" q / _ _" ""'om"LP.iturrrrirmutar. _ HORSESBOARDED is; l ’. (w'" m.- cumu- Bud-1M“! M- . ' ", inhuman now . I Saddle Horses$.00piir Hour ---- "*7 u or ettonomofthe y.This mm "ietsignated in "Dam-rem: Sperm-{from the--Nimth-ttmre-joto-camd- Post No. 146rHitthland Park day" at [ Hunt club, and will undoubtedly give; FortBheridm This is u; pug; "ithrtrsietatoru. all the thrills thay‘ ttie eArerirtittJetrio_rremrrrirori_tsiiuclam'ntf, . _ c, 7, 7, - _ --e Sheridan team. Bis addition with Port Sheridan Polo club adds great- ly to its strength. and so before the sqgnmer is over, some bf tht fastest Announcement of this game will be nude in this column at n early E. Davis, an excellent dour goal man. whe plated in many tourne- ments here Int season, and who Ein Jie pemnnently with the Port itTiFidTii the near mm to deeidd the thtmpionahip will be one of un- 8-5. coming up from behind in the last two chukkers. The score was tied at the sixth period, and from then on it was Onwentsia’s game. The ftrst game of this series which was played two weeks ago was won by Fort Sheridan with a 'score of [ tt-6.' This "win" for Onwentsia‘ makes the games one and one. so} t1ytt_thtrrttxt game which will be Sunday. June 26, saw the largest crowd of the year out to see the fast interesting game between On- wentsia and Ft. Sheridan. This, was the second pf a series of games be- tween these two popular teams. The _ --'-'i"" --r.-. ,‘ l" 4'""P"NK-.n I . I a o, a o , _ Pot {inconvenienced Highland Park riders â€can now ‘delim hone-£041†bridle pain in Highland Park REDUCED RATES! . 0.1er mm T . 8radte Home to Itent ,Clencoe Riding School Mn Chalmers o--:-----.--.-.....) per hour Mr. Cltahn_ertr', assistant..........g,....,.$2.00 perhoue-, . Special juices for course of lessons . GROUP INSTRUCTION FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS . . j Special Rates. Park and adjacent to many miles of beatitiful paths through shady woods and smooth open country where there is privacy and freedom from all traffic. ' Bridle Paths . J- on County Line mar, - - . . . Here is the finest spot to ride'in “trig-middle weit. Located just a mile and a half west of Highland PRIVATE LESSONS {INTi SCHOOL (members. This will add a great deal of color to the occasion. In mddttttrtrtratrrsjiis- 1311'ng Legion Post Drum and Bugle corps will be out. This organization is lead by Mr. Dave Strttle wholem- erly was with the Chippilley Pet Drum and Bugle corpiand will vie with them for the honors. The polo game itself is of great interest " "tr'ommmrAtPrttFT0eBTtiteFeliiirttii Rt ttt the booth at the carnival. These cost only $1 per far no matter how many occupants, and are good for my Sunday- polo game at Fort Sheridan this season. The Drum and Bugle Corps from the famous Chippilly Post No. 810 of Chicago, lead by Mr. o. G. Hjelte, will be out) in all their regulia, and will put on a show " 3:00 pm. sharp, just be- fore the game. This Drum and Bugle Corps is very well known fit oft he Highland Yak $5.555. Tieteua.1uw be purchased from "nny held " Sunset park on July 1-2-8-4. The Legion members are all getting behind this, ‘and a percentage of the sale of tickets is to go tis the bene- M“ Polo Field 3 Era 6iWtiiiRii o: leridan Polo I"! run Tuesdey, Juhr'6---8ttroo.mJ, Dis- still c cussion group at the parsonage. _ Come W_ednesuur,-gair-trr-.r-rsii p.m.; -.Dt'ttm Choir rehearsal; 8:15 p.m., midweek proud prayer service led by Mr.- Charles E,' Anderson. swarm; Pioneer League meeting"; 7-.4tr p.m., evening service in Eng- lish with a eel-luau by the pastor on lh-&R. STABLES saniito, July 3-9 :30 era' hour; Iljr0_tcztt.istt registrdtion iiiGid" between the ages of in next week. TiiilutUiriiirfir at 9 o'eloek ind continua. mun iHighwood avenue and Evert: place '. Wm. W. Nelson, pastor _ Our Des Piuines camp meetings, 'which began Friday, June, 24, are continuing throughout this Week and over next, Sunday. Services are held every day at 9:00 3.13., 2:00pm» . I 'l '"UNUataw m-----------------------------. in Session. 'A‘ .r. "Lav -' Northbrook. trims enjoyed an evening ride last Thrrtadirr"rher started out from the G & R stables and after a de.. lightful two harem“; Visitors are alway: welcome! "reu9i'jriCir-iiiitrt=i" a Mr? nnd Mrs. David Levinson of Highland Park at a riding party " the G & R Stables the last two Sunday mornings. Dr.' McLane is at the head of the medi: eal. school .t the Billings hopping University of Chicago. Tom Chalmers " putting in n smnll practice polo out " the Glen- coe Riding school. Which he says will be avail-bk: for use this week- end. _ sons from Mr. cuimaGriG7poTit, wonderful progress. The Mism Sanbofn. McAllister and Donnersberger of Highland Park have teet, faking jumping len- Tel. R. P. 821 A may of.Hitth1nmUurk, '5quelr.. {traction in AaU and The ttheat saddle hopes avalkble . . . miles of 'ttttttttth, Irerutifq1 bridle 39th? qterr Methodiqt church, EML‘EEME-m Iilr1Ltt1tlin_NstLan! p'eloek, dud eontimaGi'nTi'i et1.tc1tstsmgisisruirtittatuLl "per ‘at F Bartholemv't, at All children 4 and 15 are in our build- _ Come on buddiés and join intie mm; 'mm attt%ittTe corps you will be reek proud of. may as "0irrntriiriiriririiiAa.a- Zion Lutheran Church F _ Highwood ' _ Henry Hedlund, pastor _ 9:45 Sunday school. 11:00 English Berv%e. No evening service. Friday afternoon, Ladies Aid will meet at NrcAturuat Benson's home, 112 South Greenbay road. " June, M, " 7:30 pan, sharp. Tie' t.til1 can age burglars and drummers. havrthrecr my: "of Gy Thepium and Bugle ,corps will hold their regular practice at the oh1uiiha11ui,cahitzsuu-aLLiLU, ï¬igiï¬gmâ€"pgéi‘m jitniisF 7371111193 during 'the poio' son. One tiektst.aiimiu one'e pttpp1tt,ithcritatsnhitcenzni, rmacmoyvummsrsm’l’o’s’t - - _ -- to the Highland Park hospital. If V She yowtfo" ho? use Your ticket for the Epitso Soggy/gone they con be used for '01“!ch otTIer games during the polo sea- mothe for the kiddies. In conjunction with the celebration on Sunday, July 8, will be polo day at Port Sheridan, under the auspices of Dumaresq Spencer post. Polo fans take notice, ticketg for the, polo game _tth, Fort $119!_____â€"_uu @230.†1tp,tdgitwthe_ttitutrt, irerrp,,rp.1t=t,ciriiGirs,aru, will, for tunesjof a snappy orchestra. Re- freshments, everything of the beat. 1'har-rsrarhsn-Aua-ttttiirt-st1r-iiFsr-ieis- the pop corn booth and penny goods and many useful ,nrticlgs will' be there for some lucky person, so gon’trfail to register at this booth. The winner of the .radio must be present " the park when it is awarded, this, applies to the radios only. The registration booth isone of the added attractions this year BRING RESULTS _Dry Goods Co., Picchietti Bros.. Elm Ines Service Station. Nemerott Jewelry Co., Tillman Service Sta- tion, Central Hardware Co., Gourley Lumber Co., Highland J'ark Clean- trm-r-Att-ttir-R------, Pttroil Service Station. Mothers Bakery Co., Sherony Hardware Co., Brand Bros, Lencioni Grocery Co., Gdrrity Bros. 13le mm; 1illeistiiis Shop. GREENSLADEV I LEMON CARNIVAL STARTS JULY lST oaiFFiiC 4mm§m mm lulu-cm (Continued from page 4) carnival or your 25 per cenf of WDAY. JUN! It. 1082 [firtrtdstit all tickets r6y of win nations house. ity clu 6th, a1 after , munior and Be', mi be Tiii] eles New Chia 25 y High broth Sh! sons, Jose, hush Cent who am» Mon cord Sam wife " l repl stab