xNTED “Pint clan hund- undry work to do at home; . Tel. H. P. [021. ls-ZOpd INT would like Johann“ agate. righting. dprmr odd WNW: young man of work__lronnd the house I?!†len beqted. Nrttt W moo out for 1kl'lr'l'gt't"tiat'g.' . u . Pr- ' nod _ --"------- 4b.! Claude. "dre- “It: at; Iqed, tmtbtr H. PAipid .NTBI} Girl want: [cum] I references. Tel. H. P. " AND PLAIN. :WING . L sum kin-wood 2790 we D FOR by experienced I evenings. Tel. H. P. 12tfpd N111) - High uhool girl '?fAhudrrt in Alarm P. am. .EiyereeLtge. toPM', LING and DECORATING I reasonable. Tel. M. P. "won _Ith INVALID or annulu- 1: called GriGi diiiGieii,' ill-ocoo‘ntbyd-yor up: "tonnes. Tel. B. P. Wanted 'rityrniro for mama month. issuer you (can. 111,); Ad- dâ€. 18-19 itiiood man will}: 8 -Pnctiul nut-e for two In of two c‘hildren. axed mid: 'etemeseerrt “2.50 I. P. 668, mm Experienced prune l first}: in first mtssttionruegc, good reference- ' FOR day: or evening: t.yeshttrt laminate; cup- 3 FOR GENERAL have, good Tel. H. ii." i313?" Fit All work man“: "DAY. JUN! " 1.82 in "-1 may: Ihrd ’11": "tt " In mm _ tiiriiin -iiaiii"iir as; with. Indlam' runs. ' Aftis tAtt tte 'htid#yr-ottt of. . tit when runs: ~They scored. two more in the next inning and 'their lest in the Mth mm. _' After the Indium had used two Pitcher: Hush-i was put in as I relief pitcher for cum-m. _ While he was holding the Pioneers down, ttttrt, O’Conner and Artie were in' both, ii; iGr'l'uiriiii"i7giirT.' The,Pionoen were scoreless until fly) thin-1 when they scored three After phying a close game. and taking turns hr, making was; the H'ttrhwood Indian: ftnn1ly nosed out the Wilmette Pioneers by a score of 10-6. Although the Pioneers. were never‘out in front they kept on tying the score until the Indians ttrum, got thud by scoring three runs in the Mth and unother'in the sixth. _ _ The Indium scored at least one {an ingovory inning and beefed three Increasing their winning streak to four straight, the Highwood Ins diam, baseball team defeated Wil- mette and Mundelein by scores of 10-6 and 4-1 respectivly. Maestri was the winning pitche"r against Wilmette while Artis held Munde- lein to five hits to win this game. Indians vs. “Innate Indians Win Two; _ Beat Mundelein" 4-1 Court of Lake County. at I term thereof to be holder: " the Court House in Wauke- an. in said County. on the ttrtrt Monday of September next. 1982 ottteinnsLihercat1, -1rtttrmirOArYieir1-eliiirili, against an auto. 1'.CePP.r:tyr requested to vrrsent the aameuax gum, PUBLIC Hanoi iriGeiriia; that the gulf-Erma:- hunter a! tho my: of George Ethel C. Lynn kacsppggluw Juggwaz - PUBLIC 1101103 is hereby given that the 'tsttertur--Adminutmtor" o! the Brute otHufoldJ. FreLdteeeydruiiiieettiire Probate CouantJake County. at a .term theeie.tottoyoteeriiire"teoirrt""rti'i'a; ' Tamara: in aid County, on the thart where _ " - 98.7,; LoST--8tVReward for puppy Inst May 15th; had m brown cum hat? and tail curled on back; name "Teddy": any one know. ing of a stray dog of this description cull H. P. 'd66t. Itrpit WANTED TO BUY -270~ulllon max; on tank. TIL M. W. m. " WILL BUYU.. 8100 audit on any model new Ford V-8 or Leyla will -take 845. Write W. A. Tm. lake Villa. Ill. 1'tpd THURSDAY. JUNE 80. "" C"rLTrrCTT-"""""'PPrLP""o"-emt0N- to play two longs. 880 Cantu] ave. Clark- more Studb. Tel. H. P. MO. 16-2ipd will an. tsir. WritZ'W via. m. for 4th Straight Win oA..'y.1J.UfLarrlm None: HAWAIIAN GUITAR FREE to play themulfr noun. _Y_ou my amalgam» norm EDWARD G. HUBER, . Executo June M. 1932. - H’s a close. game. and I finally nosed out meets by a score " Found {n3 requiem to "i-at-CA: 1mm. ‘. Tris-x, Lake 17pd new 1648. that like Moré troqtm/j.Cr" Artis buLA "a: nice throw-in by center fielder, An- .m, demon fo third base retired the 'll,",','; side with a one to one tie. nnd In the seventh irryirprf1tys_te)hrrli, to . _ _ y WI a c ean b, , r an on , on 'r'ylor's_doytue who in turn Work is in progress new between Everett and Rccklmd toad on grid.. caning. and " plans - the work will be coinpleted this fail from the Cook county line to the intersection with Rocklund Road, just west of Latde Ptre, the highway department This survey is completed for a road of 40 feet in width between Everett and the Cook' county line, I distance just short of flee miles, and but one piece of property remoins to be ob. tained for right-of-tray. _ Further widening of Green Bay road (42-A) will be coriiNeted this summer it became evident lust week to the'coumy highway depttrtinent, any: the Waukegan NewsSuu. WWThiéhgo' on Bfonday the 14th of July. The Colored Stars will try to break the Indians winning streak and a close battle is .antici~ pated. It is hoped that a large crowd will be at llighwood Fieldronr the 4th of July to witness this game. In preparatory lo this game, the Indians will play the Old Timers from Highwood at the Highwood field on Sunday. July 2. This game should prove to be an interesting game since all of Highwoods ex- stars will again show up on the) baseball fleld. Ted Shannon will do the pitchinetm: theOld tii'cii1) May Widen Waukegim . Road to County Line Playing one ‘of thi, strongest" teams in Lake county; the-Hi-rod- Indians will - _ Limited, on Maestri's single; Two strike out, however, retired the side: The 'Indians scored one inure run in the eighth inning and since Mun.. deféiniould do no better than on base on balls since the fifth inning the Came 1ttltyCCouriuuucizcthk and a double started things for 1ur1d_eiiuc, After-uc-strike-mst-and a play on home plate produced two outsmwith men om-first and third a clean single to center field looked Itrthis iGinsr MM much trouble for Artis. and a double star-hurl year for the Indians with two f "73m. Indians vs. Mundelein 'olorl A singlé THE PRESS men f Many Telephone Lines L L _"' Nprtrrrrttit_tihutIsi, C. Frank Wright, founder of. a Ctlwrtvvims, bank, left an estate vhlued at $45,000, according to rec- ords filed with City Judge Theodore Fox-by itrthe probate court? WERE estate $25,000 was in personal prop- mu -_J,AMAAA I ‘* ---- ---., - Vnu,vW Ill may. He} ing on the will wturttet for July 'Submaririe Cables between land and the contippprarr, I the joint éost of the -Britist Offiee and the foreign admil tions concerned. terminate in Paris, ttine in Berlin. seven in Hamburg, nine in Amster- dam, and pight irrBru_ssr)s. - 7 _ - ...... ----.n and one each with Austria, Hungary, izeshp,8lorakia, Denmark "and Nor- .V--.. """'""t'""'"' l three with Sweden 7. ___ - - _ __ _-_-_ --Hqr_ There are now 36 telephone cir- cuits connecting England with Ji'tatt1cscgrwittcirr,uaz_tsidL trim-m served trthroim -erreiiiti while servier to the 'ttqrevmattsrla ones is 'switcheé via exchanges in Germany, Austria, and Hungary. Dutch circuit was opened for serv- .iee. Now, instead of being practi- cally limited as formerly to com- munieation with Brussels, Antwerp, Paris, Lille, Boulogne and" Calais, with connections somewhat unde- bendable with Marseilles and Swit- zerland, the British telephone sub. Lrf.easLbaeaasxrspsawc,,agitCauauiau. every count? ia IiitirttIttcxithuka, excep ton 0 some of the Balkan; States. The majority of these court-1 Ten years ago the only channels ost-tels-ppl/tnits-sauna-icuii-CUT, tween England and thtrmttittlnnd of Tifuroiiii comprised 23 circuits to Northern France and Belgium. Shortly thereafter the first Anglo, __-r.-.------------ """'â€"'1 During the pa,st year, the one hundredth through.. telephone circuit connecting England and the conti- nent of Europe was brought into use. At present, there are 108. of these circuits working. 7 ARDEN FARM -"'"""""""-_= , a. - Get a can today from'ono a! , _ the dealer: listed New and yoil . 3 _ 'g {till about; thnt Mn. T 7 _ ' menus» mu . Vacaltlons in the coun- T lulu-bl Mardxrim fry. Adjacent to golf Cut"! Helm course, and riding, w. s. w, halt-n 0.. - It" has. _stable.y Rooms py Hill H'tuAPt _ week or tnonth.Make _ . o.i-.,LL.L _ . am lining. _ resgrvatnons. ,' _ D a 60 Wankegan Baud . "tt 3.3.0.: I Deerfield r . 2i11'he. and Continent, Report 1e continent are laid at nst of the Britirrh Post the foreign administra- with Austria, 1iGGG,' ia, Dentnarirand Nor- _ Jordan no... 557 to: Our Allaha- , tro. wjgh may; -emTiimr, 3] a in Berlin, Eng- pain, It is handled by merchants who fee to render a veil â€who to - - _V. .. "iiiCibC, awn, unit-'0 Rt he“ an - = - Ah. 'tt 1tah.eqilkaet, In. â€I MONUMENT AmilotYou‘I Window Cleaner SPARKLE RE mm“ l! aEe,ttrtatry,, Chin" Tut can. mu DRY CLEANING CO. A ll' (krruierr-lk-r-o-t-rtt- bloppripgoereGiaitLuiii T rock iildiifti. Our twice transplanted, well route ed stock can be success- fully mgyed ,while in Grounds tUTi' ...M.-__ Chl'.' Phone n. P. m QUALITY LAUNDERERS Vaukegan Road Deerfield AND the