'ox Lake, , T rt" Bt. Ther- t wound Te-. in s new of "ot- le i ll use-mum Jd,"' _ autumn“ t,t,Ci',ttGgtir""""" . manta-W 718 GLENCOE VENUE " CLIFTON AVENUE --. . . - J “-4 «n 1.1.»... nun-u Pf an au- “WI‘ Put â€87 M. D. IU3PHY PETRO-NOKOL l lull-“V at ---'-'-" - The ideal form of but . . . it radiant but! The some intense heat you feel from the summer sun. It is jut guru heat toys; No smoke. No odor. No sound. To harness the" o eon. silent "diam but "I" out! put them to work in your own boiler with the new Petro- okol Rotary Oil Burner is the supreme aehievement of the iotld'n oldest ind largest, oil heat organization. f' - Electrol on Bumper; FOLDING CHAIRS When it com» to " the rod out at oil mung. tlt not 1't'tA'nl coat of the Fiiiiwtll.eere".ed',,',',1',",k"uir7 - -' “townie oil but economy. Ami-Tn the anal‘ “Alysia, this heating doom hinge. 1r,iii'i"iiiitii,iiiii2'tt2vrl'l1"llu'] {MORAN "iif'i"iirih Sheridan Road . MOTOR oru----tiIrlitflifi-c:.- ,NQU an"!!! a: SCHWALL ammo commas Rot Water, Van, High or Low Mann 'tea- :63}!th am, you mu! 3mm: Sum to B. 1irir1i1f:?:l5=fjf?c..,. OVER 70.000 HOMES ENJOY "B-.----"" T . up iiiGinrrrr FIRST STREET Panama Park 8290-" magma - 3291 J. 1uvigphtiLLp.tt, Carl L. hmhmjn. P. 4260 BURNERS LAW“ CHAIR COVERS ALCOHOL nu In" 'ttif: Qonvict Fires“ - [mm NEWS ms l "tguf,hgif2'elhm mom LAKE (mm , imity to the earth. F gun mat, ween m..- u..-" ‘ V jirienesktrodrprsycPst noted as %rrintrfield- WQOW -hmtitr, Is†-----" a comet by Prof. Delporte, of the Emmerson to Sheriff Lester T. Tit.. . _, Bambi royal 0mm. V-" F.' m-'"" -= {any EinbezziemmstHor ettarttrsttr" WWâ€? _ . The tdtrnitieanpe a the discovery . . . t -.---L- _ ' l wad described by Dr. Crommelin as . oiitrziaitnr--------- " N arrested in Amigo, Wis., for She!- V " T I'The planet will enable research- iit Lester T. Tiffany dor issuing ___ era to determine the scale of the worthless checks to Charles Ludlow, entire universe with greater accur- of the Ludlow motors, Wakes“. I acy than has hitherto been obtained. was held to the grand jury in bonds , _ It also will give a new value for the of $3,500 by Justice Harry Hoyt, sun as a mass compared to the of Wankegan.. - . earth. _ ' ------" . “The planet at pment in ten mll- Burgh“, ignoring a sign on the . , lion miles from the earth, It is the door of the Teter Auto Bales com. nearest of any celestial body that puny, Waukegan, stating that the ‘ .. ---v 'S'u,1p"G'lir-"uiikiir,"immrpte-" Angel-ed by his mum to obtain a pgrole, n 60-yntvold life convict, Lyman Halt, todny set fire to the chapel of the state prison at Joliet. The flame: were inbdued by Jo- liet and volunteer firemen after! they had menaced one cell block and the dining hall. " l Warden Henry C. Hill announced â€I.“ Ind confessed to starting the Warden Henryc. Hill announced Hall had confessed to starting the blue. "Yea, Warden,†Hill was quoted -as saying, “I did it-Wee been here too long and I've seen thousands of men, some of them murderers, come] and go. But I remain." Hall was sentenced 35 years ago to serve a life term for murdering we Bail was euuyseil as it model 'pris- oner until theyarole tioartrretused his ,plesr two months aim. The War- den ordered thet he be given a men- come bent, 3nd his hair turned 3 from the long Tea..." in. prislt, Discover New Planet farm home on.. mu... Nearer Earth, But " Fred Holstein, 78, __ . lg Small Dimension died at the Condell ., . . “Lama“- iid examination. sciiiia tafts GG any father ever located was announced last week by 'iriiiiii.i.itept th no til i. - -r, #7:; *1" pJntiuiiitro.nriirtii: the star Ar- turos. It is only t miles tn diam- st 14 Discow m‘m‘" -'e t moon and certain comets.†Libertyville IPyt le Floyd M. Wetul, M, We used cer dealer who confened eon:- plicity in, the dealings of en unto theft.rintt operating in Ctiteatto end Immune. was sentenced lest Thursday to a term of one to three yen" In the Invent†houee of correction by ‘Kunicipel Judge Hie Ianef 15 n --- m rom which, pttssintr the earth Requisition papers for the 14 million miles, held the ptev- of Attorney Earle B. Gm: -., - 7,, 1Trr2CL1'-oaa-r--Nrasrtr--trs-" "Br. '" law a... v._..__,, correctién by Hunicipnl Judge lQI’NIIKl tutrtret?,!t,ere"ri, .- RELIABLE†tiiii'i'iiire was imposed this" {nom- tr, ‘ in. by in“: shamans-u um DRY CLEANING CO. was». eaiehed been continua! in ." _ PM M. P. '" . F the lilwaukee municipd court three times. n- Lit-trr) an m QUALITY DRY CLEANING . ,-......‘.. ", C,,L,u,,,,r,e.e,eee,zaezxagirpt, and his 113in turfzed gray, Ion, new“. ' body is if: the Route: 7:31:61: Hap nin 5 About Th Flrillli §0rth Shore; 1 ty Seat Doings Edward. D. Coudrey, 74, for many years a. prominent farmer in the Mundelein region prior .to his Te- tirement in 1909, died last we.ek “Ullucl‘uu "i"-" IV, . tirement in 1909, died lat wegk after an illness of several years dur- ation. "t William 'r',?,',','??,?,'," highway com- missioner. runn tttt Strong through all precincts, last week was re- elected highway commissioner of Wankegnn township. Wu- v. --~_., - the several years, died suddenly a the family home, '2301 Kristal: ov- enue, last week. Death, was due to g complication of ailments. Mrs. Margaret ' Corkill Bailing Mrs. Margaret L. uor of Lake Villa, _life long Lake county, passed a farm home‘on. Mondgy. ‘Mrs. Mary Krapf, 60, a promin- - -- _. -" . . siggérvgé-ev; flurry Thomas Cun- ningham received 537 and Thoma 273. Harry‘Voss was dead! school iit [ester T. Tiffany dor issuing worthless checks to Charles Ludlow, of the Ludlow motors, Waukmn. was held to the grand jury in hand! of $3,500 by Justice Harry Hoyt, of Waukettan. . ,Warren township last week . ttmr. the EEK“? escaped with a Nun sedan loaded down with tools vulnod at about 8800. i sutsmisiaesis at ttso,dhrltqtrt - 7 - A _ _..-."- m intt proposition to a' ttorut" m of the Waukegm resident! at the general mnniclpll gieetiott of A!!!" 19 was ordered by the city eoditdt last week following the ilitiodxtettm'i of a petitjon by voters Mn: tut the special poll In and. . . Cunniitgham 'u..'.. “IEIbn’u ya *.iq.rF -_- money ETii B. Gray (col- riiiiiif--iGFirtr-tart??r last week were issued in - w-s-. " nus, ignoring . sign on the t the Teter Auto Sales com- Waukegan, stating that the rm via a rear Vindwu ., k%sident" of away at her