lil -"'"'".. _ --__-- "'"“ " r.'. w 1tr.0tiaan. Church school. On Fridny evening " 3300 there high mus followed by benedietion. It:80 am. Worship service, this be- will be another session of the S. S. _ Soturdny: ing Reformation Sunday Holy Com- Tuchm institutea This afford! - 9t00 'tan. Catechism clam. mnnion will be celebrated It mom- In ttateelitnt Bible study, and ought V 7:39 Pan. Confessions. . ine service. . . to be “tended by more of our mom- -thrtdpr, Oetober 80: _ This church‘ invites you. bers, not only the & & teaehem. . . 1 'lift 1,el'l,; t','hri'2,e, wil‘giom """------- On sum-day " 9:00 in connection ' '.alkftttt , runs n with our enteehetieat instruction I Grammar school for bandit of "'.lte1dhttdPatauIt:giures Saturday school will be orgasm. .chmch. ' T Rerv. L. W. thtmrtn, Minister This ll intended mainly for the_ehB. C'""'"."".""""""-:-""'-. . . Church 'Phones (ttgt or " .5, dun in the fourth, fifth ttnd Mxth St. Paul‘s Eva-Mia] Church 'rhursdar.. T tuningjn .the Public school. u D-field, Illinois mm m-_.._ __. ' - - sponsored by the Friendship circle. A ladies' quartet from our Austin church will sing. v' _ Sunday, October 30: . fourth grade? 'a iriiiiire iiiitG Church school 9:15 an. . Fomhip and“ 10:15 uh . Monday: 8:451:31. - Claim-om. thotr, â€kept-Isl. Children doing Sunday Muses: 8:30 and 10 nan. The 10 o'eloek service is to be high mus followed by benediction. v _ -,‘v --e._-. """"X""'". Visitors, are welcome at all our services! 8:00 p.m. Midweek p;éyer meet ingnlefj by Mrs. Clara Anderson. â€a _--V.-- u. “"0_ -.--_. IP""". latching OI Tne ser- lish wtih a sermon by the pastor on wee league will be held on Monday, "host and Found.†October slst, at 10:30 o'eloek, 1_n Tuesday, November I: F the parish‘house. Luncheon will be 7:30 p.m. Boys' discussion group served at 1.thy o’clock. . . meeting at the home of Raymond . There will be a meeting _Of Trin- Coomes, 242 Washington avenue, ity club on Wednesday evening, No.. Highwood. vember 2nd, at. 7:30 o'clock, in the Wednesday, November 2: Dans}: house. T 6:00 me. 1i'riendshiiGiieu, devo- tional meeting led by Mr. Goldstead. Stlbieet “Is tite' Worth Livinset" Rev. Wm. 1W. Nelson, Past}; e' Res. 217 Highwood Ave. Thursday, October 27: " Here the Bible ind all authorized Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed, or purchased. All are cordially invited to attend the services and mnke.rsse of the 193339 gm. Church schgoi. Sheridan road, which is open dlily rftettro'eyekiittuGioGiiiirCi', in the, eveninx.,0n Sunday the mad. ing room is tttfront 2:80 to 5:30. Subject for next Smithyâ€: lesson sermon, “Everlasting Punishment.†A free public reading room is maintained by thin church at " N. Holy Cross tsehbig"iii "spa; TirGGTiriiik",7iii; the acetof four and twenty. an?! is held Sulndgy morning'at 9:30. _ ,,.__--_- -- -uv “vi-IV! Church. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts. The Sundsy morning service is held st 11 o'eloek, and the Wednes. day evening meeting, which includes testimonies of Christian Science hyli?yr, is _.qt_C1r'rloiptutdav Fin! Church of cum, Scientist First Church of Christ, Scientist, Highland Park, Illinois, 381 Hale! avenue, is a branch of The Mother Ahe Swedish Methodhrt Church ': _ J. Savage, 'Pastor' Catholic Church [71? -ir6iliriirir fii -Tihii-' cited St. John’s Evangelical Church R Homewood Ave. and Green Bay Rd. edee: Rev. F. G. Piepenbrok, Pastor . l Thursday: ’ q 7:00 pun. Junior "choir rehearsal. Sum 8:00 pan. Senior choir rehearsal Sum for Christina: Cantata. We invite tht ', anyone who enjoys singing. lune o-..,.-, parish housé. L81â€? thone abut-Id in the ’"Tï¬Ã©â€˜wr-Wthe Ser- vice league will be held on Monday, October slst, at 10:30 o'eloek, in the parish‘house. Luncheon will be Tuesday, November lst, All Day: 9:30 am. Holy Communion, Our worship service next Sunday will be held in commemoration of the Protestant Reformation. In Connection with the service we"will celebrate Holy Communion. Mem- bers and friends of the church are cordially invited. 11:00 am. Saturday: 9:00 a. m. - Conf1rma- tion instruction. r I Adult choir rehearsal Thursday“ evening orthhr week. Pioritirtuit- tendance is urgently requested. Re- hearsal for our Christmas mutate will be given consideration. Friday evening the members of: the Tri C society will hold a mu- quernde Hallowe'en party " the Deemeld Masonic temple. Members {out appeanmnsqued to be ad- mitted.’ day utter Trinity.. 7:30 mm. Holy Ca 9:30 mm; The Chu the various ofhnihviimrsW-of the church will attend. and above are eligible for member- ship. We kindly urge parents to send their boys end girls. ' . This veal; ’I’hnnday end Friday the Arlington Heights Resume! Conference will convene at St. Paul’s church, "letine. Delegates from 'rili'iiiti"iiinueow cured '. C. Kellér, Recto rst Laurel Avenue Holy Communion. The Church school. Morning: prayer and lst, All Saints 3, mi. be- wul be another session of the S. S. 'on Com- Teuhers institute, This affords " mom- en excellent Bible study, end ought to be sttendsd by more of our mem- bers, not only the & 8. teachers. . On Ssturdey " 9:00 in connection [id Satr. u I A - ind -iiiiii; '""s"' . “I’uh lite] lei?!" are N. m tree; _ Jammie“... Pmr T .1113 Mef,etf,e?, gags)! ttl'l'l'lT,,',',"lt,t,t ' "F 09'.!'..“'." nu Iâ€. {In . abs-It 7:80. . ' Lam-cl Redeemer Evang. Luther-1n t West Central, Avenue Rev. W. P. Suhr, Pastor - 7"...†â€We lWVo Jacob Peltz of the Hebrew Christian Alliance of America will speak at the Lake Forest Gospel Mission held at the First Presbyterian church, Lake Forest, Ill. '1 w--. -- “awaits “I. "It church and also at the home of Mr, Herman Dreiske. 7:45 p.m. Evangelistic s e r v i c e. Son Banquet. Sermon-by the pastor. - Tuesday evening. orchestra ,m Christin Endéa;61-: 9:30 Church Bible school mond Fidder Supt. _ 10:45 Morninir worship. f by the pastor. Smiths; Sefvicégz‘ true will â€scramble -for ft 533;! eating. 2n. Prick}: evening at 8:00 there Wednesday: 8:00 Etyleefg1tg1rts1tiotamms "ttre-tsims-arts-ia-i."' Dr.. Sherwin will lead this service which you will figtd Helpful. Ptuyr liq-weal“ Church Sunday school sr.cut." - n Sunday worship 10:30. On Thursday arguing the Luther Community [digging-"1 school- will he held in the T zoo-Taxis society meeting. Mr. A. T. 8ihler will be the speaker. The young people are invited to attend. Tuesday: _ 5:00 The Young Women’s club will be the guests_ of Miss Ann Muench at n Hallowe’en party at the summer home of Mrs. Lee 19ttpt,r, Membem.will pleuenotify like Muench, H.P. '3175, not later than Thursday if they can attend. Sunday: 9:45 Church school. Parents ere invited to visit the school. 11:00 Morning worship. Dr. Sher.. win will preach and those having no church home. in Highland Purine invited to worship with us. Wednesday, prayer services at the ELI-gt ICtittf_rvnaattetieat Church parish house to which the people of the church Ire Ct invited. _ _ Saturday: V we w wmcn the young the church are cordially “Phil's - Soc. Rev, foytrtlt session of the toeietr party in the Lutheran Church rt-MT-E-isa-ii-tii, of " ' Sunday: ' _ T _ â€hutch 9:30 ti.mcChurch school, , Yrytr: “In?“ "tiattetiastiAtaii Twr e ". '.:‘ tttttti ttttgit bVDr. W. L Weir. 6:30 pan. Taxis society. l, Ray- Wednesday: P T" Sermon 7:45 pan. Choir rehearsal. North Ave. and Laurette Place l . ' N. S. Nye, Minister w. H. Holirate/sup't Church School Church school, 9:30 nan. ,Morning worship 10:45 aan. "Financial Social to Personal Rea. sons for Temperance." Epworth league 7:00 p.m. An invitation to all who do not worship elsewhere. wane.! Estiravaginee Mid-week Fellowship: All are cot. dially invited to attend this help. ful service at Wednesday evening at 7 A6. We feel that this meeting will be well worthwhile the attend. ance of all those that may be it. terested. . - _,_w_ -_ â€a“... music it 4:30 pan. The Christin Endeaior will serve their monthly tea immediately after the often)“. servicer OMeia1 board Monday evening a 7:45 in postor’a study. Leadership School the fourth meeting of this most valunhlg agency for the eitleient mining d church leader: will take place at tle Presbyterian church on Tuesday eve. nine It 7 :80. THE BROADMOOR ll - Sunday Vesper agrvice: [any Park quartette will V *"-""“"‘l regular morning worship will 'id,'.,' at 11:00. We extend a cordial in vitation to the people of Highhu Park and their visiting friends to join us in. the attractive Itmosphm of this service. 6:45 pan. (Oct. hi Sid}; hull. location tat " Cum tare 'rq"Er - nun-n: â€he. ortV 1 the†In. “no “If "G" an all Puke. â€In. A - ono of no - lull-able location II " CIR... for your low nut-on Mme. Only ' the†In. Inc. In: 'L.†an Ill guy-go He, Andalus- Sunday Church sehooint s/c, First Preirhrteriaa Church _ Deerfield m for In“ 1'75 00.â€... Hotel “who ht" a Inviftn'o'f'â€y..".’ ‘. . Lu Ll... Ann. Inst-cor Olen .- - _ A 28) Father and The High. present ' of saw Christin militia council , Erna] an?! 1 and it is arts "d " ol the North “inn-IR “Wail: use. It 'qt'""'] a" din: WUA a IRE] testa At