Juries nnfmrre,ie.. r the crash to their n to the parkway mded on the street in: completely over. that the machine , badly. on page 80) " swerved toward the ho sustained more was removed to the II than his condi. d " critical. e attributed the la. Let that there is I act oettere Mohawk lea Locust road, vidently got out of rd Phi: youth, wu ihortly before 9 ight when his small of control..lurched 33711 oyertnmed on LIONS ctively; and Lloyd 1319 Adrian! w- ur. AUGU'I' t- "" was neeompanied companions from tid CE y aiateA, 19 and In Victim of um, 115 B. mm" -. RIM" aa , In. St. Pour no tor-ugly with . ' . thatâ€. ttrat alumna-I. ' Many north than with“ in ' tiodtrd, mm Judd, “I _ . Comp Ahteteattu/iGeitGisriiiiii, '- _ _. fat lad l. 'tatt' hd,',',".'.",,',': , H 'l _ . Jl'N'tcfatul't h'i'htil'd'trr', 2 17- Tr, 18rtifr ,ttriGiiruitiira - -iirid in no: - iisGUG irdiGaTi"'ii'ui"ii"i'i sketch of Jim Kirk. 860 Orchard lane, in spending the summer with his grandparents,, Mr. and Mm. J. J. Kirk of Salineville, Ohio. Miss Lottue-6timin, 1if-tu-hii-it. d’Argent dressmaking shop in .thtr, Udell building, is loving for s two months’ sojourn in Europe. She is sailing on the Leviathan. _ TiirrtW.irii'iiraiis ihterested in Pea 9ti1ritteishestti11soienn-tif,Lii; as well. Everyone is‘ invited to ex- hibit and also to attend the show, whieris always an outtrtautdtnipdhsc Play of Ittrtrithrr1srtangurauee,, __.. (Min Grace Hopkins! Wakes“ is theutuettot Evelyn Faulkner for the next tin days. _ T The North Shore Garden club is planning its annual flower show to he held at Lake tNmr-thtmtrv--aiar; on Saturday, August 18, from twd until seven o'eloek. There are claw as for armaments, hmeheon-tau bles, dinner tables, and specimen blooms of all kinds, and vegetables Vol. 4 A Ans-t 4. 1m no, ' - [VI :3 TT - - 'e""'""" nu “m ‘I‘m-thd“: 'ttitarrte,tGtaraTia'iaciGai"2A"l'rLT4 " “I.“ “on dBM'W-a'“ In the an. and 15:1"!!! the m; tr2ettbatiiara"iiriiaic"iG'GrGTi"G, 'nrAtrry1rp1epCrriiiii' tn.» m WW" My! ' csdi%tlpt..htt"lteirtgt,,gtr,e f ' , - - my V R'liul'tli gi,',uar" can“. also 0 x. arustiG m. can an m " Second Clu- nan-r7 1m. "ttte-tmee., iiTa"ik. Local arid ParSohal mun my. or no- VIII-- -'-r-, _ HIGHLAND PARK LOCAL and pERSONAI can may. 3W Ak _ Citi." - In... nun-u M mm THE DEERFIELD PRESS Tiaiiirtiiiila-iaGnra"'"i, Rab-"W rm. no; '. A0608! d, In: ' sud-man roadfméxii le. 1r. tad In. Adolph 3mm: ' the ' _. _. _ f ___ 'llultrnttu'rgtht'.stt “is" a: ataaiiUi: iiiirGiiF, iiiiiF,- York Smithy. Chnpmn and Virginia Perkins kn Hominy for u “is mtentkn .9, Homer-ids: Farm hrJ-vitU,Hti'. mu. Vivien Km and Rich) Levine emu-tuned “My at' . ttrMrteinttottorofMtitsriia. » Mrs. Ward is the former Beulah Tib- _betts. During their sojourn in this vicinity they will also visit _ Mr. ’Wird’s sister, Mm. Benj. Ball of N. St. Johns. . Kins Ibsen of the Highland Park hospital spent the week-end at the] Dolls in Wkeouin. _ -'eNeT, 1 Bobby Walker, Jr. son of Mr. and 1111; It. P. Walker of Cory no onus retard homo Sunday from Cheloy cu p in Estes Park, Color -Mrr, Joseph McCarthy of N. St, Johns avenue had " her guest Mil- dred Love Gunckel of Deerfield last Friday. T Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ward and children of Independence, Iowa, are children of Independence, Iowa, are visiting Mrs. Ward’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Tibbetts. at the Tib- betta farm West of Lake Forest. T’ii’irm the Garcia, camping“ the Sand Dunes in Gary, Indiana: mm. luring Brand spent Saturday with -her sister Miss Rmjts_lilntLiah In. Ir."tg. Clem entertained ad a tshower' lest Friday evening, in compliment to' Mrs. Alice Thompw son Thump. . _.,' Mr. and Mrs. Bruce -Bltine of Deerfield and children were guests at the Joseph Neild home last Sun. day. - 7 "t Hon. 1nr-Ntsamm Morris and see- ,retary will leave on 8atardar 'to rejoin his family in Maine. _ Kr, end Mrs. Robert Trimbale, In, and family are at the Moraine for tie - month of Am“. _ Mr. Trim.ule, who“ is Mr. thtahintrht son- in-law, is in charge of the recon-< -iart-astr6rts_ia-imriiiariiii,-irkj will be guests " the sroriini, winter having made their m ‘ Mrs. Bernard Siegele of Half Day road entertained her tive hundred ‘club deay evening at her home. Mr. and . Mrs. Frank Wall†of North Green Bay road entertained at â€a beach party Friday evening at Polloek'ts Lake in honor of, their guest, Miss Frances Meehan of Chi- aaiio. Mn. GeomGilman, who bu been the (not of the Fomt Rene family for the bait month will return to her home in Chicago Friday. Col. W. B. Brinton and daughter have left for their son’sgranch near Sheridan, Wyoming, where they will spend the next month. s. Ward W; Willitts '. in; nan-'vw-Ww "ae 2-3:"? and Mrs. Anna Zimmer and family re- turned home Sunday after visiting friends and relatives Gst week in Wisconsin Rapids, Pittsville, Ves. per and Hancock, Wisconsin. Mrs. Samuel Carothers and daugh- ter of Pittsburgh are visiting Mr and Mrs. George E. Bliss of 522 N, Linden avenue. "â€Mféflohi TGTh'iiin' and, herdaugh- ter Dorothy of Dallas, Texas has hteTm=rrmrttFarrcartrrair WihiiireT of 232 Cary avenue for the {at month. [ “ms. Lloyd Kirkman and her two sons of Decator, Ill. spent last week with the Connellys of 150 Second street. James Commaford tia,- iiiriiTGiiiiii' MrtCAliee Bennett of lone, Wntrh. 4ng1aon iril1, make herinie indeftrr. itely'wjth her daughter and son in law Mr. and Mrs. Piul L. Udell of Lake 1riekterraee. Joan Walker, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. R. Ii'. Walker of Cary avenue is visiting her school chum from Ferry Hall at Wayzata, Minnesota. "N Columbus, ohi, "erviiitinUGiiinii in Ephriam, Wis. They will return to Highland Park Frid.ay or Satur. day. _ V - _ _ Mine; ao/yi, Ballard, of Orch. ard lane, Jean Kingman of Wash- ington, Dig." and Mary Poston of 7 Mrs. Theilen of Fort Sheridan V rived home Monday after spending tiro months in California. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamond Jr. of 35W drivr announce the marriage of _ their _dauiirtirrUroiii; Virginia to Mr. Albert C. King from Princevjlle, Illinois, May 27. ' _ KNI'I'HNG SHOP .. _ _ JewsLazfand OPTICIAN --- " N. Shaun n.“ 392 Central Avenue pe. "m 3t.ao. Per, ’Phono' H. P. 610 BOOKS FOR SALE I The Highland Park Mosquito Abatement District committee moi Wertnetsarevenititt in the city hall. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cameron of Michigan Avenue left Sunday for I week's motor trip through Wiscon- sin. . Mr. nnd Mrs. Herman lbrke and children of LakefUld, Minnesota have been vitritintr,.Mr. md Mrs. CurlerMelvine of Ridgewood drive. Aumt 6, at St. James church, High. yoodet2 ft'eole1r Reverend J; Hoi, _ MARLEY SCHOOL OF MUSIC .' _ night-urn: . Win-uh For the Summer Term of Six Weeks Jun. 20th to July 30th . ' PIANO LESSONSot“ minqtea each with Miss Marley \ PM in advance, f;ltet - natural-Immac- rqAlr. .. , Tam Highland Park 1138 :. ytrttt L. Connelly had as her Shelf Rental mm with! h IIIEXDOH Watch and l giftmgugh- 'ait,t/a',l2t,tdiifl ata down payment on the new BULOVA -yt.y1_tsts)tspt; the balance in easy >w§ekly payments. i TiWe’ll. takeoour old watch watch as a stepping @5511: to a stylish , _ l. H. Nemeroff HOWhRDsUDEU. . CAFETERIA moderate prices BULOV'A Visit us today In a; hi is]