eh rysan- rn system done over bunch, up ,rndid lot rf fertil- .OO AV prices. awn livi, ms after We are “Damon.†..-. 11semrittmtaueormtrsAo." "we 'tmmtiantiortamrfi1sro-. gag-nammmngm t' 'DOph‘I-m Gun-nu, ttplum/re-tka-tia-tGai-dit" tttr... '1‘"!th _ . "v --V “C.“ - Giii; Henry B. Chi-k, churnâ€! of Fine Arts We». line. "Youth" Fignr'e _ "'rairii6 Aitifahtt" Paquita 'Dia’z ’ "Jan" former Evanston child "Mary" Daughter of Bennett's of Eviuutton. . "In a Paris Studio" cfn6rrttintr Dlwns†New Yark sky- afternoon affords. This midstml opisortiirtity is not limited to club members but it is hoped all, who are interested will ‘show of paintings will be on exhibi- tion at this time. Mrs. Fax-st holds in crumble position in the ,Art world because of the are depth of beauty as well as yersalitity of the work and studies in nil. In the recent members exhibition of the National Art club in New York Mrs. 'Furst bed the Itonor,of having five of her pictures built. . She is also a member of the A1H11ipoht Society of Artists, the Academy of Fine Arts and is in Who’s Who of the land Park Woman’s club will inatttt- urate the 11er "Open Door Art Tea" of the club year on Sunday after- noon, October 80 complimenting Mrs. Florence Wilkins Furst of PLAN ART EXHIBIT VOLUIll XXI- _ List of Picturesm TIle list of pictures follows: iih Have the-Man Show Sun- day, Mth at Club Home mm AT - 'T' be Highlanh Park Press I' I 2 Jag“. Ex Jt,e of uni! In. to ettatrrgtantrfdr- , 'tlt-gt-tr and: in with? Mr.) Arthur P. smut chairman ttftttttgmMe Sunday were manual] he! NI. Be. when and their hi - Dram Sltr, of B. P. mm the a†mi], 'f My the“ here time. ttet Jgre, 0mm 3 Club Gives school emndenee d239 end . com. real with in the man “at mvuty on Nov. lgt btned worship new“ fo1hnrtntt their speciames, and ttttmid eir.. -i, --- which taxed the enditorium and will: tttt amounted in their enm- adt',,rtu'ltdt'k,tN','eg,t, ttyt 'L.':',",',',', end made the nee of to be "lrstnmorhntt. u e g _ omn- ..eony We " M- club presents "the Ledi'ee Speed: " done- of In lame-t hummus! “in“ mm†foods Tfue, a: but." , trttatieap- tnmty thin“. Special numbrthelunim b tlf,, who. 'ae,,':,',' ht “I... 'rfttttttifolunrhieumet-. iiriiFiiiaiiiF"ii"iiiei'ai'ir""iri.'e mtt eta ofthe - 1‘“.th met-em Vania-bl. Henry Incl-tie in the "siting' we Pl ttee, Mrs. A. P. ttnite, N. M. P. rem, .... Mm. wmsem’ L. Winter: awn-sewed by Bil. _ 1"le tho Boeta1 Beretta, m B. cordially invited to attend the an didatea meeting next My night. ttil ance for a regular League meeting. If you have not joined the League, do so today. Send $1 to Mrs: Wil- son Kline, 520 Hawthorn lane. But The general interest in. things political wss reflected in the large number who, attended the -tlrtet reg- ular meeting of the" manna Tiff -h-r,--Widmmur,-oeis-a4h---aei,re than 100 women heard Mr. Glick of the Illinois Joint' Emergency Relief Service. This was . record attend- . An extraordinary and thorough- going interest ttr. election issues, candidates' stands Ind needs, Ind "ttht-thitter-ie-wt-r-ina-rt-rs'.--- fested at this time throughout Illi- nois. According to forecast: at the hendhuarters of the League of Wom- sgd 1rptttr1chcChiensrsL, ffrlhecittt be your. chance to find thisout for yourself. Do pot forget the due, November I; the piece, Ravinin Vil- lage House, and the time; 8 o'clock. voter is not going to out an 'emo.. tional' vote. Rather, his and her attitude is one of I serious determi- nation to know what it is all about." will mm. mm Gi iGGiiGE Sample ballots will be distributed at _thia meeting. ‘. . ' _ anaes‘raeavm ___ manning vesr to pick the nun for whom he 'irr-tiiiiriiEem is guaranteed. Two congressional undidates from T the Tenth district, Ralph E. Church, in; dependent candidate. and James 'jiy1r_ttte1rt-er,cntsarr,1lith.m,vriii be See and hear candidates! The Leanne of Women Voters and the Ravinia Civic association will give you this opportunity at tr o'eloek, Tuesday. LE1. L some Bxtiniw3ri1, lace House, when candidates from all parties for national, state, and local omces will speak. Acceptance to the invitation which was sent to the candidates, are com- it1rt_ir_t_tidixttd_chusisonunue. Candidates To Speak Tuesday Night, Navy] Ravinia Village House you are u member or not, HIGHLAND Par, ILLINOIS. Tummy, r. Without TheGneoK.E.Lndiu’Aldno- 1mm of Mqtrrir1htthotra1r-uatua. Lek-m aPltt9olirtytttsr, tkttsmtttrrAht. a. Wilt-n. I feed- -sttiirtilriiera- tiTFGisi"Ti The special revival services held for the past two weeks at the First United Evangelical church of which Rev. P. Brandfellner is the pastor, Were seasons of blessing. The in- terest and the nttendence was very encouraging. About forty, young people bowed at the alter of prayer for consecration and salvation dur- ing the meetings. The antenna Stand.†were nnuenellyr helpful. Be. Special ‘Re’viVaI _ According to Mr. Euirene O'Brien, the director, the role of "Sara" seéms V just "writtrrcia1-- [Willfa'm‘si so well does she tit her- Ravim'h e "vimiiiis- Hobie '7 November ll, and in the Highland Park Wom- an’s club, . November 12. Tickets are on sale atAPease's" drug store. exceptional performaxice. tunate, in securing the talents of Mr. Albert Suite, who will' interpret the part of "ua" the model hue- band. His work with the Players Since it was necessary for one of lhe Tembgrs to drop from the cast, the attainments. Over one hundred members and Gertrude Williams a. director, friends of the Sunset Valley Golf piloted the Ravinia Players through club attended the ttttttttttl meeting two successful performances last and dinner at the clubhouse Mon- year, "Holiday" and "Tom, Dick day night. Milton J. Hal-dam, Ev, -ttrtditrvo'r and, now Highland erett Is., Millard- and . Fred Silber Park will neg her first work on the represented the Hilthland Park East other aide of the footlights, since Park board. P. W. Cashing was "Dover Road" teo seasons ago. introduced as having been president Players who have seen the new no of the Park board it the time the _iipfetiort "Rebound" in the making that property for the to" course ammonium . Wired, and W. Astlexander will surpass all of her previous tme- as having been one of the kolf Pio- cesses and willtake her place as one neers of the N North Shore. . Rev. of the best actresses on theth Louis W. Sherwin. of the Highland Shore. . . ' Park Prssseh,rta".,U., ohm]. .--u-.u Ravinia Players Give "Betrouatd"- Mo. 11-13; m Although Gertrude Williams, the star of the Ravinia Players coming production; "Rehound," is probably better known for her abilities as a " Ittlrrerl. gill her given in the Gertrude Williams Siar wagon.†PP Services ', 1982 T-, J" ___ _ Hold Bakery Sale ' ~‘ IféHeld‘ . _ 1ihteh-saturdarArltt- . "trl, doughnuts. whit. mad, tttsite..)), ma; t nit TiiiirSiTaE7iriiii'ii livery Saturday from 9 mm. to 1 pan. at the old City hall, a bakery sale is héld under the supervision of the civics committee of the 80cm! Serv,ie copartmen‘ of‘the Highland Park Woman's club. The prices are low. and the foods in excellent and wholesome. The cooking ll done in clean kitchens by women who no -dotutto_ihId-toUtp them- ulvu and their funnies through the“ hard them. Some of than no mal artist! l!' the mm‘id‘ Eiidiiy amount of iiteipTiisriihip play paredlyitfl amp fee play. SUNSET VALLEY aa thony reported progress in the eampaitrn, to increase the relative '"""""Tmrri5por9Rr m -ttRCRriitpit-tiG- tion of the funds raised in the char- ity tournament 1 year ago. George Wallace Carr, chairman of the house an tL-ur-dsc-es-situ.,-- ported plans foraemovintr the drive- way west of the clubhouse and ex- tending the lawn, with the thtal end in view of having a dining porch as having been one of the kolf Pio- neers of the, North Mtore.. Rev. Louis W. Sherwin, of the Highland Park Presbyterian church pronounc- ed the-invocation. _ Session and Dinner Monday Evening; OtBeem Elected _:, and Program 13 Given ( HAS ANNUALMEETING . (Continued on rdtrdhio) will, potato chip, who Cari/VV, for thé charit: Noam " " com-