or Plan Récital ommit- e sub- t eight e High. in co- d Con.. innetka e New eipt of I calls tal in. mainly 10. No r Wklt 'ashing. pointed d sol. rd Park Water of the " was rts has mt re- i from lirector ressing her of rt talk 'at ex- g and appro- to " Whit- times L_tftt nmerce Pot at entuiy al ad- e. Me. to the Iona] r up " iption a the .nager 173.119; with pres-' :ional ,s or- sup- no and His in - I L,L'iititte=L,a, Mrs. Roger Mason entertained at i, I I I. Luncheon and a theatre party yes- 2',T."A'L1elet2t terday afternoon for Baroness Cece- 828 GARY Am lia min Schilling of Copenhagenr ~7m an“ M "06 Denmark, who has been Mrs. Henry '- Warren of Rockville Center, 'Long Island, N. Y., who is visiting her mother, Mrs. L. L. Winters. -r Mrs. Fred Helm who has been vis- iting her daughter Mrs. Fred Graf of Lake Zurich and her sister Mrs. Wiiriimitriuf for the past'two Weeks left Saturday for her home in Fish, Mrs. Arthur F. Byfield entertain- ed the members of her French club from Chicago at luncheon retrterdar (Wednudny) titer which they at. tended the pun given by "Le Can» aria" at Winnctkn. eirdeGsiriisFtTiiiR "V a iiiiFfy7irrrTéiWti' from Chicago at bridge on Saturé Mason', guest _ for the Miss Zita FehrepUeh of North avenue, is visiting her parents in Mtmshfle1d, Wis., for About ten days. Mrs.- Forrest D, Rose entertained mismbera Of her trve hundred club on Tuesday evening at her home in Highmoor. any ’evenmz.‘ A luncheon and card party will be given by two guilds of the Tab. ernacle society of St. James church of Highwood in the parish hall on Thursday, April 21, at one o'eloek. Reservations may be made by phon- ine H. P. 8153 on -or before April 19. A very nominal chaise will, be avenue and lave moved to Winnetka. Dr. and Mrs. R. PL Herbst are spgngiing two weeks at White Sul- phur Springs. 1 --__ party, inclusive. _ Mrs. Fred Graf and baby son. Robert John, of Lake anichtygs SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YBAN Ali communication an» be neon-mid by the nun and addu- of the writer. Article. for publication nut ranch auditor unwane-d-y noon to but. spun-ne- in current have. Mahmou- of condolence. curb " thumb. ohituari‘l. notice) of entartnirut-t-atttq. am when an qtdmittagteq dam b In!» lished. will be gland a - ad-ti.. Conrad. T'tm unlu. PIIN'I'ING ANY eon and bride van sum-z. Hum-a rug. . (Wednesday) . Telephon- Kilian»! Perk “743.4“ Me n". M rented their home on Broadviow Vol. 8t mum“. um u. an: "rittarrea a. Second Clu- Ilnun M t. ")1; " tho Post ttate. “-311th Park. inn rim. (HE HIGHLAND PARK guess ISSUED THURSDAY or IACI mi Glaser Hum: Parlor (Wang- bdrm) I M. “all. It. In. an ' Tte. lieu-I M an Mr. und Mrs. Leif Norman lave Local and Personal of Highland Park - Bun bas, " In h mm _ VM!QGIIW ngridsen of North av? Avril 14, 1982 where they spent the winter and are leaving today for Lnwsonin, Green Lake, Wis, where Mr. Fossum will again serve as professional at the Lawsonia Country club. Abbott Byfield with Prof. Bailing- er of the Country Day school and a elartrmate,-Btmphen Paul, are motor- ing to Bostori,- Mm, where they will visit the Boston Institute of Technology, where' Abbott is plen- ning to attend school. Mrs. Robert Slnybuék of Sduth Sheridan road entertained at lunetr. eon and 1tridtre'yesterd" durum Mu. Bernard Siecele of Halt Day road entertained at three tables of tive. hundred, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Arthur Greuel and children spent last wad: in Collinsville, 111., visiting relatives.' SPECIKL F Saturday Night Club Steak . 1 French Fried Potatoes " Mr. aners. Harold Fossum hntrd {\NLY the very best se- lected whole nut meats are sold at our shop. They are rested fresh daily to insufé their being unquestionably f r e s h when you buy -them at " North Sheridan Road Highluld Park FILBERTS - CASKIWS - PM ALMONDS - PEOANS PIGNOLIAS - PISTACHTOB FLORENCE CHASE HOWARD-UDV " . RUDD'S may.“ 45c I“. PIIII The Sarah Amine will meet on next Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Clnk, 828 Ridge.-' wood drive. Mr. and Mrs. Solomon St. Peter were delightfully purpriwd by I number of * friends last evening (Wagnesday). The" party was in commemoration of Mr. St. Peter's birthday anniversary. Mrs. J.7Page Conley of 2404 N. Deere Park drive, entertained twen- ty friends " luncheon followed by bridge yesterday in honor of her guest Mrs. R. G. Savery of Oakland 22 gtorth Shaman Road! 603 Bani: Strut mm Dark, ,Jlltunin '. Cuanninu - Illinois Edwina: mum Dark " . Erratum 'httrrrrstttt 5480 22 N. Sheridan W Our firtgt anniversary in our Highland Park Store. To make it interesting for our customers, for the week of Monday, April 18th, we are offering special values for each day. . TUESDAY MONDAY THURSDAY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY FRIDAY KARMEL . KORN SHOP - For the baby. T Diinty hand-made bonnets and dresses. An interesting selection of 2 and l giece swetter sets and jackets, Angora trimmed, wool or" " k and wool. Embroidered albatross ' 1riititrtasr,-thred or omitted. . _ -.- _ . . - T f 25% discount on all carriage sets and pillows. 20% dileount on all period and early American tapestries. Small pieces also that children enjoy working. Lace: and embroideries. You will find among our laces te, what you want in matched sets and yokes or lingerie. xquisite hand embroideries and hand machine embroider- ies on organdy and batiste for collars and cuffs and vestees. Binche, valenciennes, Irish, Venice, Alencon hand run and reproductions in all the wanted widths. See our special prices on Wednesday. An attractive assortment ‘of linens for lunch sets and towels. We are showing drawn thread, self colored checks, stripes; pastel shades in fast colored cambric handkerchief All“ our lovely itddkerehiefs for men and women. French sud Irish linen, white and colored. Some Und-woven, all haitd..ro1led edges, monogrammed at K our regtt1arunortotrram prices on ridey. . _ Choice Inching. Auitable. for every occuion, including All specially priced for Thursday. Sheer batiste and oglndy embroiderirs,, piqué and “it? sets, phinandhoe Mfr - Speck} orders for 416mm neck lines. . . “and up that In Mutant. . . All maven-1nd hand big: " 20% discou'nt onSattardar. Opposite Highland Park Press office Announcing the opening of a New Mrs. Viola Conrad entertained the members of the P. J. club on Tues- day evening. - The Woman's Missionary society of the Bethany church is meeting this afternoon " the home of Mrs. J. Hecketsweiler. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling A. Warren and daughter Lee of Rockville Cen- ter, Long Island, N.Y., are visitim their mother, Mrs. t. L. Winters. Mrs. Warren was formerly Aliceve Winters. _ Mrs. R. G. Savery of Oakland, Calif., is the guest of Mrs. J. Page Conley of 2404 N. Deere Park drive. HOP 603 Davis St. YL c Sat. $1 45c 29c [.10 Ge Be "