iifuom, 2 to It e great star in a twelous, flaming nance! With 'tte _of Kentucky. q _ Lower Perl; "iara,'5iiiii"Torr,' .3 General Custer'e 90-year-old widow " l .. observed the anniversary, June 25. _ l in seclusion. In put years she he: . usually muted an interview on this __‘___ dâ€. but this yen she said to her by July 13-14 companion; "Pm not feeling up to t .†- MBARD in . c2134?“ The interview we: can f the thm . Mrs. fi',':":, union: It“. out erg . _' more. as canno we k very we . it,d'ggt,. About twice 3 month she goes tor 'm"-----..- "dtr,',tty,t ride. .Moa.-'Nm June 22 she heard over the YN'ION†radio ceremonie’e by which e Ine- _ . ' ' mom] elected to Genet-e] Cneter’e . . " . 't"'nete, “I deditated.. . turdar lat. " 2:00 (My A _ BROS. 'e, - authentic HENRY LC.iL7Z'li'lj 1tly w summers: Lake Forest '. mi? 1, m: :81!“ I g -tttttarMitorattraimrt ttiii-iii-el/ii] by July 8-9 f Widow of Gen. Custef Observes Anniversary - of His Tragic Death -=-- - - "ripk,aiacai--aaro-o-ras, most colorful military lenders Amer.. W - 1eraptr-utrumscdunkAildJiGu A. Custer, woo mannered, with 207 . of his men near the Little Big Horn ’ river in Montana, in one of those battles, Itetireen Indium and white men that marked the weotmrd mtreh of civilisation. i Judge Shurtletr's, ruling on the admissibility of evidence came late yefttrdavifternoon, and Col. Smith asked for time to make a decision before he was forced to continue. ermtrtmRrTiiCiFEiiTi7hTi -lnatitution was Ibsbtbed by the Central he be- carPe vice-president there. ’Waa'president of the NuiontitsGil " 1itiite_tie_mugreean State ant mt Judge Shurtletr took isrutppition, "ut-the-ut-turs, and nirt the eir.. cuit e?urt had, jurisdiction when it ,- I"--- . -'--..-v -Ni. '"""Fcnet5 cuter shattered his case, as he held and take them to the station. ' the same as he did last December Elm PUee .schoolis another Naee An ,Woadwtock; ms the state auditor Where "tdwithftmasr be taken 'as was answerable to the general as- tney are brought to the atqtiprr_in, sembly only orh comfor persona? time for the 9:48 train. 7 W "In U1 n13 recurus along the theory ‘uc lulloWlng pragmm will be Att-ao-xW-r-cis-Sai-same-h-i-;-'-.-.-- â€5*" tt" "m-FP .=.i:a5f-.Y-, at}: tuatreatext; cGaughey assumed. Fndn’y fwd Saturday, V_ Mary J. With Nelson removed as a code- Home: Immortal novel "Leha femltutt,'teatimony that the proser’Ritver-s' one of the best known' and cation wished to submit can be pre- “6515' read romances ever written sented against the remaining de.. (lttiiigiiiiiiirgiiiiimiiigiiii, fendants. - - "i-ret-ee-Bette-trm-fir-rt-mW,,-,,,".", tor or his records:algng_ the -tiiirr9-r or private acts. The prosecutor released the state auditor of any charge of criminal- ity in. the case so that he could use evidence of conferences which Nel- son attended, and the records -'of the Rather than traerifiee indictments against fiusmemaeeuaed in the col- lapse of the Waukegan State bank, State's Attorney A. V. Smith today nolle prossed the last indictment against State Auditor Oscar Nelson. Col. Smith None Prosses Case in Hope Move Will Aid Other Causes BANK worm: CASE fedttiii].i]'ii,'ii'i,iiii"iii, ABANDONED BY STATE tty,' 131w .Assns â€HWY. "thy T, "" ?Vatl.urmstive wins-offered on the J?ietrtr-fpiretyt-adsre"aik 'No Alternative her apartment on um: great work by reminding-so" ii',', Tuesday topurchase extgg bread Itmd-meat"or cheese or other filling. LLetihim e help mtake- the -arandteiaiiii' -...l L..t-- u . .. ,,__, -........mucu "I sue lives of dozens and dozens of our townspeople, and many cartons go RtaehAieek as first aid to starving -'it,.-il-Ar.-tyr:--at-.-Aicaii-"it'Cip1'-'i,"r this great work by retnindintr-arow ’ Are you still eating'. There are those who are not. If you have a l little extra food, a few minutes free time on Wednesday mornings before 9:30, please make up some sand- wiches and take them to the North- western railway station, either " Rubia. or Highland Park, -whertr they will be packed in large car- tons and sent by train to one of Chicatro's most destitute sections, that one helped by the Northwest- ern University Settlement. The Wednesday sandwich day habit is firmly established in the Hun.- -1 J - ' at 1p..ttret)irlaii.iiare, followihir proeiam . _ .. l ""i, -... unuc. nun wuu but“ Day nil, iaruiiiit? j Henry in the name role will , . , -LA__~ Will -trfgt50ntiniie" theiiiiieashigly unsafe practice of opening for bysiiness on, Saturday evenings. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned banks, that after Saturdï¬y,V_J_111YM9th,_r_1j9§_2_.n_they. NORTH SHORE TRUST COMPANY HIGHWOOD STATE BANK HiGHLAND PARK STATE BANK, will Pill. mm white TrirtfiktieiirTiti1rcNTirnsr. It took nearly 25 minutes to land it. Zradika, otlgorth Chic-5337 iiii%iii fishing, with H. Dielkus, of Waake- gag. Alte _pickerel struck on live the county in-the hgt few l"? pulley) from Crooked Lake, A pickerel weighing 21 pounds, believed to be the ltrtreat caught in Catch Pickerel of 21 Pounds' Weight with Chester Morris" Jin seated. Never before in: Greta Garbo achieved so emotional and convinc- ing n performance as in “As You Desire Me," her new Metro-Goldwyn Mayer film being shown Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. - showh. Wedhesd.ay tltd iiiir,sday, Carole r. an .Amfriean with Charlotte 6 PIANO. LESSONS of 4s1ninuted, eachwith Miss Marley _f, -f, c- __ Pajable' in, advance, $12.00. _ MARLEY SCHOOL OF MUSIC This is a special rate for the summer only, For the Summer Term of Six Weeks Telephone Highland Park 1138 " Highhnd Park " Winnetka yei rs, pre- in police I Alden g clerks l review. uuo, msr ‘x‘uesday evening. Hahn, aged fifty, in reported ser- iously injured, having suffered three fractured ribs, 3 compound fracture of the left knee, fracture of the right knee and numerous cuts ‘and bruises. Anderson and five occupants of his car escaped injury. Both unto: mobiles were wréélietf. fate, Jisviueiaii' It is reported that Philip S. An- derson of 2403 Deere Park drive while driving-to Niagara Falls col- lided with an auto driven by Charles L. Hahn of Kenmore, N. Y., in Tonawanda, N. Y., a suburb of Buf- Emil) S. Anderson in Auto Accident ie ael "Mike" Haney, former magistrate, and Mrs. Lola last week __ were selected as to work under the board of