the most , offered ivantage ur home superior, 'tly $5.00. an hour. tendable, ' supply in your 1e details without my way. rtie Stor- tet require- ...ata more f) THURSDAY, AUGUST 2sr,rt_3_?, One of the activities of the Highland Park East Park Ttir- triet at various otayttrrtttttdg, Playamnnd 'Dly. Aug. 5. The Hay: in the drill were Adolph Nnrvik, Dave Wilder. Bud PM- ter. Louis Picchietti, John Plulkner. Dick y-ich, Lrte lama. Bobby Luna-ea. “can They bertorok. rbutho Jr ml-R.....-.--. "a"hTTxre7.r,"a"ET3a'.)."a'7'C, --lt "--',