yte-tedtteiiGGiri- lowing otBeism for "ted by several hun- Pnrk maiden}; tot Heft? ipitropFUtioii innnees was aided in at Thursday night rouncil decided on re- ting to $139,000. l $40,000 is to be elimination this fits-, public benetit fund. was placed on file and passage July 11. lesired but 1.955,; ty council on its bout $ioofiiiriG my recommended. [mm were panic: that the apmopria.. rs be slashed. . bed Luger as a victory tor the u the appropriation Beetine Thursday till Higher Than .3 Expected over the "orGrpriL Hordipmce for the My owners iekric the council urging ting of Highland Fatr held Wedneg. 'ark City club took arinir the retrench- hall who veg}; 1e outcome of the '. Music Club Minded that m G at . f T m ELM“ Ir FRI!" F03 ill1lt'sltirhU ""1t2ttelt,ita, Ll1313 Bard; lg". JULY T, expenditures The -attraeted Tretort-rn' the citi- night For information a to how you tyt1telrr,N-etintemeh.ittts Kin Loni-o Von Not-don. 203 tk Guy any and, Highland Put. mi. nolit; who ls Flavor guild ehntmum for KW Pork. Your Inquiry viii be welcomed. . k 'tal tttttt {at the 'fl2rt " M9: the own In. but W. Kingsley. 1506 an" 1min, and "(cables as solicited. They m distributed _montt,the sick 3nd poor of Chicago though 2g Charitable muons. For information as to how you for the Tidiiehiiue" or Iriiiierk or ofher things which cheer it sick person. Your gifts [Bord mt ttrediitriitii our funnies end also cheer our workers when they ere able to pre- sent somethingP so lovely to the poor and unfortunate.†' Are you} recall:- contributor t, thenild? 'rrtdnrutttedaron which Rigid-ad _ Perk ml] fend: in it: erttrilrytunn.. Flower-,l All Receiving Help ' "All of the above mentioned fam.. ilies are receiving help from the United Curitietrbeeause of mness and other problems in the home. Our funds are too meager to 31191;? 0.7.; Ai-c--------- ‘; ‘ -- Me-i'-- -_- __ sari}! with- tuberculosis of the spine. In spite of his "flietion and the hopelessness of his situation, he is very cheerful and hopeful. You can imagine what the sight of a ful bouquet eieered her iiGiiyC" 'fAIother mun, who at one time ease. She livgg 'tith yi; Jiriiii, wife is not tubemular at present but is extremely underweight and. has to he watched very carefully, so thet she will not develop the dis- “Mug, is in the, Municipal Tuber.. ' _ T" cuiésis tanifarium. This poor man On Tuesday is burdened-u not: only with the exhi . ctll,iy'e'lJ!W,2,r,,rtCi,i", Labia. at, lint Art J1ttlltszittts. telling me how betiutiturihe-, -iiriii, with "the-tiii-iii-i-ttant ui, liar; telephoned but wrote me a letter 1rtteHieri-eomrttuttlv because she" cannot help her, children take care of wtht.tte.ilnAhttus so delighted GuillDoillg Good Work; High- Next Wednesday afternoon, July land M my Id F'riday; 18, It 2:30 o'clock the annual cud Good Gifts Cheer Sick party of the Highland Park hospi- ------ tal auxiliary is to be held at the . Moraine hotel. It will be one of the rdrit'en,tl'/f,ditl?g,'d'g,lect,; 1mm and most prominent mer- flowers, fruits. and vegetables to goon Ji',",',)'" l 2,',d"ggt the Chicn‘o Plant, Flower and Fruit Ccor Pt? to ra. mu rare guild, will be interested in the fol- ham, elt.airman. of events, the u e lowing notes sent to Mr. T. V. Pur- tle,',',:,',',!,),',',','," ttre, “dill; “3:13: cell. guild president, by Miss Elsa t1'l"ltt"r",'lri',/1,t2et 3.3:; may?“ be Reinhardt, bum of the Hiomarket district. United Chnri- tserved, ties of Chiago. Mrs. Earl A. Meyer. general "Mra. S has been eonftned to her ehairman of {he hotpitay naxiliatv, home since last September, when (,'l,rn'tt,ti'tt, " anathema: heir-"baby was born._ dog sstiLPf11, tom -- fL11f9t fi) FE “â€4 EriiiiFN1rerCi 'i-e-GRI be able to re~ I e as rem. is .nn._ at . . sume sunervision of her household You are corflully invitedtrrmahe and as 11re,isur_re1rtsustizst - . ' . r up a table. Tiekets are -amtntiftaras annual JULY r. no: we. Ittrt_Ahitir_hiiiiji1iC.0i)iL" Ty my: recently found to be of beautiful ttotveii, iris; mt_oreratioetfitreatCtttuturr- Myuthcnithhndhrkhor wummm. ". ieaAt a he: gauge Gif GiiAG a speedy reentry. She wes returning home from twin when e little Black eat nu under her feet end tripped her, cens- 1ing her to fell in front of the prop. erty formerly occupied by the Beth- ‘eny church. She got up, having suffered no serious injuries end pro- ceeded on. In front of'Behr’s home the eat min ren under her feet, tripping her end ceasing. enother fell. This time she wee uneble to get up end ‘celled for help. Mes. Noerenttere wee _tehen to the High- land Park hospital where it in found she had unnamed . broken hip. In. Number; has I but of friends. he} wh'o are any to learn of liar accident an? With her it} was limit To? tliCisiiiiiiiii: mefls were ren- ‘dred and Mr. James, Cady Eygl! 1mm tiddrttttr orthCiFisiiiiti.' ' Grandma Noerenberg, mother of F'. C. Noerenberg of South Second street, fell and broke her hip last Tuesday at the corner of Laurel and Grandma, Nperenberg Breaks Hip in Fall mny be viewed from 3 to 10 pm. ind during the second week from 3 to 5 pan. Anyone intersted is invit- ed to attend.. . . nuvlgucl “will. '" tare tort 2mert- James Cady.Ewell who Is showing den station stated there Neat, never the flower plaureglhieh were re- that hutch money in his on or the cently exhibited " Dun 9yyt, Highwood station at one time. Chicago, and Mr. Thomas Wilder, I . _ who has snow sketches on exhibit. .An, ettache of the 1S1t1rteyt ter-, "r_rcf_t_-, 18mW1ca2tfaJRt,W,i, I We re, FriiirT. was limit -rdCeNsTitijsjifriii: ff ec, ' was P. 1eatro ed Several musical numbers were ren- that Belts. V“ a 11113th res:- dred and Mr. James, Cady Ewell dent. for???†5’“ Ilr, 11eree,rter-, 3mm tittdrettr orthf -efisiiiitii." c-' etttyrd tomrtagion Thir imrhiriitt {mugs Cady Ewell wid,U, artists are exhibit-i Local Exhibitors at . ' v V Little Art Galleries . .7 ..' can: men, it was learned, we: at You are cordully invitedtermahe th1s_Adams and _ Wabash station in up . able- Tickets mmentgb - "r-"-'-'--"------------'-" cents each or three dollars a table of . ' T . four. Phone Mrs. Lenore Home w,,_1,_iler TP. tt t_1cket agent at the Anal-3911,, B. sr,_oiasi, the ticket ‘committee. Mrs. Earl A. Meyer, general chairman oLthe hospital nuxilierv, any: that she is eaqteuiiitruamy wo- men from the neighboring suburb- Tuesday th_e 'ltird, opeixing of TI. PI... f; l Highwood my Is ,,,,ï¬-,___ - v- v..-†"r"'.'"-. - . "“"""' - - ""'"H .’ D. m ident. Dr. J. P. O'Connell, lest Mm, 't. J. e..'eeru_..,.L" My. at their weekly luncheon’ - It the Melt] Ave. Tee. room. 1tttnttrzhNt3attrts ‘.- "Dr.. Jack†"qroaded end can a An exhibit of quilts will be bold short acceptance speech. “at B. by the Wham Gerdarclub. Joann, the'new president, In: also My, .1in u from 10.1.13. to celled upon for e specials. Anni IOpnhthenrduof In.“ report. of the “Meow-amen Fuller. Remnant- end when concluded a no twee-tel â€In; twill benchin- itCt.rr1hr,c.C,cs,,c, ------ tiaiiiic2Fri,iiii: w'. [film-u. tttri. Retiring President; w...†'id",",':"', . w _ Given Diamond Pin “It"?! ngb. _W_1. M. Harlan T. to attend til? iiitTitUF, tournament at Soldier's Field, Chicago, willeh opened Jane " and cloud Jilly 4. hereon reports that the boy was known to have been friendly with one of the soldiers at Port Sheri- din who was participating in the drills at Soldier’s Field, and may have gone with the troops when they left Port Sheridan June~28. week, is being hunted' by the police at the request of the boy’s parents, Mr. and Mrs: Ernest Wisdom. Police Chief Ivor Iverson has checked the case and believes that the boy left John Wisdom, 19, of 522 N. ‘Cen- tral avenue, Highwood, who has been misging from his hoqto for over a Cleared out of the c'ity -_- -_--- ...... -itigtteiiriiw indicating} "ike" deft IP? jn_Highwood were checked and Chieagovttrtionuor some time and made A trip daily from Highwood. The $2,000, all itrensrh, wu,,hken in a lump sum and Bailey appâ€: ently gave up his job at once and According to reports from the California city h was at first he.. lieved Bailey was surrendering him- self for theft of 82.000 from the menace ttettimt--ett the North Shore .line but a check revealed that 1'eerPttterrtrttrmtsrrrrrarriiiici'i--cu tual theft, it was learned. was " th1s_Adams and.Wabash~ station in cityaFr . guy? r-sth; t,t2 I . Charles' T. "Bailey, formerly of Ritthwood, has unpaved at police headquarters in Long Beach. Cali- fornia, and surrendered~himself to authorities aftexf .dmitting that he " waited for the theft of $2,000"hurt August 16, from a ticket oMee of the Chiuco. North Shore and Mir. wankee railroad, says the Wanke-J Former Hitrhwood-Man Reported in Custody Another "ent-kt-the Fort Sheri- "l statipn stated there was never of. California Police Reported Missing ' with "tNt Wood.-atmgo. L. M. Val†trheri- ,di,21"t wan-u an"... Li. t f the ergny. Bonn w. in... a." a“, Pe, "orttr--g- urny. Herman Watts. when 'ga:""'"""."'. C.uhi. "'W" __-....... "mu“ "-1. m CHIâ€. Henry W. Waits. Kmtit-orttr--guG Harm. an... an... -m. Warner Cary In“, c, I. M ‘m -- “7 'r.t"ofFtr.-a+ c. Fi"i'arara"i'irid G. Cubic, Brut lag 3'!th Wood.-atmq. " pm. in... _ ,-._- ......y n. w. rum. rreoerre. C. Aldrich. Kent B. Claw. John GHiBtttm. Hiuhhnd Park-it. P. Sher". 8:me th £33325. $512191 M, Baum. 0m: W. In. rorrt--Pttmp F. w. Peek. Frederkk " ‘IA_I_L I, __. " -. A - Lake Forest is -indieateiirtiCior. lowing list of directors: _ Like Mutt-int S. Durand. lgtmnAI-m That the North Shore Property Owners association is represent» tive of public-spirited citizens in each community from Evanston; to In his talkribeforre the comm}; $99933 'fr. Ir1tyiraolt-e-" lengthmn by thd maid The uncompleted podium kie highway from Willow mad to Wilmette is soon to be paved, ne- cording to an announcement made, county line. _ In his address before the commis- sionerp Mr. Hay outlined muons set ‘forthrby his organization form; mining Sheridan road in its, present status as a scenic drive and divert.. ing name to through highways in.‘ .0 ak, xv-,,u an __ Tffdiiiiis; "mi - v - "nan-.11.,» West of the North Shore. Mr. Ray is presidgnggt the raNtmteintimt-a=L, "idihifrFriieTGT7ii'iii'C7TGT." Wol I. urging that this body use its htihr. ence to prevent the widening of Sheridan road . through Hubbard hill. He spoke as a "premtntatt%r of the North Shore‘ Property Own- on the d.irttorrtiriTuiiiriiii'it land Park, Lake Forest and Lake DI--- -777 ' - W.-- -_- vvllb. "Ian U, North Shore communities to avert the possibility of truck tame over Sheridan road, and recently In urg- ent appeal was made before the mr. nois Commerce Commission by Wil.. liam Sherman Bay of Winn-ell!- Representative Pmperty Own- ers Assn. Urges Action by State Commission {gain â€an" Stowe Continued etrore is bei TiiirHhe 'i/rii'irciitrnGi .lii.iiiiiiiii'iiii, ML!) BAR TRUCKS FROM SHERIDAN Ito, Ufles Skokic Route List of Directors iilii'irri 1h/it, mum!