trt Judge Thomas J. sir lawsuit to take sway E. Church the Repub- ation for Congress in strict. This resulted in all, counsel for 'Mr. _ ' m In!“ fWIuVIg vv-r as“. '" Hold Vote. itt. ' val â€whammy-u Put. m. Because Voters was... trun-u 9»: 551-5504» ------------'----"'"--t"--rfrr1 I Registered cthON. waning-7v} sauna 'roRItr, FeHhWFFTF2rirsd b house and take down If justice, according to t Church'? ’omce.‘ a frying to disqualify mnty country town vot- he claims registration t Monetize primary. c Robert M. Schweitzer f clerk of the election Daniel‘ Corey, told , no registritlon was no was necessary. De. d two different rulings that he would, take the r advisement, Simpson's mdaywrote a decision them and presented it " signature,“ a court ruling by the judge to utter hack to the com- Id stating the method missioner should use to 000 votes. No evidence era has been presented te -Laverrtowtht court trrriattmrbrthemmrt h is subject to change. has said that none of e has made so far are y on registrations. Imeys asked Simpson’s rhrtrations were neces- the primary in Lake um prepared to “we he court wants to hear y Lavery for Simpson ignoring- entirely the ph Church’s side of the yet been presented. ' "iirir- the hunt: " the Lia still leading 'imp: npson, it): attorney' ' to_Trite u ruling of possibility that Lake a will later. be drawn sane argument: that nrneys are making in " the judge that the omeys were trying to Mien!†court a kanga~ " followed this up by it notice the Simpson :rgintr to put om were Luz-in of potty W Vulloy Golf club m Midi! br Highland wm vmns I tC-ii-f.' s. Simpson holds a Ivory. India-nob. ttr at Golf Club DAY. moon M, n. 1/" LOCél andPersonaI . tHEt1ttCtHt.lktpf'hfp.fs tiff? A and»? of The Ohio-o. Subaru. Quality Group 01mm 061cc: 151347-13 Wf1ioughtrr Tower Telephone Gena-cl "" Mr. and Mrs. Archer l Martin of Minneapolis, Minn., spent several days last week visiting their cousins, the Loomises of Central avenue.' Mrs. Mable Lauridsen of North avenue, and her friend Mrs. Fred Granger: of Chiesitt6, ispeyit the week- end with friends 'in Milwaukee and Madison, Wis. . Vol. 11 AW 26, Mr; and Mrs. Herbert' Humphreys of Vine avenue, are the happy tttsr- enta of a son born Saturday, Aug. 20, at the Highland Park hospital. "The mixed foursomes ev-ery"rhttrb. day afternoon at the. Emoor Coun- try club are extremely popular' with the local members. An 'outdoor sup- per is served after the golf game. Elmer Koon, Bud Garrity, Elvey Hoyt and Clifford Thomas have just returned from a motor trip through Yellowstone -Park and the Black Hills of South Dakota. __ Robert, Parker ha, and Kath- atrine-gohnaton left Tuesday for a sUBSCllP‘l'lON d1W, 82.00 P33 YEAR Att eon-Inh- no nut be â€command by the - and .ddm.. o! the writer. Laid. " â€inaction nut and: tho-dim by Victim noon to tum Imam In current but. was a! which... out at ell-uh. obituarhl. node. of â€methane!“ nil-In who" a admin-no. 'ttemo b pub mud. will be - " mil" .4de- in: ttiiiaTiiei'rGirtTGiGhititiiii Mrs. Fred R. Moon. -" of antiques and handwork, both old Mrs. Joseph Crowe and BO! amdz-astttde ' ,, ..;: lim h .1 .. ---' rle§_Crowe and granddaughte church, Highwood. Helen,,spent the week-end _ _" a --apaLaeG--aqiaerr-aisrrit1.ntc' ___ m-----------"'-.------.---, . snugâ€, on thé mm.’ " tey/ Phone a. p. 2‘23““ with friends. _ -, fromp " L: an L" ' i ' Mr; and Mrs. Oscar Anderson of _ CAB SERVICE CAB Edeee1ift drive are receiving con- N" , , gratulations ori the birth of a son = NORTH SHORE CAM co. born Saturday, Aug. 20, at the High-i “fa†/,e'fd"e,e'du'd'.'" . ormer y w rBon m. __ land Park ltotrp1u1chfrr. f.ndeywni cm Iron ALL OCCASIONS with friends. . Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson of Edeeelift drive are receiving con- gratulations on the birth of, a son born Saturday, Aug. 20, at the High- land Park hospital. Mrs. Anderson was formerly Miss Sylvia Trout. " Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Slater of Grey avenue, are being congratu- lated upon the birth of a son born Thursday, Aug. 18, at the Highland Park hospital. . Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Leopold of Dale avenue, are the happy parents of s dsughter born st the Highland Park hospital on Thursday, Aug. 18. Mr. and In. Roy Lindermsn and Small son left Sundsy morning on s motor trip to sonthemdllihois. Dsmport, ..u., and Wisconsin. They will be gone two weeks. T iCiiuuiiGiapprtetneuttttr- inii1iiiiriiFiF -iit iiiir'Laon it m. mun 111qu or not was rtituApriraeNDRY ft AND DRY CLEANING co. "il 'i"G"FGi"oiiGriirikiaG"d -_" ’im; . Phi-o Ir. It}?! QUALITY DRY ammo '. woun- u. m: {31'ch toifrust No. " summer home utnmkee Bar.-- -_ had'W‘Culy w: avenue, spent the weekend " Twin Likes, ‘Wisq visiting friends. _ When the motor vessel Lgturnia left New York, August 20th, two Highland Park travelers were aha-6:» Mrs. J. P. Denison and Alma Galterio of South Green Bay road are voyaging to the Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas. They expect to motor through Greece and trail through the Aegean Islands (to Istantul and take a brief look at the Black Sea, Russian Riviera and Crimea, later gcing to Hungary, mo- toring through Austrian Tyrol and visiting the famous castles in the Bavarian Alps, then to Switzerland and Italy. They expect to return in late November. . Ladd Ewell and Morton Traub are leaving tomorrow (Friday) morning for the University of Arid' zone. at Tucson, where they will at- tend school next term. They are driving trrArizotta and will stop at the Fiesta at Santa Fe enroute. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Bard of N. St. Johns avenue, will present their daughter' Miss Janet Bard end Mr. and Mrs. Seller Bullard will present their daughters the Misses Barbara and Caroline Bullard at a joint tea tobe’held ’nt’t'he Exmoor club oh Saturday, Sept. IT, from four until .seven o'eloek at Exmoor Country club. A dinner party will follow the receptionfor their daugh- ters, assistants and escorts. Mrs. F. C. Funk and daughters Barbara - and Dorothy and their guest Mary Beverly 'rurrift will re- tamihemeiwliendeyliromm Eagle River, Wis., where they spent‘the past three weeks. Mr. Funk, who spent the week-ends with his family, will go mirth Saturday and'will re- turn with them on Monday. _Mr., and Mtsg,,.;lenry Christmg and son Arthur of Bronx, N, Ykare anendinttyEo weeks with their mpth- Mrs. Fred R. Moon. ..' Mrs. Joseph Crowe and son, fuurrlec. Crowe and ganddaughter Helen,,spent the week-end Lf r. 394% Control Mia. 3|:th PHI. HOWNtD-UDE1,i. _ CAFETERIA» . _. atthe TI. '3... Miss Mary Cullen of Vine 'nvenue he" mom“, P"" nron" we"! MA _-s/iii','?,,?,? a. group of young people Milwaukee, Wits. . 'aTa teach party“ thmitirmiinttntr. T? -Niss-Borttthr Jute Melville end I Miss Florence Glader is enjbying Mry. Nellie Hoyt tn spendingm- 1a'vacation from-her duties at the eral days of this week " Biltmore iiiiiiiiii Park State bank; She is take,11i.~~ _ T""" _ _ _ Omaha, Nets., from an extended trip people. . . tir Cinada. _ _ - Mr. "and Mrs. Kenneth Went- Mr. and Mrs. tun. Whitworth worth and tunali Sttrt art China) and daughter Miss June Whitworth were the weekend ttuesta of thee of Deere Perk drive have returned parents, Mr. and In. Robert Don from Lawsonin Country club " of South Second “we Green Lake, Wis" where they spent Mice A. éhreve, student of the the past. two wttu. They report . University of Southern California most enjoyable time.. 7 ,7 in the clan of 1934. was listed Little George Saffron of Chietstrtt who spent the past nine weeks with his aunt Mrs. Nels Jeppesen of Waukegan avenue, has returned to his home. . _ Malcolm Millard is leaving this week for Carmel, Calif., where he will spend a' few weeks before re- suming his studies at Harvard in September. A -- A, -' Mrs. Howard Rice of Broadview avenue, entertained the Indus of the Briertrate Golf club at luncheon tob. lowed, by bridge onTuesdly. ___ A,“ ' Mrs: ‘ Fred' Moon . tsntertsiined seVenwen at dinner on Tuesday eve- ning for her sister Mrs. Henry Christman, who is here visiting for a couple of weeks. T H E L h "ll L: Finishina the S For the Toed-woman Going Away to College . " Simple' and Correct T __ e aEoderatehr-Pricisi1 -___H --,-_-e--_-e-_ ls Finishing the Summer Season with 20% DISCOUNT on all Merchandise for the Last Six Days of August This is the time to start on those Christmas Luncheon and Breakfast Sets, Towels, Cocktail Napkins, Finger Borrl-Doilietr, Etc; . _ . . . . _ Fouldn't you like to take advantage of our Neckww Ruchings and Blouses at these reductions? fl 22 North Sheridan Road Phone H. P. 79 THE LACE SHOP k COLLECTION of New Fall Clothes L" “ME: 'it .rur.r Â¥Bilhnrz '0! Surinyaido a'venue visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spencer of Rgveqswogq lug “Leek. . Alice A. Shreve, student of the University of Southern Caiiforatin in the clue of 1934, was listed emong the honor students who re- ceived no grade less than "B" dur- ing the semester. ' Mrs. C. R. Schultz nnd Mrs. L Vinke of Fond dn Lac. Wim, are the house guest- ot' Mrs. Fred Zahnle of Vine uvenue this week. Mr. and Mrs. Herman ha. 515 Central avenue. Wilmette. unndnnce the engagement of their daughter Ellen, to James Loch, Jr., son of street has as her guest her mother, Mrs. John Milwaukee, Wis. ' Li iii.Tiiimi;iE'oii',t "555 E 3PriiLTiitTi "iiriiiiirji, Davis of 136 S. Second this week Cleary of trf 19m