:le of thods "" such plgnt Jean. _ 150 South First Street . Kahlua Park Lowest prices in 16 year: for SI",":?, Plumbing Ind Heating goods. Antipasti: lave been need Irtre per hour on plumber: services. New and used plumbing "tares at our warehouse, 150 South First Street. you! gull-“2n - low "r--.,--------.----:.". 'tttet Uni that - "SS-E5 .11.-III;ELL1.7.7.:IISIIIXXIII:1355HE'Sâ€"IT‘S A 20x24 White Enamel pedestal type lavatory for...$25.00 A 5-foot modern built-in style Bathtub for................... 45.00 A.good Closet Combination with porcelain tank for 16.50 Decker Healing & Plumbing Co. PLUMBING FIXTURES A"'tt /a"i"j"v':l))",j,"i'i""""isN LOWEST noun“. any my» _" ' REFRIGERATOR _ Dependable Service for All Makes DOORS RE-GASKETTED ' NEW HARDWARE INSTALLED OLD HARDWARE CHROME-PLATED _ q .- iriiflllh ggi, tl Fuchsia} , 7 ", w“ j " ow.-. 'uvuawr y Call H. P. 3380 Electric lGYEARS PRICES GET Till Pill! BRAND BROS. DECOR-ATORS . Get Your CAR Buick: and Pontiac: Including Valve Grinding' $23.00 Not Including Valve Grinding 17.00 Not Ineriidingtralve Griiiding' 17.00 17.00 NOTE: These prices include hbor and lubricant only. All other material used will be pharged in addi- _ LLJJ I _ SPECIAL _ _ LOW PRICES 60 Years In Business Complete Cheek-pp and Adjustment Telephone 949 tlt) i mum Highland M1090 ' ' 512 Laurel Avenue 1., and Tightening ' Specializing in s-r-u---- SIXES .wav. ' $119.31 EIGHTS