will be placed slang the outside siting rem. The ection with the re statiqn ground arden club. The d and cared for has beep planned lmp of the Royal uraday, June M, Masonic temple. ness session will td a social hour. resented. There a-walk with Mrs. id Mrs." George of troops 51 and bird house and h, in addition to P. 178 568 - ICELAND PARK for Tonight LABS >-UDELL RIA "orkshop AUNDRY Fabrics ING co. Grace INN 'trsh-tat Church North Ave. And Laurett- PM. . Rev. N. S. Nye, mmmr . W..H. Hols-to. Sap't Church School Church school. 9:30 “a. .' Homing yon-ship,- 10:45 nan. “Three sum of Life." . . Rpm lam 7:00 pm; . _ #111. Dun! Vuggkgn Chm]: school} Muses. 7:30 and 8:30,..m. Mis- sion closes Sunday. June 26. Snpflay: Bt., John's Evangelical Church Homewood Ave. and Green Bay Rd Rev. F. B. Piepenbrok, pastor Sunday school, 10:00 mm. Church _service, 11:30 a.m. Wednesday: q . Juniorihoir rehearsal,' 7:00 pmt. Thursday: . Senior choir rehearsal, 7:30 pan. Visitors ,irltryaiehNint., ings are â€always helpful and inspir- ine. 'You are invited to spend an hour in fellowship and prayer. The time is 8:00 'p.m. ' ' ' - Baily Tracaiian, School: Our Bible school _will continue each day this week to the close of nextweek. Bell Teak-pica... Co. ngnesday: Tuesday: _ - l -___ . The Laurel league -will ITetent Btigijiithisiiiahi, as liiiiifii. The evening service starts at 8:00 pm. Mr. Peter .Grimgzqn “will playwhis electric Vibraphone at thié service. many will want to hear" him. Monday: " ' service begins at 11:00 timTh; Yours heaviest, at T.pirp.ri, with, All departments of our Sunday school open their _stitrphiacgserzigtes Visitors are invited io with us! T . 1rtmrnmRitTa, the parsonage. Wednegday, June 29: 7:00 pan. Choir rehearsal. 8:15 p.m. Prayer service_ led Mr. Chang. Anderson. _ Mr. Lars Nielsén. Tuegdny, June 28: 8:00_p.m. Midsummer f e s t i v a1 sponsored by the Sewing circle. Sunday, June 26: 10:30.3.m. Church school program held at the Lake Forest cemetery in memory of Mr. Lars Nielsen. 6:00 p.m. Meeting of the' Friend- ship circle. . T The Swedish Methodist Church Highwood Ave. and Everts Place Rev. Wm. W. Nelson, Pastor Res. 219 Jefferson Ave. Friday. June 24: 7:45 p.m. Pioneer league beach Jt.tttx..-....--,_'L_a____.___, Saturday, June 25: Mis§_Sl{yd_er will have charge of mustn't. JUN! u. tia, , The "ottieitg board will meet in the Bolr pro“ Catholic Church 8Q0jiaiii.' Bethuly Evangelical Church Laurel and" MetloveAT Rev. H. F. _Si1smsen, Pastor a Jc. E.sutre, Putor Memorial service for Yoati; THIS WEEKS SERVICES k'f LOCAL CHURCHES um Church Jam Chum-rot Christ. Scientist Evert, Place First Church of Christ, Scientist, on, Pastor Highland Park, Illinois, 881 Hazel ... A.., ______A, . . - H". H "olft)lrtijtu: li "l"'"",',':",')',,"'))':.',.",',,',':',":'-,.;;,. "'. 4.“... aer. The 7:00 Young Peoples meeting. $0041.11} Monday: v, rphur--.hisr --7:-15-Girl Scouts, Troop 2. I 'Wrvlee. Tuesday; ‘ . m. q :00 Cub Pack 80. ' Friday: yet in the 4: Girl Scouts. Troon l, worship by "C?r"r'rpmrnre%ri6tiiittiii Tt 9:30 and close at 11:30 am. -- A cordial _welcome to all the ser- vices and activities of this church. iiiiir"this Presbytiirisin th1srplttss po- optratihtr, began auspiciously last Monday. New pupils may still be enrolled. The school will close on 4:09 Girl bsstgte, Troop 1. 7:15 Troop 52, Boy Scouts. Vacation Church school, the Beth- _leh1tpg_gi)1ratursgicaL_thifsC'i,%L All are eordialry Invited to "tend the service‘s and make use of, the reading room. l, 18llitirN,)i9_lr_, Jriiiifiihii) Night Club Steak ') w 1 French Fried Potato;s the evening, except on tiriiirirGfG7'ia",' when it is apen.until Ttar., On Sun- daythe reading room in open from 2:30 to 5:30. Here the Bible end .11 authorized; Christian, Science liters-1: tare may be read, borrowed, or pur-; o'Noek, and the Wednesday evening meeting, which includes testimonies of Christian Science healing, ia.at 8 o'clock. Sunday school is open to pupils between the ages of four and 20, and is held Sunday morning at 9:30. . Subject for next Sunday’s- Iemn' sermon, "Christian Seienee." A free public reading room is maintained by this church at " Nu Sheridan road, which is open dnilyl from!) 03199: inthe morning tn tt in RELIABLE LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING CO. --- -- vutouv, mural-lab, Highland Park, Illinois. 881 Hazel avenue. is a branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mus. The Sun- "'l',5 ' Bepooi.,e _ 10:45 Morning worship ‘and 'ser- =iiaiiiaiiaiaaat Phone H. P. 178 QUALITY DRY CLEANING W171 Deerfield nu ruin Redeemer Evan. Lutheran Church West Central Avenue T _ -e _ -v Rev. W. P. Suhrp Pastor _ . Sundayschoo‘l, 9:30. . Wrnintr worship, 10'.80.. The pastor is inuttiiiiiriiiiUat synog. this week in Milwaukee. For 1"1seertttttrtrs-p, upon the Rev, parsonage. 9-11:30 Vacation Church school in the parish house. Sunday: 9:45 Church school. 11:00. Morning worship service. All those having no church home in Highland Park" are invited to worship with us. Monday Through Friday: v-LJ..0U vacation VluTn school in the parish home. It iihot too late the parish house. Friday: Thursday: Highland Park Presbyterian Church Laurel and Linden Avenues Dr. L. W. Sherwin, Minister Church Phones 683 and 46 nu :30: Tseaorroul'rih- Ech'dol . . . ai Jane; . . . thiills . . (shooting . . . horsemanship . . . iiii,dT,1 . . each evtnipghme 24 to tt 4 . . . North Shoe Line divert to Roam/I Road Station. on should take the children to see this as: patriotic spectacle. The big U. S. Chicago is in gala attire, in the greatest display in years as the Dem are holding their national convention: Iretr-cxn buy tickets to the big.meeting itself .." . . herd at" the Stadium (right " the "L") or join the festive crowds downtown. Be sure to put in " least a day in Chicago during the Convention sessions. ' Chicago id i Vacation Chttreh-rrehoo1 hi" unmasuxgyï¬zamwmfl IN my high: and day "dunk NoanmeuouNc pat-g. a. . tifetreiiehigNe/eic ’ ACTIVITY! EX CITEM EMT! Army .'rourypent, is on, at Soldier Field ee tho Children, ard welding: 7:45 pan. Evening worship. Mes.. sage by the name-gr, -ee ----e-.e_ 8:00 pan. Cottage prayer meeting. 8:00 lian. Midweek prayer seryice in the church. _ - 7 -ee-F I -----, e Every morning from 9:00-11:80 mm. Daily Vacation Bible school is held in the church. last parents send this children to receive instruc- tion and training in the Word of 7:00 pm. Christian Enduvor. The meetings recently have been of tur. usual interest. 'Come and meet: with us. V tent t " 9:00 am. Prayer sirrviee. 9:30 Batt.. Sunday school, where God's word is taught. ‘ 10:45 im. Mornin'g worship. Sub. ject, "Should a Christian Exercise His Rights? If So, to What Ex- Evantrelieai Congregational Church Green lay, Road and Laurel Ave. F'riday, June 24th: ' 7:30 gm. Jby Smut: . A. van Gorkom, pastel;