Depreciation is the largest‘single item in the coat of operation of a Protor car. , Defeat depreciation. by rebuilding your car with a view to continued Le. rPhone _ . ' *Winnetka 3810’ 16 Carlton Ct. . Winnetka, Illinois SIXTEEN WADSWORTH BROS. Clerk of the Circuit Court L. J. 1)rrirt2ittj(p and Depressién V tro l Hand in Hand. Republican Candidate for Re-election . Depreciation Elect TMTF' , $l"riStgMttt -. 1†Henry G. Winter Lester Moberg, 33 years old, an attendant in the Veterans' Bureau hospital at North Chicago, was shot down b - a bandit " 4., I £..".L...J.I Lakes hospital it was reported that his' chances for recovery -were fav.. orable. - _ November 22, "The European Sit- uation as it affects us." lief, Municipal; suierini" iii. tionai." r-"'""".--.--"---------------- "hmrtie of Lectures } on Current Events at I Woman's Club in Nov, November g, “E-coany in Govern- ment." vN . PHONE 583 MARIO CUCCHIARA _ - 124 B. FIRST trr. BIGHLAND PARK In her first lecture on November I, Mrs. Spencer will discuss "The background and Real Issues in the Presidential Campaign." Mrs.'Homer Spencer who is to give a course of lectures on "cur.. rent Events from an Economist's Point of View" on the five Tuesday mornings in November at 10:30 a.m. at the Highland Park Woman's club, is a lecturer of great merit, personal charm, and wide exper- ienee. Her lectures are free to the members of the Highland Park Woman's club, and open to the pub- lie at a very nominal fee. Every one is urged to come and be in.. formed on subjects of vital interest to the world at large in these most interesting times, so full of event- ful change.“ 7 it _ UPHOLSTERING CABINET 'WORK' _ CHAIRS RECANED N" a PICTURE FRAMING Novetber 29, "Unemployment In- ALL OF OUR WORK IS . GUARANTEED T PHONE 635 144 N?rth First Street Highland Park . 'urnace Wor. James G. 'Weteh, of 1607 Grand avenue, Waukegan, last week was disbarred from the practice of law by the supreme court in a, proceed- ing, instituted by the‘Illinoia Bar association which charged him with two counts of unethical conduct, ac- cording to an Associated Prue dis- patch from Bprintrtuld. ' - Deerttetd Girl Scout Troop 2 Girl Scouts of troop 2 will meet Friday evening at the home-of Miss Helen Engstrom for a social meet- ing. The girls will come in costume for the masquerade party. The new apportionment would give Lake county a dominating posi- tion for vote-getting and would practically assure Lake county’s can- didate a victOry, prdiriding he were alone in the field against whoever the Cook county end of the district put into the running. a candidate for congress; in the opinion of his friends, although he would not verify this in hismnver- sation with the News-Sun. RELIABLE LAUNDRY 1'1lW',et1e-tR1Lrt,,rytysgoscittcstrurinal opinion and allows the act to be- come a’law, Rep._Lyops said today. "If the matter is now left up to the state legislature, I will intro- duce the necessary bills to make it constitutional, unless the Illinois the represetttirtiim at the Chicago area, comprising Cook, Lake, Ihr. Page and Will counties, was increas- ed from ten to fourteen districts. Downstate retains â€its thirteen repre- trtntatiyea but increases the number Increases Domtute Dstrict Under the Illinois reapportionment act the two eomrretrtsmert-at-large for the tstatrwere eliminated, and A,“ ------r--___ .. - .- ___,- Rep. Lyons. was chairman of the reapsihrthsnmisni committee of the legislature and was greatly disap- pointed when his committee’s plan met defeat and kept Lake _county from dirminatinir tf iiisw congression- al district, instead of leaving it in 1he-atrimsritrattztrter-trr -wtmm it ls new a DRY CLEANING The only legal obstacle to the re. districting of Illinois, as attempted by the last legislature, was removed in the decision rendered Tuesday by the United States Supreme court, and Lake county may yet be in a district with only the north tier of townships in Cook county, instead of a great portion of Cook county, Rep. Richard J. Lyons stated last Thursday. . _ Rep. Lyons Sees in Action Supreme Court Chance of Redistricting . BELIEVE Itgtikhriiiiir OBSTACLES REMOVED Lyons May: Be' cnndiiiiite"'" Ptiovfdintr _thes reapportionment is "e, , P. tttt QUALITY LAUNDIRm -seven. .‘ THURSDAY. commit " Ada vinyird, Scribe. AND ', "tt of prem --.- -t-rhtd We a recu sive f only I Tire-r, chang tions, tariffs trade, ward year, stood ing fl loss c agair ducex Mate aeeu, the _ 3mm decla last turn worl tiom dity almt Sept per TH "