w , - - '"oa.' '_c. I ":1 JT' Try: w, ._ c... 'w.-t, J .1 .". ('rN' 1.,TH' _ _ . I w Â¥ .V. ' . “mung", u, _, aw. _ ii' .. -e, "e, “1'9"" PLS., 'sed _ , 'e _. . I" aa, T_/sd', '* f Ml'% b"; _ _ . nut», " iaiil A _ “I , 'am ., PLUMBING-HEATING Grind Valves--- _ 6 cylinder cars . . . Greasing .-.r...e-o'"""°"""""'" Washing.:.....-.---. ELM PLACE SERVICE STATION . Corner Elm Place. tttrd, tiirsrStreet -iiiirJiiz'l the s)iir,si.rNt,itrrt,ijtt,it.tssr, __ Straight8ears ........ Mark-WW I 'ii7iirtaFrr1ET.tLe. S P E C I Apri11_4_:; Phone Highland Park 258 t-Wiuthcnl _ 125 North’St. Johns Avenue Phone H. P. 388 -.- -'--v - - '"_.e'.-_" - -- ' [ Haw l r.), b" ' (4.. " - Y. "7.r-.- -~_‘v t . _ _ T ___. . .A . L 1., ‘. 1.. Wes-bww ""-~c. _ "'-' ' I ‘- ’ .-., ' . "r.. --‘. . j He, [Wm " ‘ ' _-, . . _ yr" "ru,.-::'- :gm', - It, :Fv‘kuv: yiuc:aicii'cr?- ..,' :. " 'ttaer.dl r "Ct fe, " "-, ._-. _ .. -----V A», T-ui" -9- _, aw†'t '"i" “3’ 7 ; ,r.-x:..t-.i 75.3. â€My“, t, ' "" u 'tl 194913.? 55.92%: MiG-3| E. NEW Low PRICES! Goodyear build. minion- mm area than my other company- that's the reason you get best value- here. Plannin- Service. malts» an.“ _'" ra-" 29zM15-20 mat-19 'iii' - -e' 35-!!! Now-New Low Prim édpirwut Cord Tm- Lifetime Canada ,....‘.....ss.oo ..v.......11.50 a .19 I". fill. I .11 _ liiiii.i_i,iJrGt(aiikt"iitit, - Library for the Blind ing his experi What is perhaps one of the moat through reading; f important developments in library ground, and pogsil work during the year past is the ability to think l Pratt-Smoot law which has placed successful adjustn library work with the blind on a satisfactions life.' new footing. It makes available tin. federal funds for theiuutufnetare Read Before and purchase of specially selected The "Skipper" braille books for the adult blind, to Running Tide no be circulated throuzh nineteen des- of the value of l ignated libraries located in various tion with travel. sections id the “country. The ad- her he quoted f) the direction of the Library of Con- read before I tn *gress, but any library may borrow per" says this is from the nearest regional library. in.tt-v'Myt I op The first titles to be issued under want to ice 2" the new system are: Willa Cather’s He continues '... "Shadows on the Rock and Stuart should desire to Chase’s the Nemesis of American the mind and thm Business. They are now in the li- the mind cannot braries and available to borrowers. cannot see. By Other tities-in press, planned for ing one may qui the future, include: _ ' the mind, one’s s . The Epic-of America, by James keen, looking h Truslow Adams. . width and "bread --_ "he Rise _trt, ~American Civitisa- one’s horizon, ion, . . a . ' ___ o know Eng] The Old Wives' Tale, Arnold Ben- espeare, the Reli V Canterbury Tales, Chaucer. _ and its fullness .Emriish-sv%ntrmrpAtttortrry!rand geographical obs Prepositions, James C. Femald. and deeper form ---- _ _ . - ' m, . “hm“ - "vifiriii,ruip of Asia, H. A. Gib- bons. __ . -.- _ Gibbons. . 2"ifiiriiiimTrtriir'zaar73riiirrTaiii-" due. -ies Miserables, Victor Hugo. The Human Habitat, Huntington Ellsworth. _ - l “Ewing? the Trail of Life, Rufus M. Jones. ' ,, The Whole Man Mutual "We realize that any permanent solution of, the problems of labor,, of technological unemployment, of aoeial and economic change. can come only with more general, more effective, and more continuous edu- cation. Vocational training, in its narrower sense, will never ,enable us to muddle through these world. wide troubles. As L. P. Jocks says: “I. would mnintaipi.htutrairititudr Tribe, iiiGuirst of Happiness, Ber- trand Russell. . The Standard Operas, George P. Upton, The Causes of the Jhrar of Inde- pendence, Claude H. Van Tyne. Bat the vocation 'to‘hé TFiiiirid To? is the vocation of the whole man, and not of a part of him only. The" is profound ditterenee between the two things. "In this training of the whole', man. the library can assist by en-' couraging him to read more widely, that he may be more broadly itro “hunt, more tolEtpot, mortal“, iii more adaptable. Perhaps the moat far-reaching contribution of the library to vocational guidance aid to this whole business of livid: hi an tunable world lies in the facil- itiaa adored by it to every individ- "uMor Mttrte in the “patio hia Qan- . HIGHLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY HIGHLAND PARK lLliNOlS Wï¬djï¬tï¬ï¬‚k Map of Europe, H. A. ing his experience vicariously through reading; for gaining a back- ground, and possibly, eventually, an ability to think thing's through to successful udjmtments and the real utisfnctiom life." - A.L.A. Bulk, tin. F Read Before You Travel . The "Skipper" of the thmnrd Running Tide now and then Inks of the value of reading in eminen- tion with travel. In a recent num- ber he quoted from a member of read before I travel?" The “Skip- per" uys this in equivalent to sty- in.tr-"Myt I open my (eyes if l wisnttohre.e" T _'. ' He eorttinues'--- "Every member should desire to see, both through the mind and through the eye. What the mind cannot interpret the eye cannot see. By appropriate reed- ing one may quiéken the grasp of the mind, one’s sight becomes more keen, loaning be’comes observing, width and breadth are added _ttt omriho_riEttr1s......,-a-.-,.-u--,,.uurs. treotrrtphieal observers, is a better and deeper form of knoiledtte than that ‘whichyou may gain through news 'paragraphs, economic unres- son, make-believing and political "sri; Grirv" England through Sink- espeare, the Reich throu_gh_ Goethe, Numismatics _ If you are a connoisseur or only a collector mildly interested in old coins, there is a treat in store at the public library. Mr. R. R. Rob- inson, a resident of Highland Park, has placed on exhibit in the, north wall cases a few pieces from his large collection pf coins, together with some books and pictures on nutnismaties, ' Lawns and How to Make Them, by Leonard Barron. Lawns, by-F. F. Rockwell. 1927. - A handbook on the planning, making and maintenance of lawns. There are" chapters on lawn tools and their care, weeds and pests, and lawns for special conditions. ' Have you Joined the catalogue . 25c . Luncheon _ -- _.j?liittts, _ --c_, HQWARD-UDELL CAFETERIA ., taunt)“: APRIL u. n Lawns F, the Po' Pork Pork Rib 6th . Pot Native Sirloi Native Native' 1671 BT DAY.