Tom Strenger, Irving d Jimmy Berube return. from a two weeks trip to r, Wis. bars Ballard of Orchard as been visiting in Den, ’01- three weeks returned 'tter pait of last week. ckenreiter of Louisville, house guesf of Mrs. B. Deere Park this week. urian Tolle of South w Jersey, is visiting the rrda this week. _ _ tition of quilts, hand. antiques, given try. the _ 'of Highwobd, will be Zion Lutheran church treeti Highwood, today " least una. dar. in will be tUtimmd to reared on the beauti- .nd country home of pe, f'? Half Day road va . null ltlll!’ gt r, whrwxrtzrm The; assistants. was unable to W upper for the "is. d their escorts will folio. the Egan home. [an Prior family of Jack. 3., have returned to their . spending several days md Mrs. Percy Prior of RILEY S, "?, did birds sre products 5c system of develop- " and feeding which r consumption a cu~ t delicacy, second to I two men partially iden. bondita who robbed the motel recently has been from 14 to 25 years in in state prison at,Wauy ascend dogma "nnrsier' tieh he. pleaded guilty. wing been leased for h this Legality? :9 Farm, and have HES. Tor next Sunday, or ' CALL CUISDAYL AUGUST M, Mt We per pound, and and eompuetr--. It no at“ chum. arkeyt I _ Farm No. 2 - of R. White “entertained Wednesday in honor of CiliiiEii& like a ten or twelve ',r-'iititieiki,iiir. i.’ Mai' la TIRE bi. Left Making nix rumor: six hits in the . first two innings, the Stanuk Broth- ere were eueceeeful in defeating the Highwood Indians 8 to 8 on the lat- ter's field. After the first two in- nings Johnny Artie was put in to pitch Tor Cuteleri and only gave - . ., wN_,_,___, L-I_-.I can... WAY. AUQUIT gs, "" r----- "v - them five hits. Errors helped Stan- ezyaks in six of their eight runs. In the Brat inning Stancuks start- ed by scoring thre.e runs oh two sin- gles met-tor and n doable. They scored three more in the next in- ning on three hits and mother er- -.. -___ ----- --a - IT.' iii, iiiile rum were scored un- til the sixth in which the Indians got tsro. _ . . . . Taylor started the inning by get- ting on base on an error. Armstrong airy-Lie-tvos-tister-ist-e-lil-ttr h-aim-ii-tit-thh-tr awed. od- vaneing Taylor to third, itole Bee- third inning. In the ".th thquagg ond. Baum came up and smacked the ball over the right tu1der'a head for a double and two runs scored. The next two men were easy Outs and now Stanczaks were 'nhead 6 to" t.' .." q T . . ' -, After â€(martian was down in the ninth inning Stanczaks made two, successive hits putting men on sec- omran4 third. The next batter hit to the second baseman who let the ball go through his legs and Stan- tzaks getting, their lost, two runs. The Indians scored their last run in the ninth and the game ended rto _ Indiana Win tStone- ___ Playing in a slugfest against the Zabakones- All Stars from Waukegan, the Hitrhwood Indians came through at the top of a 18 to 12 score. The Indians used four pitchers but Artis was the winning pitcher when he re- -tieved-oerteurr,i-theiuth inning. 11:11,!†being overtaken by a flve JiirirLartiFrza7triGiritTrTr.t 5th 'tirirAriritrtririiirrzraTtPettr third inning. In the first half of runs Jirtdur hits. TYitTtRmtns tttmr back in their half mg! scored_ ttyr iiiiii 1331}: next inning 'by__scor.inz rot-tr-trib-fit-ruth-TRW-mr'"-"'-"'? Zabakones scored flve runs vi none out in the sixth. It wu this inning that Artis was put none out in the sixth. It was in, this inning that Artis was put. in and stopped a big rally. He became the winning pitcher when the In.. dians took the lead in their half of the inning and held ibto the end of the game. The Highwood Indinns will meet the Stancsnk Brothers again on the Highwood field Thursday, Aug. 26. This should be a close battle since both teams will light to get a vie- tory. The Indians sre eonfldent' about beating Stancuks but they are a good team and good against strong competition. The game will be called at 6 o'clock and admission will he has. J ‘3 ‘ .In a Sunday game the Indians will meet St. Joos from Wankegan. St. Joes hove also beaten the hbakones all stars and this game should prove to-‘hs~another thriller.. 8t. Jess Ire a hard hitting team and have ttoodoitehem. The Indians will he twin: for their twentieth wlnand 1 volume shonld result. The [One will be played oil-the High- Godaetdmsdireittudfor8o'etoek. The" will be I small Mission Stanczak 8:3; Win . In Several Concerts from sz'kwe.‘ 1.3tlf The -Prarruiaiirctuiiia/ who“ Making nix runs-on It! lute "I the personnel includes many Deerfield at two innings, tys.suyyat,l8ttlt musicians, has been presenting a were gucceuful ttt defeating the muny concerts recently. On Satur- ighwood Indians 8 to 8 on the day evening they appeared at Lake r’s field. Attenthe first tw.o m- Zurich and on Sunday evening at up Johnny A.rti? W“ put m to the Barrington camp meeting. A teh Tor thtatelari and only 8'" brass trio composed of Ethel Button, em five hits. Errors helped Stan.. Leslie Christensen and Miss Helen yaks in itat of their eight runs. Hartman, gnve a progrnm and Har- In the flttst irpintr statteely start- old R. Vnnt made two rug pictures four 'ttttttttttt Pre/Inbox Day Sale 4.40-21 4.50-20 4.50-2 1 4.75-19 4.75-20 25 South Second Street TAX FREE a i, one out. HAAK’S AUTO SUPPLY C0)tl0P/V)f0if, c19 HIGH SPEED TIRES AND TUBES. A PRICES! Batteries FIRESTONE BATTERY - with old battery .. . . FREE BALLOONS COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION_ " QUALITY " 84.79 Ill-ten to the 5.43 6.33 6.43 6.75 FLuriEifrT, "LT-T»: -6rt'e'.mierrqittrk _ Minotaur Price Each 34-79 6.33 6.43 6.75 1il'lltmliainl?olRllil-orat1maa' TYPE. a" 7 Darth“: l atd [ “‘1__ w “Voice of Finch-e" every Handcraft" aver Buda- WMAQ nth-at I‘ll tutu“ Per Pair s 9.30 l, 5.0021 10.38. l 5.25-18 10.54 V 5.25-21 12.32 5.50-18 12.48 'i, 5.50-19 12.90 6.00-18 13.10 i H.D. duriturthitt_pit1tie) numbers. On saturday-they-ar-Lira-liter - -vV trt1rttttat ' _ 7 for Vernon Day tnd that evening they will appear) the Barrington amp Miniand mtua'ctwtrmore presentations on Sunday at Biirring- Naval Station Visited by British Consul Gen. The Honorable Lewis Bermays, British Consul General at Chicago.- and Mrs. Bermays, and Captain Pat- Free 6.00-19 Size Our Cull Price S 6.96 7.53 8. 15 8.48 10.65 tirand Mail Order Price Etch ' 'IN 8.15 8.35 8.48 10.65 10.85 isrcash :; Tire ‘OurCnnh 1 Per Pair $13.54 1 4.60 15.82 16.20 16.46 21.04 Phone Highland Park 391 wire 'visitord at the U. S. Naval -eramintratatian. Catt Lakea, Ptir rick MeNamtrracR. N., Naval Ar- tache oithtttrititihIttrtmr,trrcyLesiltt' ington, D. C., and “my: htiiNiyiGril day, when a special dress parade was held in their honor. Prior to these exercises they were enter- tained at luncheon by Captain Hal. sey Powell, U, S. Navy, and Mrs. Powell. The other luncheon guests were Commander Harlow T. Kaya, and Lieutenant Commander Wdlis Gearing, U. B. Navy. and Mrs. Gear- 6.00-20 6.00-2 1 6.00-22 6.50-20 “LOO-20 T $10.95 and: frail-ch .ts.ol' 11.10 11.60 l 4.65 $10.95 _ 11.10 11.60 12.65 14.65 Peep" $21.21 21.54 24.54