Bracken of Deerfield pot on "Delphiniuma" I] Date will review a us, end Pumice)? e urged to bring spare meeting to exchange ON E 635 bit First Street ace . Work I; OUR WORK IS / “10th tt 9 green: indeed I lay. q of thd open to, {GAIN Rodd, i. Winter '. JULY L ae.. . N Historical Pd“. Flank -M.' Daly, of 828 Noni Weaf ,' _ _ T ", . . - .' A Itop wan madg at Shabbona sheet, has been added to the high; 4 , . R G .5 Cty, _ . Perk north “Ottawa to View the my patrol await Sheri! Later . A ' . spots of 1tutork.rinterarst. A heavy T. Tiffany mtg; "11:11:11): was; _ . o" , g _ " r-.', tii: v Cr,-. h. Ab†".. viii-.H-éts - ' um _ can» up anon "ter arrival to " my ,3: l ‘16th .6-- _'" /-r. '.. .. _ " ----e “’"" --__ 'u 1%rucaaii, Trr" .. '. v.s-fattl96sib"iuiG. as w an: by mam. _. " _ . _ "e . Tt!ratttoNt HICHLAND At Mr. Davis’ suggestion while on the way home the troop made a Filmmage to tlidarmve of Mr. Wm. D. Boyce Jn the Ottawa cemetery. Mr. Boyce. as all scooters know, was the man who brought scouting to America, from England. Without .his interest in better humanity we might not now be enjoying these occasions of scouting together. Due I“poet was paid to his memory by repeating the Seouthth and then saluting as the troop marched by the grave in me. The large stone was noted in the park which marks the place of one of the memorable tutr betwaen Lincoln and Doug- mrerTmtrTr1r1t-iiiiirTiRf iiiffTEiruritiird ter There the melted zine is distilled from its impurities. Where the temperature was, far from cool the The ieitterOiairheen raised so that is is not possible to walk so far along the river since the Tater in Home Shoe Canyon prevents cross- ing. On Saturday afternoon Mr. staff orottawa, very kindly took it upon himself to arrange a trip throughrtheaine smelter at LaSaihr.- The plant was originally built hire to use the'ore from the Galena re- gion but now all the ore eometrdronr rtear"J6ptin, Mo. The scouts for. lowed the process through the plant. The concentrated ore is dried, roast- Interesting Explontiom The first day'waa used for buddy hikes to explore particular places. Saturday, the new dam and locks of the Illinois river were insuected. Gi'ir%nitt-t,tTGG; Hinn, LG"ir, Smith, Robert Austin, James, Lytle, Carl Huncke. Last week scouts of Troop 33 of Highland Park held its ennunl three day camp at Starved Rock state park. The object was to reward those of the troop who had made In honor rating of 250 points which made them eligible for membership in the Order of Daniel Boone. This is the omcial method for recognizing those scouts who hove mode more, than just ordinary use of opportun- l ities in scouting. In order of rank they ore George McLellnn, Kerwyn Smith, mas-oi Members Troop " Enjoy Trip to Mate J'tfrCNeri' and LOCAL BOY SCOUTS VISIT STARVED ROCK Explori Iy; Femr7iiiitis Andisr.. The deceased, who had been in ill henlthJor some time, was TO years of ego. Be ha! resided in North Chicago for the put 35 you". _ John thnick. 88 Tenth street, one of North Chicago’s oldest mi- Itredied lost Week " his home. rooms, 825; for all others, $20, in- cluding business~ premises. Total number of rooms in fiata will be considered in fiatintr the amount of deposits. Water meters ere to be read four times . you. mm; 0? â€Shin "iriiiiesiit, sums to irisak- antee same, according to;size' of the houses affected. For six rooms or less the deposit is $10; more than six moms, 815; more than eight, At the last meeting of the Deer- field village board an ordinance was passed to .safeguard the vilUge's water receipts. It provides that renters shall be guaranteed try. prop- erty owners for payment of water commission has announced that un- til July 19 it will accept applications fox-the position, of medic I ,, L ian_ ac no ogy and roentgenolo- try) to fill vacancies in the United States publi1e_heithoereiee, at PhiL adelphia and Pittsburgh, Pa. The 'entrance salary is $1,800 a year, less $540 a year for quarters, "e tenance, and laundry when furnish- ed. For the vacancy at, J?hiiadeV phia the Treasury department wish- es tt man, and for the vacanc -a _ s a woman. Full information may be obtain- ed from Arvid Magnusson, secre- tary of the United States Civil Ser- viceboard' of examiner; at the post Examingfiop Opens For Closing Event I Mr. Davis aria Mr. Brigham each 1 took a load of scouts to the park and ‘Mr. and Mrs. Wells brought back a load and lunched with the troop for the last two meals. Mrs. Wells was particularly appreciated on account wo-Ce-thim-tsc-hu-tLaila. was permitted to share. This trip is the closing event of the scouting year for troop M. Informal meet- ings and sports are the summer activities. _ i the party started on home and stopped for supper at Plano when the rain had ceased. Mr. Dwight Davis kindly lent his motion picture camera so it was possible to pre- serve the events of the trip. An- other feature was the initiation of the members into the order. .This was carried out in the darkness of the woods. Many seeming dangers were passed through and the 6ttal ordeal made the candidates blood run cold but strangely enough they considered this the best part of the ceremony. _ service Tr" P3!!! _ "irons, to (il Pay emit-ma, 'tttttareal hot can! supply. Besides hint on no!!!†Mon] (at... you.will an In". Prion have been dr-tkan, Mood for I linked time. 1mm m! _ . Una this any payment pin to. to baie you all the Olimpia and comfort of u V Yoti'lrnisver be without HOT WATER for shaving in -7. ., Lthe morning-if ymrhaveit AUTOMATIC STORAGE _ _""," 7' A GAS waEIgggngR. All the HOT WATER you - _ need will stream iiiiitiintry from the faucet. This form--: -- -T' ï¬at-WW regulating a heater, carrying water, the inconvenience __ ___ 'totet. yourself in'any way by asking-us for complete facts ’on gas water heatityrs 7 Come"! "or" féiéphone not, then, make-your-iv-ister' hai. ing service a comfort and a con- ofa limited strpplv,-atndadrother trauma Emilia in securing an abundant HOT WATER supply, are 150 different uses of HOT . _ _ . - WATER in3rour household. Why - / =.. AUTQMA'nc aroma: GAS WATER HEATER in your home will install an Instantly on Tap Te""'" ___ r ,7 SHAVE IN . 'Ciiiii'eijih,e','l TIME WITH 'ATER . New annoyances '. There