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Highland Park Press, 14 Apr 1932, p. 4

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The Green Bay road school P. T. K"""' "sawn',',"' ' A. is planning a card party to be hater 1,Uie h] 1 held Friday evening, Apnil 15, at 31:39; 13:12.01 _ eight o'elock. The purpose of tips eggs lave beer 'i.,, tor the school. It is hoped that all 0 ' A '. _ li' , parents, teachers and friends of the $1331? 332 Eff . -school will attend this party. A [ U.'.'.,.',?. Rf: C omtrll admission charge will. be_ " . ( made. Prizes will be awarded and HecklersG J.-, 'r; '"T oefreahments willheaerpedr. '_" . ' - --r-BPrt .339?” LL_, _ r Ham Cam-Party at------- _ --F--- ' Green Bay School The dates for the 1932 “Villagel Varieties” have been pushed up one' week to Friday and Saturday, May 6 and T, for the reason that the pre- vious dates chosen were the same as those for “Students Stunts" at the Deerfield-Shields high school, and as both are popular feature en- tertainments of the year, it we: thought advisable not to show them on the same night. The "Village Varieties" will lose ADVANCE DATES OF' VILLAGE VARIEI'IES FOUR Ravinia Entertainment Feature An interesting illustrated talk was to Be. Given Friday and given at tfhehreglupgl et'"),',;',',',','! Sa M 6-7 meeting o t e ttr an at o. turday, ay tary club, in the Moraine hotel, by a . Walter R. Buerekel, Chicago, travel- dr",:,.:',,",,";',', forbethe ejff, d Village ing passenger agent of the Ham- aneties have en gas Q “pkg“ burg-American line of the transat- week to (?,htv, and lt thy" ay 1antie steamships. He- presented 32:: “3,12: 'lt',,,',:',',"","),)?:",,,',',"',,',',',':,' m reels of mm pietures depict- th f "Students' Stunts" at mg scenes during a ioty.td-.tht-yefli as t'f,2,'f, Sh Id hi hool cruise on one of his line's steam- 2i (Sega: (he gpshr‘gtusfe en: ships, wyeh proved highly instriie- tertainments of the year, it was 1t,ig,'iertu"tii','ttt'li,T, 2',rte,'rl'l'tt thought :,t,i",thlU."'t to show them descriptions and explanation, which on the same mtrltf. _ _. " ... . A were heard with interest by the chance to give a week's extra ponsn‘ to their gendy fine finished per- formances f the various sketches for thertrhow. Rehearsals are going on steadily, special scenery is being designed and made, lighting efteets and ether special apparatus to be used imthe show is being planned and executed. The ticket committee too is busy and tickets will be in the mails this week. The siiiiiw"%re1rits" without doubt the cleverest ever attempted in Ra- Lake County Dental w-, rSotietrAnmraI Meet _ The anneal election of ofheerd of the Lake County Dental society oc- curred at the regular meeting held in Libertyville, Monday evening, April I. The oifieertr are: President, Dr. G. G. Postels; High- wood; vice-president, -Dr. N. S. Young, Lake' Forest; secretary- treasurer, Dr. A. L. Berg, High- wood; directors, Dr. L. W... Yates, Waukegan; Dr. L. C. Poff, Wanke- gan; Dr. C. W. Young, Lake Forest. Annual Dance at The Sanitary Barbers A. C. will hold their first annual dance, Sate unity evening, April 16th, at the Oak Terrace school. Chris Crappie Reveleu will furnish the music. The public is invited to attend. Exhibit Paintings An exhibition -of paintings by Hue! Croyr Ewell is bein'g held in the Florentine ‘room It the Con, grass hotel, Chicago. from April 9 to May 9. The exhibit is under the auspice! tf, ttty, All-Illjnojt SociQty 37 Ear "re will 'wzék’s extra polish 'ei-tred-tRW-OOC) Illustrated Talk On. _ Taxpayers Meeting To HIGHWWDTU ELECT Trip Around World At Be Held Friday Night Rotary Club Meeting - at the Pearl Theater ALDERMEN TUESDAY Egg Hunt To Be This . Afternoon; Children . Invited; Sunset Park members. LriiLutuer, T uiLasacirtr.sgdyetLt2 the club by Dr. Don Rossitten. The postponed Easter Egg hunt will take plate this Thursday after- noon at Sunset park. All prevschool. kindertttrten, and first grade chil- dren ar invited to be at the park promptl at 3:30 p.m., meeting at t lower shelter house. ' ey rm en ground [that has, been prepared for ithem and. participate-in the, triind, hunt for hundreds of candy eggs. l The, second,' third; and fourth" grade children are asked to come later at 4:00 p.m., meeting at the lower shelter house, and will go to another part of the park where, the {eggs have been hidden by members, who iith Community Service are sponsoring this annual meet. Considerable excitement . marked the meeting of the Ravinia Womatr's 'ttttttt yesterday afternoon, when- sev- .eral. women visitors took exception to some of the remarks made by the speaker, Carl Haessler. They report that! he declared the capitalistic sysm temirotten and that eventually this) country must turn to communism, urgi g that this should be done as quiczly as possible. l According to themi, women, one of the visitors spoke up in meeting, when oppor- tunity, for askintr_qupstiops was given; and voiced the opinion that the meeting had been listening to the "voice of Moscow," declaring that Haeasler’s statements _in part Heéklers Criticise- '. A _ --tt .fiptak.tr'tfitatemtrt!s words to that ettiet. - Considerable furore was caused, when othgrs added critical comments it was re- Lincoln Sch The Lincoln school P. T. A. will hold its nnnunl card party in the ’ichool auditorium on WediRiiary" 'tfttrmootrrAprtl 20 u 2:30 o'clock. The committee is planning on in- teresting afternoon 1nd all their friends both old and new who enjoy a some of curds are most cordiully invited to be present. _ ..s, Tights my be. M from _ POM, u Card Party, April 20 Tl] Plllb n All taxpayers of Deerfield town- ship which includes the cities of Highland Park and Highwood are urged to attend a mass meetihg to be held at the Pearl theater, High- land Park, at 8:00 p.m., Friday eve- ning, April 15th. sezera1trortittent speaker-rave been secured for the evening ’who have been busily engaged in taxa- tion matters and are well qualified to speak on this much discussed question of the day. In view of the recent increase in taxes in Highland Park it behooves every taxpayer to clearly understand what prompted our various tax levying bodies to demand increasexL Jeanne; - Mug a period of depressit It is hoped that at this meeting a permanent Taxpayers association of this city or township may be organ- ized to be affiliated with other Lake county organizations to carry on the fight against higher taxes. This organization will be strictly non- political, however it will serve as a arearing house where all facts and information pertaining to taxes may be made available to the taxpayer. Further details and tax news will be available Friday evening. fTriqlr, pf _ 11 _Hostess” eh'iliiii,riorm)r Highwood avenue and J'Figiiiitigrtresrday' _. - -rilveretts-p1arer- eete" M“ --_---_ -_. ------__-----.e-,--, We . Draws Large Crowd 'Th_ird ward-Floyd Peterson's res- . idence, 538 Railroad avenue. _ The "Trials of a Hostess," a com- edy in three acts presented by the Mothers club of the Y. W_._C. A. on ev nin was enh'i, and appreciated by a large group o friends who attended. "Bridget" the Irish maid, played by Mrs. Jesse. Sobey, will belong remembered for her huitRrrus character part, which she portrayed in her inimitable style. anil‘marmer; ."'Mrars Montgomery,” played, by Mrs. John Fay was a grit-" cious and tactful hostess? to all of her clubmembers iereladimrtho-dola" ful and drooping old maid portrayed by Mrs. F. 2hnmer,-who' rendered her original poem "What's the Use," with many sighs and groans. Mrs. John Croke, the staunch adherent on Votes for Women, and Mrs. Mc- Creadie the tactless chatterbox, and Mrs. Caulkins the society ladyf all proved that Mrs. Schemmel sfho di-- rected the play knew bose' to place the characters to the best. advantage. The Mothers chili wishes to thank" Miss Margaret" Esmiz and Miss Etanore Erickson for their musical members' and also Mrs. Katherine Re rd and Miss Ruth Drake for their voca nnm rs w ic e to make the play the success it was. Fashion Show Is . _ Planned fir May 5-6 At s luncheon held yesterday (Wednesday), st the Y.W,C.A. it was planned to hold I fuhion show. Thursday and Friday, ngrbth ftld will be similar to the ones held prev- iously and local, merchants will co. operate by displaying their gar- ments and nee-ies. A list of the merchsnts co-opernt- ing and other details" in connection with _tNtfaa1_tiott 9th {in appear IIIilW00Irf0 ELECT I VOTERS LEM' Annual City Election April 19; Three Candidates in Each of Three Wards -e _ The annual city election in the city of Highwood will be held on Tuesday, April 19,' and the polls will be open from 6 mm. to 5' pan. Highwood does not elect a mayor this year, as Mayor Evan J. Dever was elected last year for a two- year term. Three aldermen are to be elected, one in each of the three wards, and in egch ward there are three candi- dates, all running on Independent tickets. -7friraTairaTi7CiiFeTtisr"ratrmrrT- First ward - Raymond Molendi, Joseph F. Farneti, Frank Weinacht. Sec'ond ward-Gabriel A. Doretti, Charles Nelson, Edward N. Williams. ' 'Third ward-Edwin Cowgill, Char- les W. Davidson, George L. Rich. The holdover aldermen are Char- iles Fiore, in the First Ward; Theo- idore Minorini, in the Second ward, and Lyman T. Murphy, in the Third All the candidates for aldermen are well known residents of High- wood -with keen interest in their city's welfare and willing to give of the city, and the office in each ward.is being keenly contested, sup- porters of each candidate working irarsiiht.,.celttsttitrpu_L___., Remember the date, April 19; polls, open. from 5aram _ _ -r, e - J. L/Floyd and Irene Floyd of Highland Park, well known realtors operating under the name of the J. L. Floyd Co. are moving their oftieo from Chicago on Saturday and will beloeated at 384 Center street, Win- netka. Aidan Share Drive Captains Meet April 19 dririTiiirie-, -tite guests of, M1}. p. K. O'Hara at her home, 291 Cedar avenue, on Tuesday, April 19, at 3 o'cloek. Plum for the, caning drive will be discussed It that time. The polling places are as follows: . ..--Hi hwood cit hall. Second ward - w 18 . i Bannockburn Club Receives Blue Ribbon --ets-eimttte1rtstmHhtrden dub had the good fortune to receive the blue ribbon on two of its three exhibits at the sixth annual flower show held " the New pier, one on I modern mantel and one on an origin! flower companion. For the second connev cutive yet; tth club wind ttrat . L. madam/Mam _ Offiee to Winnetka THURSDAY. Alan tf, 1932 the date, Tuesdtt" the office in each 4/ to I Womenof Final League Sessi at Y.W.C.A.r TBURSDAY. APRIL H. The Highland Pat Women Voters held can meeting of the 31 nesday. ApriL20 at l the Y.W.C.A. The Wt will be summarized rep9rts of officers ar Following the report ating committee the which is Mrs. D. M. man; Mrs. Clarence l John R. Todd, Mrs. clair and Mrs. Miram annual election will whose terms expire The league has cho program a subject o terest to every men tax situation, which cussed by Mrs. Raya Lake Bluff. By teas teen years' service a: urer for Lake count oughly conversant v lems confronting La sessors and taxpaye: - -‘(Continued on The women of th will sponsor a free at Witten hall, 360 on Tuesday evening, o'clock: 4. the UniVersity of II Hubert Anderson of the principal speake jects will be on I: and Child Weifare 9"?le to be vegy ipt the women of the 'rrettttsrotreahs to i to attend. iishiIUii1, 't'd'an' aim any of these lecture Eastern Star E Entertainm . After the regula: meeting of Camph 712, of the order of on April 6th, the m mittee. Mrs. Biam sented in little plug May Stay After Sd acters were taken 1 ana Pas! Patrons a ter, and much cred the cast. A large ttt members and friend were present and. n joyable evening. A day cake, also lee , room. On April 20 wil visit of the Worth: Mm. Emma C. m, will be served at th at 1 o'clock, after will be put on in tl There will also be meeting in they"! members are reque ent. _ ----e, .3... aii?f,t". “VII-I ' Sponsor Conventi

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