H Banking System Has Stood the Test 1"%é'!-=€;rvTHREE DAYS One-of again of â€gamma: puhl.ial.ied to Ji(Giiti' Setter itaderstimdlmr between banks and the public sponsored by ILLINOIS BANKEIgs AspoeA.Trfl?i, , 3 tl, Aké, _ _ Mi 31 Solution "lfrrr'll'ii-i'iiLkihf' PARK Milk of Magnesia During the recent years of world-wide depression, every business, every bank, and every government of the world, has been called upon to meet condi- tions unparalleled in history. Leaders in every field pf human activity have had to face a withering ermas.fire of criticism. Some of this criticism was iuatified; much of it was not. pied a paitioiot especial trust and responsibility, and their record orintegrity and sound manage- ment as a whole, has been a creditable one. , ganja a mouth wash and gargle that neutralizes iweti' onion odors. In nor- mal it,r'g,trr,1,ingi time it kills germs that cause sore t mat and infection. The mouth-tested antiseptic spoohfnl It night ms _ttritrlhter, days. Pareto“ 1ilpUom Salt legtly Me h. 2 for 26e 2 tor 61e triE""0"tih"itsrt'r - cre1C.AGO surly 10e 2 for Ile Rexall Orderlies “$3: 60 2 for 51e It' 3031‘. PEASE PHARMACY -. The Rexall Store . -- A Puretest Aspirin oll'g,A.d" or 2 for Me " South M. Johnél-lbpposm N.W. suntan Aride depression, More than 20,00P banks of this eountry--a con- avery government siderable majority of the whole n1sPtser--uye 69e Aspirin. 100'- . . . . 20c Bode Add MM . . . 46e Castor Oil. 0 a. . . . ',2.t/ifgf"a%ris,; i . . vet on. . 50c Eur-ct amn Around: 1'.lie Glycerin latte Intuit. 2Se treieifrirt96" “I“; -. -. Mc Soda lint Tablets . . . Me Spirits Pay: I In. . 25c TIM!!!" to no . . . . 'b-tte" mower; TI! PIIII "V PHONE H. P. 143 We Deliver , staunchly withstood the worst financial storm the world hasever experienced. Could there be more impressive proof of the stability and sound organi- f zation of America's system of individual banks? ' Let us getHtieU like these straight in our minds. . m... Let us trust those who have proved themselves . trustworthy. The iiiiiiliii a Gfii country are the , I financial centers around which our renewedbusi- . _ nem activities must take place. q _ There ia a big job ahead of us. Co-operation ‘. willhelpustoaccomplish that job. _ . . . I Ne 10: . . . I for " . . . a for 4.: o - o I for ". on.) . a {or 81.0! â€mule I foe in mm 8 for Me tettttl “orâ€: 2 for " I for ". fytjitt Api'il 14, April ‘15, April 16 Relax tired, aching must]? with thi: invigorating body rub. b educes ex wveperspirsmn nadxidmoves bed: ( odors. Fine shaving lotion. Rubbing Alcohol PINT Phretest bAN K for 51c Tasteless. odoridiss, colorless, interrtnl. hr. bricant. . Adhesive Plaster Grips, tightly. Choice of white or flesh, I'ht 5 "rds. ." A9e Roll Mineral Oil 31.00 Pint 2 for $1.01 2 forth it“ - r" _ [)le hilt Rexall II 2,000 or given to -" pita the the: that All politieal dope to the waste bask -srulta of Tueaday'a in the county and l) district were revit Dr. J, L. Taylor given to Smith. The race for tl county auditor was Otto Sarvella lead returns and until tti, turns were in; wher into the Lead and plurality of about total voté Jn the Ct sail, 7,968; Sarvel cromby, 1,983. The polled small vo_tes. Simnson Wins fo: Mason for P Vow Ill XXI L. J. Wilmot L. o. Brockwny Robt. Penna" Lake county, with lost the congréssior James Simpson. Jr time, appears to hundred votes i, Church. according turns. j Perhaps the out of the primary in i the defeat of Sta V. Smith .by Charis won by a plurality -Dr-tua., Tub years, was nominal to that dMee, It until about midnig] when Taylor show and ,rtr11u-oheaaV r (Continued 0 We nre uni: them 2trpeople t' for a amnlier mm for this pnrpoue apprecisted, psi-1 Month†null ". Highland Park Old City Hall Bakery Sn}. & quarters from__9-' Cot or he'd-dc COUNTY N; Btate's A Vote in more vot Circuit Audi‘