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Highland Park Press, 30 Jun 1932, p. 19

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's organization _ on lief-.. __' arming for Home- Boysr.--cThe exper- oseopie picture of hich affords ma- gaging Allen 10L reportorial style It ittAis ehtoniele, TT An _ unbiased 'oreitrn relations II Year just put. b, "A m e r i c a --A penetrating terieana" today. _ 7 'Only Yesterday.” uauuuimesuuutus ,) frop N_oprem)rer, unusual oppor- "P important d Distribution of Relief. , r Personal Contact a, of.. Relief. m Made.Work for Unemployed. nine for Care of Transient Men. Me compass ,0} Aistdrp. _ which add " atmoapbm of rllur' . V fill be’cioud "ehine Age."--- federal trovem- many functions, n the new tech- " which science We made neces- of Chicago Preas Hit of books for so 'that the wdi. been hearing the Council on Radio (feasts could con.. rand study this my has the fol- a French view- '1 Ind, Scrobbs, admiruble cup- I monumental fyce’n “Ameri- "Atttiibitirw. tttethttra."c-LAn of American cities in the i/ii.. study. is problem: "The United ur, "In "in: Fr--'-. n, " 1 Mr. and in. n. P. Gnu. 'i,tjji'lti.ljtilfii'j'j,]lii,il'; r N. Grohe'. math?!” rib-L- P 11.. n-.. 1.tyrt: In. urn-onc- mothgr from Fitch- Mrs. Roy Miller attend-d the 1nd- burt. Hun. . dine of her brother. Herman My Mrs nnd In. JGlter Samson and HIu’Dom Silverhorn, in Chl- tel, little daughter, Harlin, re- am on Wednqoday. Mr. and In. IN“, 'c2ileteia-gtc2?jgi-tty, £53.!m 1tetrin.r.tytit.sg hath-m Mr. um! Mrs. Ernest Lemm of Glencoe have rented the Brat uni-t. mcnt in the L. C. Balaton. on Derraeid avenue. _ day. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Maueek were the guests of Mrs. Mptseck’a "3raristtta, Mr. and Mrs. Berman Al- brecht of Mundelein, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mm. Ralph Peterson and daughter, Doris Jean, In on a trip through the Ozarks. Therieft Mon.. Mrs. :‘Daisy $3th6? £ther 'visited her daughter, Mrs. Eugene Cogksy, or: Aandnr. _ _ Mi. and Mrs. Hamill will remain at 'thé"'Wéi'y" home on Stratford road for the summer. Mrs. Hamill will teach again next year " Ban- nookbum school. _ firm my. r. mar, . manners or Dorcas urrertt Four spent‘ the week-end in Galesburg- entertained the 1ild " , - .. ", _ . . _ " ;o , - IAN an e , mg at unset park last Wednesday. has been very ill at the Galesburg Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Wortham en- :C0 "3E Lynn». .2...;. “2.. ' ._.-- ‘4 "w- - ig Mt . , , J' “f a W. .. 'isrttionend they visited him. fet supper on Sundav- at thoir 15mm: IMML Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Iroebefinuatd dinghtexf Constance, and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ott visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spat}: of Chicago, on Sun- day. , . F Dr. _ am} Mrs; C. Johnston Davis have returned from a trip to MIS- toyri.. Mrs. Dav.is' mother, Mrs. Sugden, of Evanston, remained at the Davis home during their ab- some. law, Mrs. Prank Saeman, who was fifty Karen. __ 'Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bingham and daughter. Sally, and' Miss Mary EMweI-e 11tmdargmstrcaeahd Eugene Ender home. Mrs. Dan Holmes, with her par- nine.- 'Mrs. KslcheEr'is the'fénie; Angie Saeman and visited in Deer- 1tehr"1Tmrmrtrsr"rrmr"Triiriih7t"i"/7-h"iC" avenue for seven] days. . Mrs, Paul M. Meta and her sister, Miss Mayme Ketch went to Cross Plains, With, this week, to attend the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kalcheur, who were drowneid Sun- day at a lake near Madison. Mr. Kaleheur went to the rescue of his tiety1tU1ttdou_ts1etstre_drrrsi1t, the young couple were Miss Grace Sherman and George ‘Ward. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Hazel Vent Kreh and the groom is em- ployed at the Siljestrom Sinclair Filling station in Highland Park. Mr. and Mrs. Rolman will reside in Highland Park. ' I Mr, andJArs. Russell Batt have a daughter born Thursday at their home. Mrs.. Batt, who was Mildred Rolf, has been critically ill and a zone of quiet. was placed in the Miss Lelah Kfeh and Clarence (Pet) Rolmnn were married Friday afternoon " _the 1hNrrfteld Presby- terinn meme with Rev. M. J. Arts "" on Centri . Miss Burbs" Hugh! ‘1'“ guest . soloist " B, concert nt St. Paar: church of Palatine, Ill., on Sunday t "mini. In}: 1rpthl also an; solo The "Arerite etutroriiiGart Thurs- day evening. July 14, at the home of Mm. J. R. Non. _ , “a! were "h""'.'.?" “on. or Chicago have. Mrs. Sehamtuum's, mother, Postmaster Fred H. Keyer,‘ ac- “d Mrs. Emilie Glos ‘Of North: Frau’anny Reichelt, as their guest. compenied by Mrs. Delbert Meyer, brook. . i. _ The Schumann: reside on Oster.. Mrs. Raymond Meyer end her three Mrs: Sarah Gilmore,_ Mr. and Mrs. _ an avenue. - little boys leftl‘ueeday to be gone Joseph Gilmore of Shieatro and Mi. The Altar and Rosary society will until after the Fourth. Mrs. Delbert 'tttd Mrr. Ethan W'Um‘" of White.. meet Friday evening, July I, It the Meyer will stop " at Vandalia. Ill. ttsh Bay, WU., "SIN Mrs. J. , Holy Cross parish hell. for a visit with her sister. In. Wil- Huehl on Sand”. Mrs. Huehl tN The Tuesday Evening Sewing club‘ lien Renshew, and‘will continue to slightly improved in.ymlth: . will be entertained next week at the Brownstown to visit her {ether and The Arena clnbmll meet Thurs- home of Mrs. J. R. Note of Knoll- then on to St. Louis and to New day evening. July 14, at the home wood reed. . Florence, Ma. m, nest of the men- of Mm. J. R. Nou. T T _ Pietro Marchi of Highlsnd Ptrk, bers of the automobile tripnwlll so Mus Barbara Huehl "ttut guest was soloist " the Mission services directly to New Florence, Mo. for trolout " tt,eotteert nt St. Paul's on Thursday and Fridsy‘evenlngs at e visit with Mr. and In. Alvin church Pf Palatine, m., on sum!” the Holy Cross! Cbthotie- church. Reyes (Beu~8chllstra). V evening. Miss Huehl aUo MI 9010 In. Ben prrttMdtsott of “W - In. balmy». went to Harvey,- parts with tio eltoir. ' was soloist on’ WedneedV eveilng. Ill. on, Tuesday to remain with her Hrs. Roy Miller attended the wed- Mr. and Hrs. P. J. Rewind. daughter Mes. Harry Norton. while tine of her brother. Herman Frey eon Billie of ifiltitrt wee-{nests the fully Is in Missouri. j ""N sud ttlar-Dome M1verhortt, in Chl- on Sande} " A. D. 'Reede lie-e _ Dorothy and Kenneth Venus! - on Wedneeday. Mr. end Ire. on Orchard lane. . _." Ittr.1ettt 9ytttri.ttt,io,, -I fl ttttrpm It-i-tnina h “M- My“ _iu-taia.s,i----t, Lw9q 'Q"I_“,L,: . - - Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Glos of Free- port visited Mr. and Mrs J. R.mota on Saturday. Their guests on Sun- day were Rudolph Not; of Chicngp and Mrs. Emilie Glos of North: Chamber, at, ceiineriaUG"iic poneddrom last Thufgday to today; Is a great many wished to atteid' the Banker’s bangue_t let Thursday. , Maurice Cazel and. his uncle, Me. Shanta, have returned from a trip to_reake_curhrtte, Wis. July. -- War'""""'" -~ - v-r wa fet supper on Sunday, at their home ber on Deerfield avenue. - Mis Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Hammer of erie Cedar Rapids are moving into the m terthined guests froin rGgCdiii, on Sunday. Frts by the Prairie View band was presented Tuesday evenintrc9tuie 28, in Prairie View. Included in the personnel of the band are quite l number pf Deerfieldians. her guests on Thursday Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Wright, daughter Lois, son Robert, and Mrs. Wright's moth- 'is,tlrt'i,-hihie,,2ee,e,ij.t,t.t/i.ii, tgsliiggmLiagunt,g gUS9h - IVAN) eon at the Lewis Mills farm near Ditunond Lake: _ Harry ig.' ited friends day. . FtrrtTr%ij, the PEER; on, Monday, Fourth of Mrs. Sttretret are residing in the W. B. Carr bungalow. Mrs, Irving Brand returned Sat- urday from Evanston where she spent the past week. Her sister, Miss Rose English has been critic-e1- ly ill in St. Francis hoiipital, Evans- homes" after sspeiiiiiiir"ii"ev with their-brother, Mr. J. 1 of Wept Pair Oaks avenue enson's grandmother, Mrs. Olivia Anderson. Miss Mayme stoeeel of Dubuque, la., and Mrs. _rithtl,ttrjrre_gr1rptsrLod 'hiemreaitrv-ii-i-ii-tTiFititi- to their homes after spending seven] days “A”. LL_1_. l -I -- - _ Miss Irene, Roekenbaeh had pienit orttinir of the Deisriield Cashmore house' iidifGTf an: i% z:'. _. Sig) ..- "ditFraWa'i'iWiiaa, Fourth of July. ”hm Moore of Chicago vis- in Deerfield on Thurs- Dorcas Crrtht Four Ls avenue. Mr. and residing in the W. '. J. A. swam View church TB. Pl... $6 in}? taktig..-iiiiftTsd “a? the Love home on Friday. Mrs. George Engstrom will enter- tain her luncheon bridge club next Wednesday at her home on Central ‘bridge luncheon on iireiiiaiiF a: the home of Mrs. Emma Belt of G7ilmette. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welter”. of Wilmette and Miss Margaret Lud- _1tyar.. 9f thcago, who were enroute "TmPe"r"EmrpW0rmm5NRrlRrit-ti.T who is at the Drake hotel during the Democratig saausaisacpGata. . _ _ a s of Montana was also a mem- ber of the dinner party given by Miss Knapp and her aunt Mrs. Val- ene. 1 Dorothy Wendi}; Mr. and Mrs. guests ff Alt-3. Wood's sister, Miii TrpREti: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ami; PM daughter, Miss Janeksze and daughter, Dorothy; with-”M; and Mrs. Joseph Miller and Miss Marie AJane Friedland of Chicago Julian Rocquielj home' -ikjiuriiier" Migs Marie Jane Friedland of Chi- C. W. Getty and two children Sarah and Philip have gone to- Phil- adelphia to visit relatives. The old- er Getty son. James, has gone to Colorado Springs. _ Edwin Wood Jr. and Jildward Cazel left Saturday with“. Mrs. Campbell and little doughter of Wilmette. The hey: are driving the car to Catifomih, Mrs. Campbell will take it on to Hawaii. The Marshall Pottenger family spent Sunday on the Iroquois river, near Knnhkee. They were aceortt.. panied by Orval Frederick, Mrs. thrrt"fhrttetrnro"irrmrnitArvtiiTr Beatrice. Pottentmrrs-aea, -Pottemree remained " Kankakee and. her six- ter returried to Deerfield for a visit with her father. Mr. and Mrs. Gunther Schumann “Mum Mrs. t-Klink of-4Neatto are shying at the C. W. Getty home on Westzate road until otter the fourth of next month. Mrs. Ingram Rasmussen enter- tained at a bridge luncheon on Fri- day at 1ttrAome_oirweattrate road. c. E" =ee. f'N"P-.e-'W"_ V, “In." 'Te".". "luau-1 -.e "A"" Mtgbelcvenin'gutmmamh. ' _ 'Mr. nnd Mrs. rLloyd Bach of Itasca, Ill., have a baby girl born last Monday, _ The Dorcas society will .meet Irfiursdiiy, July 7, at the Presbyter- ian church. :" . , Postmaster Fred H. Meyer," cc- eompanied by yrs. Delbert Mere, " w,"â€" w -r..r. ~~-w-- "VJV‘D Hrs. Raymond Meyer end her three little boys left_'rttettdar to be gone until utter the Fourth. Mrs. Delbert Meyer will stop " " Vandalia. Ill. for . visit with her sister, In. Wil- The annual pariah. cumin] of the Holy Cross church is scheduled for July. 1l1_t1r_t4, trtm, Thursday ua Sunday inclusive; A ' V Mr. md Mrs. ..Llavd Run}. " Mrs. Edna Orsborn and t son Charles left Sunday with Mrs. Les- ter Stanger "and daughter Bonnie, of Highland Park and Mrs. Vinton Thompson of Rogers Park to-visit relatives in Grand Junction, Iown. Charles still remain in Iowa for the condition of the m" "m" .C"" surprise to the young pebple and the tour tlesrlrrttrrrtoitse proved of -mrs. mom or retest Glen spent Monday With Mia. Fred Meyer. _ Last Sunday afternoon, Rev. and Mrs. P. G. PiepenbroV twisted by at-ye-s-Peers-ol-ttur-tpri-e-Tia'; took members of the LL14 club on a tour to the Maxwell Street Mir.. Monday _tsvenintr. and Edmund Mafia; iiiiiipriieGr. , Mrs. R. V: Hutchison and daugh- bass. T n--:-- A -- - - _ ter, Louise An: - .._....... .ucu will W the next hostess. ___ Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Meyer Were Sunday dinner guests at the Denver Courson home in Wenkegnn. Edmund Koebelin whem tt7tt18sT1raiirt-iirritT/ Maura-gn.. Wen. They left last week and will return the first part of August. Local scouts left for camp on Mon- day. June M. Fenton is waterfront director, John diningahall director, and IPa,....-a ___, I . - given by the womén of Dore“ Cr- ole Four, tonight, at the Presbyter- inn church unembly room. The ' IA Reeds home. frltttrrt!dy..tin, of Chicago 9‘, Forest Glen nun nu old-time- WEE Tt

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