. I N mitartit siirt,r,t,tjlIipjIir_dirasr. CBMPANY . _ . 7 F, we------------ demonstrate the iidtili%rhiti) of giving GAS heat. ing your immediate and serious consideration. Just telephone now . . . or return the. coupon. Without any obligation to you, ask us to send a househeatingengineer to give you complete facts on GAS home; heating. An accurate estimate will ucluuc now, wmle low prices and exceptionally easy terms are in adfect,-to-reiieve yourself orasvery "furnace tentling responsibility LA Republic GAS Burner automatically will maintain even, healthful temperatures, in your home; there will he no grime or" odors Tron? your heating plant; you'll have no fuel to order or shovel;' your heating plant Will need no attention whatever. Decide now, while low prices n gxgpuuuc DAD "urrter"raririinrlFiiiitiilkt) in y pUnftor. a $10.00 down payment. That is all you I e as _ g as months totaiiir), M_.wwm-nmryuuâ€"cm'§iwe If Republic GAS Burners now are priced as few as installed, including room thermostatUd controls. ' for you to buy. ’ Enjoyment of GAS heating now is made so easy that it will be than WOrthwhi'SfBLygggumagggtsmmmnam,w,ithn... Prices Reduced $21-50 ti) $33-00 with "'T? n-UUT OUR "E" l, Low HEATING " f [ e “K now can NEW , ATING for YOUB HOME REPUBLIC _ if“ n"." _,lllillrl[J--llft-NrjEatr-rr, your present heating jllllll7ceuLi AUTOMATIC attention whate vér. :iriruiFfiating plant fully automatic is; TELEPHONE HIGHLAND PARK 3300.3émrv‘ o-S-e-r--------'---- "iifiiiiilhe) hi yoiVriresimi heating THE “KISS I . , I House Heating Department V , _ _ _ --l-, - - - I NORTH SHORE GAS COMPANY T I WAUKEOAN, ILLINOIS ' _ I Gentlemen: Without any obligation to me, have your house heating I engineer all and tive me the {nets on gas heating, including I free ' animate on the coat of heatint.rty home with gas. I Cit; J.' . . . . Address .r...... Nine ‘59; com plete ly e' are no extras until - October. E a Republic Send Coupon Now for Complete Details more li10MIllE NOW plant and a 24 Blontjhs to Pay balfance No furthég pay. ment'until’ ’: L ctober [:00