£21 'gil at , a I SAjllLllllfl it 5;} Shaving Cream Me tlk 1.D.As Fly Killer o--.-.--..)' 25c Flamed Meat, ' 018. ----atht ‘Bgyptinn Henna Powder, 4 on. 23¢ 81 Fat. o. Reducing; Treat-eat TBe 85e Astringent Mouth Wash, Pt. AN, Alum Powder. 4 on. _---.--.' Bicarbonate of Soda. Pound . ....20¢ "e Sun-etc Douche Powder .-.aBay tot l.D.A. Bath Room Tissue 3 for o-...-..-.........-.......) 5 gm, loo _..C,, __.,.,...,'. 50e Fy.eeryrr,Antitresttie Mouth GOe Bay Rum, 8-0:. P"'..-- '_"--.'-.. “29¢ $1.25 Mineral Oil and Agar _ .....84¢ 35c Larkspur Lotion .eW.r.r, .. .. 29¢ 60t Caaeayy, Sigrid: Tablets. ,7 7 San Alto V _ Queens Factory "Throw Outs" new AtitriU%t v-. 39e I.D.A. Tooth Brushes tse Emm- Howard 501: LDA. Rented Baby Cream BBd 25e Kleenor Tooth Puggnwmvlzg 1Rri"5'xireT"riiaETrGrG v-_-----) 50¢ Milk of Mains“ Tooth Paste _-.....-..,....-.' 50c I.D.A. Sunburn Cream __..-- 75e Enu‘de Quinine Hm Tonic sttiy 60e I.D.A. Coconut Oil Slum- 50e I.D.A. Lavender Shaving Lo.. tion m.-.-,..-........-.,..,'-' CIGARS --.t SPECIAL! Box of 50 Havana Filletl I. D, A,. PERFECTO Q1 00 Havana Filled San Felice King Edward Garcia Grande CIGARS at I. If. A. Low Prices -, I.D.A. Itrishles, VOLUME Face Powder c_.r . hi; J'erfeetos Fine Values I.D.A. WITCH HAZEL» 29c $138 THURSDAY - FRIDAY - .,,li._h,_'rIllt,ll/Nr, _ "___,-, -, and NriirNisriNriiiik""", -iio'!'i'ict'" GS E L LS 2m DRUG )ch STORES _ ' PHARMACISTS _ '. ' Two mans ._ 389 Central Avenue 399 Roger Williams Ae _ Ph6ne'2600 _ Phone 2300 Avsuper rich Badger Custard Ice Cream filled with delicious red Cherries is ourtreat for this week end. You will like thieyay tlelisey. _ ,, Badger Week End Special August 27th q _" CHERRY V CUSTARD Present this coupon one! toe " your LDA. Drug More listed be1ow and receive . 66e bottle of exquisite Eveiyn Hound Pothole. A sum new "gram glf'"I'ad! Paris. ONLY ONE TO EACH c STOMER. N y WITHOUT COUPON. ' v ' VOID AFTER SEPTEMBER 3. 1932 This Coupon Worth Sk †l W. Csell & Co. bl Plrfllillll.ll.llL.h..g,ii1l _V ._- q . ( _ M8631 dk thi, VHEPATICA . . .' . 35e 5ik MENNEN’S SHAVING CREAM . 20t Rie PONDS cams . . . ia, 90c PINAUD’S EAU IE QUININE . 5tk Made in Wis'cbnsin" I'll PI... 606' LYSOL - 50c KOLYNOS ai, 1-00- LAVORIS IN, Tooth Paste 2 for 3lie Petites Fine 0.1": unitary Napill Mouth Wash . . . Pint d - "e,T.ir.a." ‘ MILK or unsung“ Tooth Paste Nestle EXTRA! ' Me an LD.A. Milk of Magnesia 25c Kieenor Tooth 75e Evelyn Howard Theatrical Cold Cregm (1b.) '. 70f Ist 50e '.0.A.-d-Pint, Rubbing Alcohol Ith 39c Bill-l-ll-Iii-iii- EXTRA! V 6.te, Bverrn" Howard Face Powder Shaving Cream EXTRA l 50e Thompson for for Both for - TOM COLLINS, Jr. 12-01. Bottu-Delieimm av Ihre FREE.' EXTRA f. Lavend I MILK of U- MAGNESIA Paatt 49e N’AMEL TOOTH PASTE ttter 69c U.S.P., Full Pint 1 49c I.DA. Imported SHAVING' CREAM Cold Cream pound in 49¢ Me Thom plum RUSSIAN MINERAL OIL ASPIRIN TABLETS TSe Evelyn -Howard Bottle of 100 ('Laggnder) 50e I.D.A. Pint 49¢ 75e l.D.A. TSe