 6 bottles . . . OldMonkColounLRipc Olives; 3 tins 7 . CANDY AND DELICACIES VALUES 1'lAA'J,'lr'l'ot,'l's' Preserves; 6 one-pint in: . . {inbred wit-b bedbprealig _tSr Conduit; beautiful pink silk heoehe satin; triqo bust; (511mb: $61 bis' bust of dainty lace; sateen . ed for wear . $1.95 YARD GOODS Fifth Floor ' rutrltd or MEN'S WEAR TRB II... Hm; “you and silk; rayon and hue', clocks and other pat- terns"; sizes 10 to 11%; 6 pairs for . . . . . . . " Shirts; white broadcloth; col. lar attached or neckband; or fancy striped broadcloth. with collars to match , . "" Pajama? broadcloth and INFANTS! APPAREL mercerizt ootton;fullcm;part . , . elastic belt; neat patterns; .Bfother, sum attyrfdr mm v" mr-----' C' "C" __'-"": " orirhr.olrattAtsVrrt,atslieytt xiii/ii/ii/doo! knitted edits; 0010"; rubber hetrU -- mixtures; sizes 6 to 15 . $1.95 First Floor Sunburn; nlgqycleagi beyitrt neck; Jt"GFi"ikirai in :t,0tituot,"iJite a: teeut.,,.Puntrof Free snag-am _ Parking Spun Near - l _ -- r w 'oxyoriii,-s - t;attiactivenew !QYS’ _ArPNtE1. H "ttts in 'ii'irl'r;'n'l)'erltTe'tt1' and nutrient M Me $1.25 . $1 $1 M $t $1 Wash dresses; daintil flowered dimity dll'lr'i'll, Sizes 6 to 10 . . . s’l,s like; them; green, titui, redeith polka dots; sizes 6 to 12 . $1 Slacks; new sport garment for tennis and beach wear; in striped pa_ttterns;redyytd white, _ _ blue and white, black and whitening 10t016 . . $1 _ Second Floor Ethlbpes f 3 and Girror" . _. . . $1.15 Belts; cord patent leather me_tal and cqlored- galalith boys"9uttit ’to match; sites @1035, for girlti, how. 2.31.}; Flannel skirt set; pleated all around; two shirts of mesh; sizes 2 to 6. Boys' outflf 38. GIRLS' APPAREL :pen3tyue’aanaae mirror . . . . tGI' l '. .". . $2.95 Second‘Floor First Floor _ mints: WW,