a Wodnudpy evening 1 include- tutimonies :ienee healing. in at 8 y school in om to the 0.30: of four and I Sunday morning at m the Bibi. and all stun Science litera- my ihvited to attend iepenbrok. Pastor u: ices, 10:15 Alford you iith, triitLiUd ng. g and progressive nrospective member. lath. morning to 6 in wept on Wednesday, hmttt 7:80.†On thm.. tan!!! 110an from Club _ u- yon and at siilik/ Kirkland the, fav, tor your of Chill. “and“ of Christ. Scientist, r Illinois. 881 Rue! Incl of The Mother rut Church of Christ, “on. Hut. The Sun. "Vice in held " 11 oxt, gnaw. lesson unsored‘ by circle Aid. The Prairie meat lr concert in rlita"o_us attteiieal Church 8:30 gun.) 'Aal1Ar, LABS NER 95min at " ti. SOI, TS is mu ABmettt' o: ludelcin. ‘lln. Kat-och h proprietor of the Kny Bounty Shop. . ' . . VaNee 1% of Rotary Inter- “m mind. he. _ I noun-m lat "e the week-end wtttrirs. nut. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Eerrtutd and children of Greenwood Avenue. have gone to Red Oak, Iowa, for a visit. Mr. and In. Edward Jacobson and in. Juoboon’u grandfather, Minibar†kWh. who guests on My " the home of Mrs. Jo- coboon’s brother, Anton Pluto of Hind, m. V Mr. Young,. ,veterinerian " the Orphans of the Storm,- dog refuge, hmr-entmttetttstirtris'ir-ikrrrirtdisi- on West Central avenue. The Knigges areal-aiding near Half Day and_are operating a Sinclair Service Wallace Reich‘elt attended a steak funny! leach. party Fridty evening _ The Lidies' ArirGiiiiiifv" of St. Paul’s church is meeting, this after- noon et the home of Mrs. C. C. Farr- schull. A _ _ eriflrt Ufbdnn, In: . . ' The" eChritrtensen' family has moved from "Mrs. Elizabeth Kent's house on thstermiai “venue. "Glenn Christengefn was a member of the 1932 "Deerfield-Shields, commence- ment class. _ ler you, Juv. f Leland"- mntorth of! a; tetdyr (WMy). ___- M11736? ITiiirTtriCiFia 50556575 her_ htntlttott fivts hundred club yes- Mrs. Derrickson of Forest Glen vis- ited at the Emil Fredrick: home on West A?eatmr-averttstr.-------- _ - the Edward Brennan home. Miss Mtirtott" Hell; who Itiid-irrieiit the" past week with her aunt and uncle, returned to Elgin with her parents. Taqpeqheck {pd Mr. Thomas â€Pap. 1peuled-far-aeid-crhurssarrr) --Eimimodirmr, Deerfield, 111. Mrs. Roy Miller had " her guests on Monday, her parents Mr. and Mrs.- Mayor of Chicago, who ere leaving this week to spend a month sf Ufi'irrTrvTrtir, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hall of Elgin Deerfield was mentioned in Fri- day’s Herald-Examiner in the "Be- lieve It or Not" by Ripley. A pie- ture of a large-deity cow had the following explnmtion: “Queen Betr. nie Pietertze Omaby produced 2,- 876.4 pounds of butter in two years Mr, and Mrs. Roy Clevey were hosts at . party Saturduy evening, " 9311M!†on Spruce street. Mr. and Mrs. Eben Erickson of Roeemry ten-nee entertained five out of town nests. Independence day. Local and Personal of Deerfield [siting his grandmother. Worthgn. Arr. Hart was a delegate we hm: 1_tttt_tL_ttttrtr" iiiiï¬fiif‘éjiihjifmï¬ Fiii-rFiiiii Chicago Th wag the guest of her "tister, Mrs. n . . _ _", Imriryr Brand, from Thursday until P. Dnnfgnh is V ald Hrs. Her- ess to The Konsitski family has moved b yes- from the Ebert farm on Wilmot mad-i-Hazel ttetttte'" and are yer. ----_, e _ nee Hen, use; Eff" -1rd1hrhuiti1mt1iigtt _Estanstmr of Highland Park, in compliment to 'irT,'JLlfi 'JA'llTl'd'l'i JI? Ji'd"dl Mrs. HW’N’,(T'“" Greer). open air math“ evening dur- LN',tl,v"rit,,'2t,1nttt'ttPit,rtet,'tti; _' _ 7 toetiqht I‘M. ' f F . . Pl"!!! _ . mule temple by mambo! of the Ma, VLMM gang; Eaten) Stu, following the regular 21 girl: a Itir1 m troop one, on meeting. . -. n Nettie . My Moon; ..C.ttte, . Kin Getty“. 191!qu y Ipogd- Eyre-t Putnam u Dundee cud shtr, tyop.rreu' e 1).... we in!» I jiiriiiitG" - Gai; ii, st the home of Mit. Charles 611th In. Earl Frost examined her club last Monday. In. A. J. John- son, who _ the not: hostess, will entertajn on July 27. ' Levinson home in Chiqatro.. On the previous Sunday their were among the sixty guests who attended the weddint ,wniwmw,, of Wr. and Mrs. Frank Tuitel It Bass Lake. Ind. T 1tyrstr "ttttts- the" R, ' E. Feftis' _ badge, 1‘761 Chestnut street, on Thursday. 1rmrnOmmrFni5rirramRRRfiCriiiter of Knox, Ind., who is their liduse guest. Getty _left yesterday to return. to the east but Mrs. Getty and the children will remain in Deertteld for the-tinte-being. V _ -. ' Mr. any Mrs. C. W. Getty and two _ehildrercSrah and Philip returned from Philadelphia to be " their Fourth. James. came home from from Yirgrinia, Mr. E. 'S. Wortham’s "nidee and nephew, lit-Land Mrs.vramest 351:5 wen}: merit thy? diiHrid thiamine- nssociat'rorréf’St. Piul's EvtiiEIiciI .churchwas 7 heldil‘uesday evening at the home of Miss Mathiida Bots chardt of Highland Park. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wood of Rose- mary terrace, spent their vmtion " Corey Lake, Mich. Miss hate Wood, who is attending Maser Busi- ness college, has been visiting her aunt, 'Mrs. William ’Fsbis’n of Ev- anston. Mr. And Mrs Philip Scully, Sn, had as their guests on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reid and son Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kruexer and Mrs. George Alcott, all of Chicago. paper. Jack ngne spent last week via.. iting his father, Edward Gem. and his grandmother, Mrs. Otto Fromm in Charo. His sister, Mama, 1'05- tumed to Deerfield with him for a visit with their maternal, grandma eats, Mr. and Mrs. William Plum. Weat'Certtral avenue, have a non born June 27 in Beloit, Wis. They have maxed him Wayne Rut-ell. IH., Hld. Jul-3.801013% siiaoiro meeting of the Pnrenb/Nnehasr l. Oiiria" Agdemn has gone Ao, I Mrs.Boy M. Mitiet in! as- in _thg_ Bring fhreet shop. FURY, Mrea.Teimrnrt '. C. Lundgren of Bi Wtt/rW- n for a andparr Plum. Tl. PIIII "-Q-usu "Awe-g, HUI mq‘nwy, An ice cram Iociel has beans Betty, was Mateo from Junior phutned for Friday. mint. Juir college, end Eleanor from the nude 22, " the lawn of St. Paul’s Ema; school. The other douche", Lillian, relics! church. Deuce“. spammed is still attending high school. News by Circle Four. of which Mm. Frank of the Robertson, wlll be of More» Jacob-Juischeimn. ThePreh-le torttrmtmannrtatherttveduie Vi"! band " PM will" III end Mayor and In. June: Hood Open air moon. that 'rverttrtg dur- bottttht their home; Mr. Roberta in; the social. _ _ _ a died about four were no, view end- In. v. W. 3% an [in daily, while on e buineee trip in Dorothy . 14thryrtrood 1120le Kentucky. . My: ind ttirTs who haireurariiFeir We? w‘rgAinvited to spend the day For'm Bureau, Which was two mm Long tt,ttdFeletLfgrani1es_froncthe western side of the county, through many of the towns and Wankegam I The Independent Social club will t meet Wednesday "ttrpoon at the - 1105?“ Mrs. Lou'is Ott. t Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bingham and " dapghter, Sally, and Mrs. Amelia . Pyle of Chicago. were guests at the . Ender homes on_Monduy. A "Romeeomintt" was held" on Mpnday at the Dorcas Home. All mefw’égï¬giioiv:77?†- - __'---"- Mr: and Mrs. William "roebelin Tend Mrs. Sarah Fritsch attended I. family gathering on Monday st the Johrt-Sehminke heme-in Wheeling: -- Mr. and Mrs. Austen P1atrtte and daughter Lorraine at Hines, alt., were guests mrthe Fourth at the Mr. George Rockenbach Ind -two daughters, Mine: Viola and Irene, attended a‘famity pienie Mopar, on the Inn of the fury: ‘home of Mr, wankegan. They have been gone since a week ago Tuesday, and the eye wili_eontinue potrtilrlrftt_qor, week. visitmg in Vaidalia, Browns- Mo. Itith M_ngnd Myâ€: Alvin Meyer of who wished to have access to their safety detrrostryattm-r. 77 7 M Mr. and Mrs. P. J. McMahon and son Billie of Chicago were the L933) Chme1re1ucasproviiur, in helth ytd_1tatr left the hospital. last Pres kirvei near, Palifirlieka --=-- .] 1lirtrd'eoytets_ftor, Galesburg that on The Citizens State bank of be}; Iits14 3rgLcoptmeddhis week forjhose blurred Dow of Chicago is mak- ing his home with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Johnson. His nieces Vivian and Muriel Dow, nre spending this month with the Johnsons. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Dondanville (Eva Ender) and their family of Moline,_ 111., will arrive next week Miss Vivian tiehr ot import; UL, spent' last Week with relatives in Deerfield. Mr. and Mrs. "Prank Jacobs Br. m returning this week from Lake Wandawece, Wie., where they spent several weeks. S. P. Hutchinson and Leo McLane win-law! Mrs. Raymond Meyer Gd Monday. The two' families Mr. and Mrs. Richurd Alibi and ehttdriiPtt- returned from t Mt to Tom. Hrs. Aneu’ father, Mr. Emma. has rented. his “All tin visited at the home of Mrs. Wil- liam Huhn on Mbnday. Mrs. John, Robertson writes from Jdliet-rthat her family had an event- ful week during June. :Ber son, John, was married June tt to His: Margaret Barborn, her auditor. Batty, was graduated from, Junior college, and Eleanor from the - school. The .trtut glancing", Lillian, Boyer's phrgn'ts in Ln-Rnsgfllm' 1rstereiti)dreb, enjoying a two. walks, LiiGoiiii trip through the Ozarks. Mr. an! Mrs. Dwiglit Merrell are gamut. she Boyer home with m of the homafifr: Lord 'is a the late C. W. Pettis. Chieatro-wemr-drmterarmsssmr-- flay waging fat the Emil Fredrick: niTr:", and -Mrsu, Ramon-110M11- and daughter Jacqueline and Mrs, I1ord's mother, Mrs. Knufman oi _rA1rr_jrst_g1tsruav, "hike -fGiiriiiii'r" was enjoyably spent in boating, swimming and . horseshoe pitching. Mrs, C. A. Notz mid Jiriiiuiir, Mtg; than; Nota and Rudolph Not: "rGrD%rriardurnur of Com.. merce members, wives, families and .rrier.teeii)iried, an evening Basket J. R. Notz. land Park, Mrs. Emilie Glos of Northbrook, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Er G1orand-aon A Raymontrof" Free- _titrrtpttrr_gets-on__ststt1rsitrt_ev_e- Ohio. - Dr. and Mrs, V. W. Spriggs were yetkomtrrnrttesttasetmrmtmmrr-air-- ler home in Milwaukee. Mrs. Allen Weinstock and two children, Thomas and Julia, of War- rinxton road, are spending the sum- mer at-a camp along the river near Mirietta, Ohio. Mr. Weinstock mkmt Philadelphia in the fall. A large 'group of Deerfkld people had a marvelous disphy of fireworks in themr of Bria-woods subdivision, across from the Deer- field school, Monday evening.' It was as interesting as any municipal display of pyrotechnics. A Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Nota and two little sons attended the birthday en- niversary celebration of later Charles at the home of Ill-fin] Ifri. C. A. Not: in Chicago on Sunday. Miss Ruth Jackson has (one cut to spend the summer with her lis- ter, Mrs. Hammond, in Baltimore. She will attend Beaver college in Philadelphia in the fall. meeting tomorroir at the church for a continued study of flower. and nature work. _ Manda! twang; dinm mfmg . 01 MP. am children Mor- “a;