leis mid diuinmeA. a and join in the l corps you will be of the .rsdio must be re park when it is applies to the radios istration booth is one attractions this year , Station, Nemerott Tillman Service Sta- Iardware Co., Gourley Titth1nndy'ark Clean- , Pifchietti Bros.. Elm ed from pm 4) y at Port Sheridan, vices of Dumaresq 'olo fans take notice, polo Ram ttire M41341: he 193?; or your oen m r- Jund, pastor ehool. service. 1Eiho4Lxtrrwiil, f 1?tiirtyryi, "ion in Africa." Mushy. e lucky person, so master at this booth. 'aretrtrtrpemsrr- Pbit - - V J __ lireiiiEii Trinity Church t I Park hospital. If She was a membef pf the, Trinity your ticket for the Episcopal church and active in my an be used for -ehareh work, having been choir ring the polo sea- mother for many years. She was ,admitg one'etir of . a member of the annn’a Ail-la“- a civic affair and uppy orchestra. Re- »rything of the beat. m, Ladies Aid will anti Church ’SLADEV I xulary will operate oth and penny goods In conjunction with on Sunday, July 8, _ V an all! . K DROP MI L W A U K E E tCl/ICT." nutrition . he". od Li, this thtgtdat, .0". “Pace your order with " . ', _ . he I Mt "I! tnh a I 'lmici,WD Saintly}: It t? “Warm. â€only. , Pheaie . “at mug-um Romain-id -HW Pitt 8881 luau-cm rhwhh-pflummmbb 1lqligllllIlllrti-IIiiiIIiittfigiiiigifi Station. Mother; erony Hardware Co., ancioni Grocery Co., Bugle .corps will , practice at the ar, m. mm at a swim]. 1charhiiiilii,c"iiv'iir"i,i""",","iC", JULY ISI' MS BY OWN HAND Estate Over $47,000 Miriam all tickets v. We Er I. "" ' fP...!t.ttttArrtorutam ttr." , Willace Joufney of Rotary Inter- national Vigimdlqcal Rotarians-hr â€it,“ "'B"" _ Trinity Episcopal Church . Rev. Christoph Keller, rector, _ East Laurel avenue Sunday, July 3, the sixth sunday after-Trinity: 7:30 a.m., holy com- munion; 11 a.m., holy communion and sermon. There will be a meeting of Trin- ity club on Wednesday evening, July 6th, at 7:30 o'clock, in the parish house. . TriitTiTirra "Petty-ir-rift-i-Smarties/ai-is-it-iii-i- brqthers or sisters. 'rmTervTWrtreet trr6tiiiliTriFilrTir held today at the residence and will be uprixfate. Interment will be in church‘ work, GviG"rtiii"-. choir mother for many years. She was a member ltf the Woman's Athletic an w ose grief at 1ttptwaif_1trrl She was born 55 years ago in New York City and was married in Chicago 32 years ago. For the last " years the family‘has resided in Highland Park. Here Mrs. Samp- sell was prominent in society cit- 1etnAltsit)eioLi"riiLit'ieiiii, Mrs. ngpsell is trurvivqhi by Her lyt1rat1ftLtprrpssr president of the " years recovered. Manday night she retired about 9:30, and about 19:30, when inquiry was made " to her comfort, she replied "Pm all right," it was stated at the inquest. That was the Iaitimr-ah-r-aeear-iivdrr-sitir appeared to be very much improved Monday and Monday evening. ac- cording to her son, Marshall G. Sampsell, who said that she had suffered a nervous breakdown about, WAY. JUNI- " "" Park WBman'sr (Continued from page 3) PiirTGtiifiid EEK ago, but had 1uel%ii; The Family son m"llmMr8 " Ll1'ief'ttlrt, 7 - Round mm 'T'r'lrl""rllru. no ti The men held were Angelo Ado- ehio and Bruno Austin and they were picked up " suspects of steal- ing atitomobiles. Failure to identify two suspects in 1rCmTmririirrainiuiit"ttkitiai-li' Lake saloonkeeper, last week brought their' release in Chicago. . County st§eet, Wink-eganl __ _ ---_r- vvvlll’ I,“ tween a son, Charles, Jr., who owns a nursery west of Zion, and: daugh- ter, Alice Mather, of Culver, Ind. The deceased resided with his son for two years prior to his death, but the family home was on North Churned fresh daily. " halving» o . nutritious. lee, ter, order with the uurmg summer Time Charles W. Douglas, Sr., pioneer -.u..c. nurseryman, for years a resident of About 350 icebergs are looming Waukegan, left an estate valued " on the horizon is the vanguard of $46,479.97 an appraisal approved by summer shipping on the north At- County Judge P. L. Persona div lantic starts to and from Europe on closed.‘ - the shorter and more northerly The _ir1heritHtcrupt was Asst 11 '-'earfirew-'-mrttte,--mrvtr--Gl"Grii-i-i'u- 8129:6505 - -S_s ' " Two witmsfs to the slaying were eleage Suspects .in HOWARD-UDELL CAFETERIA Luncheon Plate estate is d_ivide_d evenly be- TI. PIIII I Quality Meat Market. lr .' porting positions of tin; Gs"i"Giuiiif. The invading iceberg tfeet will be Smith beliéves. His icéberg predjc- tions, made yen-1y since 1926, have Already the first bergs are burg- ing down-out of the Newfoundland fog Is anxious skippers strain their eyes from the bridge, 1tpt_CthLfhtaat fl -- .7 - .ouguuu " IWUI’UIUK to the prediction of Lieut.-Comm. Edward H. Smith, iceberg expert of the U. S. Coast Guard. ' _ That is the number of berg: ithut witt drift south to menage ships be- tween now and_ Aturest, l, according dated Press "or/i/ri; don, Conn. MT Wam In. Many Icebergs Seen - in Shipping Lanes During Summer Time 'c'lllliU, tb. -m-.w.-re.. IS: REGINO CHEESE ROUND . STEAK, lb. 2 lbs.,to 2% Avg. 'eV LIVE or DRESSED _ BROIL‘ERS, lb. l EEWSSS 23eri?rtas1i,l1r.., ....d, 25c STEWIN G ROASTING "oAtrITNG __ f D CHICKENS, lb ...eM.-m. 28e 5 lb, El"S‘ESSc ' job, ’11:- New Lon.. 291 'i)r'Tlhticiye.t ' X32339??? IS: mum RUMP ROAST, lb. te..-......-....- 2Se Short Rib BOILING BEEF, lb. Ile Short Rib Prime Rolled RIB ROAST, lb. -mr--... 28e POT ROAST {3011,2134 HAM inf help south. Smith bases his predictions on the weather conditions in the north dur- ing the winter and spring preceding the iceberg season, which lasts from April to August, with May the peak month. When areas of high atmospheric pressure prevail there, he has found, . tl F, bl f ll . spring. Prevniiing low pressure conditions, on the other hand, mean more bergs. ' 'errmttttqmr" tn we" "NiiHE' "wiriiiitTe- when no bergs menaced navigation. Since 1900 bergs have varied from 11 to 1,351 in a season. been correct four-fifths of the time. The record folloys: . Year 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 Lair}; year_ set a record for 'icé-free Winters m eed the tri Phone'1241 Bergs Rem Predicted Reported 386 _.. 38c 15c radar, 515 1,351 475