It - “ RELIABLE LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING co. Albina-ouch r v~ t 7 DR. A. 1. mm ELECTRIC sauna: I -. T mm Amuom ELECTRICIANS - 3- 806 son- a... a... AUTO nucxsmm , _ tn J'.",l'deelAe., - _ . in our Wont-Ind a. BODY mumps: won: ..-.. ' - _ A huh- or Rebuild Any Huh of m Thu. 'hmm. and human of Your ELECTRIC SERYICE “fl _.-....-........ . . ' t cum wont" _ a...“ wry-gu- on. 'uie. 8Neettt "f - te . yaw“ ""' rumm'unn 339.4me an. loud: Deho law Duct. Str-- ’ 7mg. In.“ an new. . . Ms 1rue%t '" f.i.ttteaetc_tigrxtue, P. 573 A LIL!“ - â€Lacuna-:47 -"_" a...“ "new mu. . ".* “w m m “m" HOWARD-UDtit.t JUMSUN dlt DAHL ai to Lawn Mm Shop I ' _ a I Ii I _ Attltttttt . . . _ "Bill! 7 John q. by. Pte.. . _ .CAEETER'A 'Alindl'mdacr .. ManCuhundeM' Join- Ave-cur-pr" Ave. ' . ' a v-" " 'riirrrir7iri' Ttte, “as the “that tho but. the {can Rm run EXTRA noon Wm WANT-ADS for Bull J.’S£ETH JUNK _ t HIGHLAND TELEPHONE no T. P. 178 C (tl-tii/fail. _ ' Di/rectory f [of PAINTING and DECORATING Paints, Wall Paper, 611:: __ Window Shades, Auto Glass _ ' Paauri, Supplied - Central & Socoiad St. Tel. H. P. 949 Pttttetrp.htatta -' Cut Flu Tel- mzungl Park ii. ua is Mr. and Mm. Ethan' Filhpatrtt Whiteitah Bay, Wis.. visited friends and relatives in Deerflerid on Sun- day. , Mr. Ind Mm. Claude "Boon, via- itad in Prtutttfttt oanunday. Smitty, If their itGL%uTit"tUiii _, Local and Pergonal _ of tuirfiad Miss Laura Wading vs: hostess to the Sunshine group of the W.M.S. on Friday. . _ 'me two little LGrir Wilson Nesarttarder are living " the Dom: Home. q "Say It my. Hooch" - v“ - --- -, - “my... a, _ Y'""""'" as: 31.00! sun-r CABINET MAKERS Lake Shore Creamery J PETER H. K. CRIMSON H Drakeries - F abrieg Ihre, Dressed miiikG, a. 313d Hm. Hugo Hanna]; Albert nomw, Mrs, f. Greta Bay Road Crystal L. Fer. on Dry clam!!! - Pressing Tailoring Ind Repairing Gum and fer an! an“ . Tel. B. P. 495 " 8. St. Johns Ave. triofeiionat, Piano'l‘lnung . le'wztmflmm‘m - I. P. nun " raw mu... 1315 MM An. m “All Atttt iiiii, [iiiiiki; - tii a , ' Jr, tall for WM!" 'rusierenttconeattaim, gun. Mildred Gunckel was the that of Mrs. William Rose of Lake Forest on, Monday. " Misses Beatrice Carola: and Marge McKay of Chicago Were Sun- (dsy guests It the home of Mrs. Molly Carohut Pastor. Mrs. Joseph Dunn and dnugi'xter, Grape of uke/r'ormst. and Mn. Jo. nod family of jrdrriiiu""i7i, vlsited relative: in Beloit, Wis., Mrs. Mildred Lanai aTiai It iii; Ralph Collie home in Diamond Lake last week. - day guests " the Peter J. 1 home. Mr. and In. Berry bovine son, Norbit, Mrs. Ibrthn.Love dinand Tune tad My. Samuel Rockenbach were Sunday dinner west: " the Emil Strum: home in Rogers Park. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson and "utrhter of China), were thur. litsgtiat_tu JOHN NELSON m- Huh-4MB]. “any.“ ' t m 31.00: sum " the Péter J. Lem Jas Bluff iii-iii“ ft'rrifyT1-t',rN'rr'Pe9P'-aH"rsr-- w Ivsflguammwnl l V Mrs. J. Paul McHugh of West Luke Forest entertained "Deerfield relatives on Thursday." Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Hoffman en- tertained " dinner on Tuesday eve- ning, at their home on Greenwood avenue. ' Ilia Eleanor Van Zandt isf Grays Lake visited friends in Deerfield on Monday. Miss Barbara Each] will spend next week in St. Louis, Mo. _ n The independent Social club met last Wednesday afternoon ‘at the home of Mrs. Fred Beckmnn of Aptakisic. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Anderson en- tertained att dinner and bridge on Saturday evening, at their home on 'lt-e-ttr-ty-tpet-rr--,----]-"--, Miss Jane Wood is visiting‘her aunt. Mrs. William Fabian] of Ev- anston. BRING RESULTS 'ii.gii?,rvk'ge2s2 PHONE 568 at the taria, tst 1-- " i ng Mter in the' Y" v! At that “if and of fe the fol om