', Sn, has arrived from to spend the winter nd his family, the Carl F. c. Biederstadt, iii; Highland Park. . ooder entertained her kserfuld mothers who he memberehip drive bool P. T. A. on Wed. 'ar) " 1 tea, at her DeerfUtd ma. Lewie Autumn have i delichuun trip thru bout 120 miles eouth .on the trip math, 'tled when a cock mouth the windshield Flue into mull per- perched upon "their reu- net. Neither Ihmen were injured“ t! bein; the lou of r pheasant. Mr.' and Mrs. George I daughter Betty Lou, Mrs. Minnie Whitcomb ips Rommel were guests t. thehome of Mrs. J. ‘lke, Betty Krause, Lydia Reeb, and Lor- were charming little Hallowe'en party for t Hunt’s sixth grade Lurday evening at the home on Central ave- r not}? " to an: "I!†ANNUAL BANQUET The third annual "thers' and Som' han- . . of Troop " " De"er4UU will beheld _ E 28 " the Pmbnerian church of Deer. " Prof. R. C. Tomlinson of lake For. . it “.1qu will he the awaker of the eve- ' IM- . . rogrnm Ia helm: planned by David he trame was won by Ev. odt,/' which will include many interesting "m “Lia fut . 'Jill" Ch Uri",: . will . we a n w at ",tdt Scnbner returned 21%" of Deertuld. Carl usual... wilt ex- W . , . the new ten-year proxram. Georg! . pe .from , tHat weeks 2,ih, will have charge of the aonza on 4.3:; with MISS Catherine the program. “named“ also be aevcral T . . . l numheu on program. ?,hi a Lake fhort Drive "'11: will be the third annual banquet, and "dl""!'."-,, Miss Molloy, . the troogt and in Ollie"; yhtlytl'e, to _ _ . alloy, wealth" «no» aaraaauaraaur.-- a» new. fl d. to meet them. M M. Deer el I’ tennis tournament on "OOP " r courts has been dis w GOOD mom for thi . Troop " started the year with the Camp- . ls season. Next mu. of September. A twoday camp wu ll" be resumed and cluh placed " Ieleee Flute Pet there waa L‘J -... In A - -.. --..t. -_uIALA-L L__I- toae from Deerfield who e Republican any and rage palace it Ingleside ' evening were Mr. and ChVey, Mr. and Mrs. m, Thilo Toll, Alex Tar , daughters. The daily red by young Republi- t vifipitra.nd speakers lggg,U.ezeiti, Dr. John L. Fiiiiiisiu jstteniied thé of Purdue at LaFay- Saturday. n Rasmussen was host- r'1ri7iiiiritiiiaEii nartv on Mason,' Ray "£56253: trowaki. V "' _ a] Biederstadt, who has at ftw _weeks with her Johnson entertained St.,Paul’s church on 1vTGGr, Il Itfpar, 04mm " home a West'gabe n- oun-tuned on " her home on Whitcomb :m-iiwx.mzz no _- TyyFi"i"G"i1lk"Ti1 new.» of m. mu. att huh:- I,'.". M In: an. ptththhed II m - no is the “It! at a. Afghdt'r'a",tff I'ehha'aNgtl, iL.GTGhT'uJ'Tsl TLIT, TE: "11:: Bnd man-ha a an old-l "att. s"e1?tte-iiu,asdiiTrnaro"iiiii-rTii .ttt.t,piiitiilT"Gaii"a,' “than worth “"6. 'N-.' I. “no. the nation.) ". 332m: - trtra.ut win I.“ an Icon-n Am an". T'wttriUirairaeo.t.ottsta,rth Show "I Gnu“ am the “In , but! gtltt “PM with“ “will!†_-v‘ “Iv-“u .uw ewe) “I‘mâ€. Dally-awe and wig-m. For the scouts mink the nemaphore. a new idea we. worked out. A board four feet sqmhre me mounted on I pair ct two-by-foure end hold cut corre- "oondintt to direrent ato.itiomton .the thum. Then eaovuiie end red and white tissue Duper ‘wee pasted on the inside end "the bulbs were used to illuminate the different Banal-ea. , A switchboerd we: made end the witch. were emnabd‘lnve circle. for can; Which“ in eendint... nir Ada-m, two, 'ehtivtttn were need. The mun-semi. "Hike loath on Green Bey roed- T-toth. of e mite. tern vat. and hike until you nee '_lttrt..eepttheiruttAfriaGriiuriouG next." When we arrived. the lone new: 'Pthtetrdpii.attandmruuiGiioiCG the We! whenejhe est-tun â€puma: K0573 The Aiair Bike-Tie.“ Int Friday. was another success. We met " Lincoln school ly! dlyided mtg twq noun. temp-bore enough to guide one patrol for it was lost Ind camped by In." .with plan†of fun as it reported. A chamber»! horrors WI. discovered. The â€out declared it “ruined their bur." The acoutmuter w hurriedly tent for. but Illa. it would not work on him. Who' can we“ the reason? The hike home in social groups in the moonlight and the warm wind was the climax. "Who wogld ride in an auto?" month come- "lib. _ October in outdoor month. It stormed with raiding I Hamlet'- retreat in Northmoor woods. Parts of the expedition were lost and found several times. Terrible phosphor. etreent flee: lurked in the dlrkneu and hovered over the Minnie "vamp. But WW.-mm- . will never see the at: and drink: which they hid in the-woods. -One patrol lead by Ken Ntebuhr went a mile in the wrong direction to get home. He said he wanted the walk. Re was almost recovered when hut seen. _. Six of them. including “hunt teammate: Wiclunea became so wild that they' could not be haunted into clothes end Manila! bed: until Samba. M were may 1t,r,'d1'Hrat'gi'p-fai2cddfdtr enjoyable amp wu " 'tttattire-st, it possible to have I water carnival. on: his boat. No one noticed the Net for some time. He did yell for help but all seemed to think he win "foolin'." We are sate that we In not stretching the truth to my that he trot wet u lent to the knees " tie waded ashore. Sean-day .Ilhrnoon the .tmott.toured ether [ghee to find other camp- ,eerrhitr f-.. -nght - were the chic! activity. The harvest-moon rolled up out of the lake and made the night the m an day. The teammate!- went to bed nthe um! “bedtime end left the mute tor the moon to ave them from the â€madden and poison ivy. This troop has been up there to _ofrmt and most of the Emma "o. pig dung ioiGiruG'GF. ium coon mou- Troop " started the year with the Camp. noath of September. A km, camp was - " Waukmn Flut- where there “I not! to chum your mind without back- In. into some one. There was little on the gilt of the “out: .lld Ian on their backs. A h ginger ooohted_wfAtsout any mu- Sunni; 'tab- v" '8: iiiaiGrrrGE" o? thu" aiaraa. =3. _ Ga GhieiCeiiiGiG DBPRFltmoN---Ever, week-d†the ml. of the United State: and nmmly 81.000391“: penni- for mun! Scout John Celha of Trans: 70. Diamond Lake. has been awarded a letter of com- menqlation by t.hecntrtiorytl court of honor Tor tii. heroism in saving the life of a young lad who had falled through the thin ice on Diamond Lake where they were playing last spring. Scout Celba. by using his lariat which was around hi neck. wu able. after Manur- ing " own life. to and» thorn-e; boy to nfety. In Imam“! real. the North Shore Area Council made application from the local executive board. ' __The Ittttot WWII.“ rewind from iihmiiGGi ’7 - fl HERO BCOUY cm cquumnAnox Lin-ma scout ideals and to crystal!» their scout habits into I life purpose of leadership and “mind: and“: to othen. The North Shore Area Council has had I chunk! of the Order since the inecptbn of Camp Mach- Jn-Wan in 1929 and expects that it my have I. large deputation at the "meeting. -iiiifiii"imrFe9FirTiird of honor. The Order of the Arrow is s national brotherhood of boy scout honor ampen in itrat'el- coun- éih. the object being to hand tmrether thooe' scouts who; unripe". truly living)†to the The biannual regional conference of the Order of the Arrow will be held Saturdly Ind Sunday. Nov. 12 and 18, It the Great Liked Nevel,fl‘raining Station. Renault-- tiveo from ell over Region Seven will attend and E. Urner Goodman, national irector of ORDER or ARROW Scout Press Club. The bupineu part» of the meeting was held in the conference room It the council headquarters. 2'1 North Sheridan road, Highland Park. formal ndutiaVfttrrGiiirittaiiiiraa 1;: Law-slogan Httrth Sign 411; Council Boy Tue-day night the fGriseout Pren- Club of the _Nolttt_Shore Area Council met at BOYS LIFE HA8 . MANY FEATURE The current issue of Boys Lite, the oéBeUI Boy Scout Maurine. atria with it many interesting features. game of which we rec- ommend are: "A Bear Chance for mtenkrrtrtvtrttr," "An Ere for On Ere," "Who Will Be President." "How to Get I Job." "Flying Upward the Earth." "The Scout World." and "A Hill-inc with Green Bar Bill." I new monthly feat, lurehnnd It-' Dan Board's scouting nation. ind north-while feature- nre n nlt boy: 1nd especially for scouts. _ SCOUT PRESS CLUB MEETS TUESDAY NIGHT every four new male citiuna u four-nu tseout-tmined mea.' _ The mourn In. adored with enmi- um by avg 3003:0qu a the “kick of!" The objective of the ten-rear pron-m of the Boy Scout: of America In to recruit u n minimum " percent of nll boy. becoming tweliveurn of use and no enriching tho progrnm in the individual troop that these Inna boys will rennin in "outing for It but four yam. Thu would ultimately malt jn the netunljty _of havinz "one in mun]: of the NortViitaeareriroGa In! Hand-y evening. TEN YEARS or, SCOUT GROWTH Many references have been made during the out few weeks about the tap-year pro- gram of the Boy Scouts of America: Some little bit'hu been twitter; in deF.tioa and explanation of it. but for those who my not be acquainted with its objectives we "tttint than in brief: _ "IP,rP"P'.rt"TFteTiWFRiriEiiiiT elusive, is u follow: Nov. b-The Seale- ment of Jumlo'n; minim od ooh coal. Nov. 12 The Romance of an Ila-per. Nov. IF-From “may†to Minus; tho m tsr I (Illicit; and Three Scout on the Moon- or: Chick: and Three Scout on the loon- beam Trail. Nov. “but: of the Gnu Funny; Down Cape Cod Ind the Fibrin... On Dee. 8-Around the Year in the Bin Woods; Thrill. and Spills: Inverts of Snow: Skiing in Cloudl-nd: and n Boy's Christina Gila. J: SMITH 7. Hut tte., myth-d Park (Confinued a iuiiCfij and ttgltte of Ddnfei"edrTir the notion: boy loom contain-loner. TELEPHONE 410 Fir? "tEittiue" In; Tn'kPIle __ . ]lRowardriJilel1 Cafeteria Udell Building MEIIODY NATURAL SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29 12:00 to 2:30 " " v , Jet TELEPHONE LIBERTYVILLE stiart Roast Turkey Fresh Vegetable Potatoes , 7 Cranberry Jelly DIRECT FROM THE FARM 65t GRADE MILK FARMrDNRY ---HB1lllSllWltotm PASTEURIZED T'WWtTt4tt" 's