H _ t ff "AMA, fi, ‘5; Mr,] 1;d the "tttPr'""'""""'"" m i7ariGTi"L7irUiii; iii.""" - "' “mm, tt pan. __ andâ€: _ ' ', . WIN Aid uur, sale " the Tttemmarrettmritmittstt- my!†'tom, mum. Bat. 'rnrtrrefrl mm]. â€may at 9:45 â€W" "W". -___ie W" The new y Evangelical Church Englilh "rviea, 11 mm. “ Laurel “d HcGovern - No evening "rviee. _ Rev. B. P. Simian, Pastor Brotherhood Thursday svettirte " W.M.S. - M the pal-soup, 8 jun. _ The Wong? motion.†society [author but!†Friday main; " moot- thio I andâ€) afternoon at 136' TRrrtre6rBdtttratenttmd3m m {me’zz‘wmm‘ W-N.' the park at 11 mm. .. Come with-the whole.farnily and bring your friends. Tuesday, July 19--Tri C meeting. Friday, July 22--ree cream social on ehuretr lawn. Band concert by the Prairie View band beginning at 8 pan. Come and bring your friends. Will 7'53??? "t1tiirr' "frriit-oNtirtir" iiirtitiy being formed in the spring. It will be a beach party at Gages Lake. All members are requested to be on the church grounds by 6:30. Trans- portation, and eats are «well provided for. _ F. G. Piepenbrok, pastor Sunday, July 17--Annaal church picnic ~at Sunset park, Highlmd 7:30 fan. .. _ T _ 1Fridtwr-rThe _ “Keystone, Sorority†Elliott, 739 Ridgewood drive, 2 pan.' LI ,"""e'1'f"?T"PP""a""'f"f85" field are holding their' annual picnic, and to which you an invited. Kindlme chins: in_timgu_lrhitt is to allow the pester-10 preach the morning sermon in Sunset park at Monday through 1ryidtty-. 9-11 :30 Final week of Vscation ___' f1urry1h__geltp,1t1s, Closing _ cur: eises, on Friday at 11 o’clock. Sunday. Friday--- . ." _ 9-11:30 Vacation Church school. Summer: Christmas tree service will be held " 11 o'eloek. This service will be ottt-ofsdoorg ground a real Christmas tree and the gifts the children bring will he sent to China to sudden the hearts of Chinese boys and girls at Christmas time. Pur- enta and friends sre invited. Church phones 683 and " Thursday--. 9-11:30 Vacation Church school in the parish house. Highland Park Preaistrrterinn Church Bethlehem Evnngelicul Church Laurel and Linden avenues 815 Rosemary Terrace _H1riuisif1lterwiruuniniater, --e--ee---_-w- Lltetfhtld --.__ -- m - ------' Church phones 683 and 46 Rev. E. J. Bruno. Pastor Thursday--. Church school. 9:46 a.m. Mr: Am- 9-11:30 Vacation Church school brose Cox, Ass't. Supt. Classes for in the parish house. all ages with experienced teachers Friday---- . ." _ and group graded' biblical lessons. 9-11:30 Vacation Church school. Visitors in town are very cordially SummerJChristmss tree service invited to- make this their tempor- will be held st 11 o'eioek. This sry church home. . Sunduy school, 9:45 mm; Entr1itth not-Vic's, 11 mm. I'm-TWO 11:00 Morning worship service. Those having no eh-lr-home in Highland Park are invited to worship with us. Dr. Louis W. 'rhurluiav-'hte Ladies' Aid will PW'"", St. Paul’s Evangelical Church Deerfield Corner Homewood avenue and ' Green Bay rogd St. John's Evangelical Church Henry G. Bedlam; pastor Zion Lutheran Church THIS WEEKS SERVICES AT LOCAL CHURCHES 1W T.00pan. Christian Endeavor. . 7:45 pm. Evening worship. Wednesdny, July 20: 8:00 pan. Midweek prayer meet- ing " the church, . Sunday; July 17: _ 9:00 mm. Prayer service. 9:304.m. Sunday school. 10:45 am. Morning, worship. Rev. Gordon of the Moody Bible institute will preach. _ Green Bay Rd and Laurel Avenue Rev. J, A. Van Gorkom, Pastor Saturdn'y, July «16*. Annual Sunday school picnic at Sunset park. A good time for everybody. Baseball' some after supper. Members and friends in- 2:00 pm). Girl Scouts, Troop 1. The Swedish Methodist Church ---W1luran-a%sctp,-62, Boy Scouts. Highwood Ave, and Evens Place All Scouts are urged to bring their Rev. Wm. W. Nelson, Pastor dads tthe meeting of, Pridarr-Jitlr _9egc21SLardfrirsoiNsc, H .., 7:15 pan. Girl Scouts, Troop 2. Thursday, July 21: _Worruut's Missionary society. The evening service, 7:30 pan. This will be an outdoor musical service rendered by the, Prairie View bend; a service postponed one week he. cause,,,of death, in the church and community. Everyone is invited to attend. There will be no offering received. and] charge will be made to defray expenses. Members of the Prairie followed by a ten sponsoi-ed by the E.L.C.E. (Young People's society) 5:00 pan. Subject, "How Far Do the Teachings of Jesus Affect Our Conduett" Leader, Mrs. Chester Divine worship, 11:00 mm. Mr. Clayton Fehr, soloist. Sermon sub- ject, "The High Cost' of Christin Livintrf Reverend Bruso preaching. 10 First United Evangelical Church 8:15 pan. Gospel street meeting at A cordial welcome. :00 pan. Cotta; prayer meet- :30 Sunday Church school. A6 Worship and sermon. 1“art #413 Ctkr' TE! PIES! 8:00 p.m. Meeting of the Sewingtl circle at church. The members of) the String band will entertain. _ Sunday, July 17: 9:30 a.m. Teacher's hour. 10:30 a.m. Church school. 21at aLNapervillei ark. Mrs. F. C. Mai-if, W111 #etfretreiitHEriiaiiTt" -iiiif young people's organizations of the Bethany church. A large group of, â€y’iiiffgipeople off "itrirroeal chhrch expect to drive over on young peo- ple’s night. ' g Mid-week service: Miss Snyder will have e-urges-of-the-arthur study at 8 pan. Wednesday evening. Read the thirdehapter of I John andme to enjoy this very helpful hour. 9111 shnrQh, orirhtwycahurssaltta tess. _ Tile Philathea class will have its Pontltly meeting and social hour LII-3.11; F. Sieméen, Mrs. M. K. Till- man, Mrs. II. G. Norkett and Mrs. -haaeduuvthe, first 4shapter-of-gamea. Miss Ruth Drake will have charge of the young people’s meeting at q p.m. The pastor will speak at the 8 o'elock evening service. All who do not worship elsewhere are invited to make this their church home. The young people will take an outing Monday at 8 pan. They will sojourn to Harrington, part of the afternoon will be spent swimming, other, interesting features will make up the program. A picnic dinner and a social good time wilrbe en- Joyed in the evening at the Evan- begins at 11 mm. The pastor will weal; on 'The power of endurance," 'iiturdtir," Jiiff The annual State Woman's Mis- SunsetValley Golf Club D IN I tCG R 020 M not lolh 16:" l COURSE DINNER (Served Daily from Noon 'tit 8:30 pan.) your family. The "tgoodness" of our home-cooked food will captivute your appetite sad the pleasant surround- ings and cool brews will word you real comfort and lend to your utmost plenum. - ,, A real treat in in store for you and the em ine.- -thi-StiriditFififiiiiiffifk "ihi-Fiii LCL.2cr, CCT' room is open from 2:30 to 6:30. - Here the Bible and all authorized Christian Science literature may be "__ T read, borrowed, or. purchased. tawnnm ' 11w calm" uuwcvct must [attend the regular service at 10:30, L during which time tr children', Ber- imon a.ili-tte-datli-r-t-ideir the- - main sermon for adults. t Subject to? next-chtnaes lesson All are éordi'nlliv invited to attend the services and main use of the A free public reading room 1's maintained by this church gt A' N. Sheridan road, which is open daily EME£ZL0£LM£EQW§MEQEEQ -6rCEr"tirtiEii BaEtiififTieiufiiirorit" 8 o'clock. Sundny school is open to Rani); between the oxen of four, and 20, and is held Sunday morning at First Church of Christ, 'e,lttpt,tst, Highland Park, Illinois, ggr Hue} wenue, is a branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, gay mgminngéjEE o'clofckl and -the Wednesdg evenin‘ itri'ttmii7%i - ra JiS'i'r'li'r-"'eaf,',-,1'e,'r'-,'r'-) months. mtsrehiidreit however continued during T:45pam Enrenintr-worshirr-service in English. The theme of the pas- tor’s sermon will be "A Sermon from My Garden." Wednesday, July 20: 7:00 p.m. Choir rehearsal. 8:15 p.m. Midweek prayer service led by Mrs. Ida Carlson. Visitors are welcome at all our services! ins. Redeemer Evan. Lutheran Church West Central Avenue Rev. W. F. Suhr, Pastor Sunday school, 9230. Morning worship, 10:30. After this Sunday the regular 65d :00 p.m. Pioneer devotional meet- THURSDAY. JULY 14. 1032 " in summer Lunch galow Presb: if)?" met Villa, how litth tend for Em Mite and Ruth prim old ell'; Mr pri', Cla Lal Mit dau dre: ing hat, "