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Highland Park Press, 3 Nov 1932, p. 12

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tt if} i"/,"" no “mum,flw.lthbnodndthrmhuonm,uthg rl-' 4%.... "ere'.",?, ttttet tktt 1le,te1tttttttt-. cough Wit, be T _rr:',r. hm W" ttttttutilise/diy')" iii' MW..-" Gtriiitii"7ir' Ii; S H... 'ip ‘lm j: "r"'" - C _ Sept. 22nd last the Board of Supervisors of-Lake County voted, to payers are receivii ', T _ increase the salaries of the Recorder of Deeds and the Clerk of the Cir- opportune for a eh _ cuit Court from 83,500 to SW each. The minutes of the meeting show ins: to be eiteeted f a unanimous vote of 8rtrtrpervitsom present in favor of these increases will amount told, of $500 each for these two sites for the coming terms. This act was might properly go . _ " done quietly and word was passed out to those who would be most apt to of the taxpayers id . ' _ learn of it to the "eet that the adoption of the resolution was a mere ment orthese two . matter of, form as it was mandatory on the part of the board by reason The 80-rear re< ".,' otthefactthatthepopulationotLakeCountyisnowsupposedtobemagnum: in excess of 100,000. While talking with the publisher of a newspaper in ments in which he a small town in the western part of the county last week the gentle- "Great I man said: "Ther had to do itrdidn't they t" I met others who had _ tain e _ a similar belief. Where did this misinformation. originate? Who prompt; “a _ inure tl -r--- _ . ed the Baird of qrtitsip%tiortf to ”adopt" such a resolution in these times ise, w V . when thousands are losing their homes because they cannot pay the _ pearl - _ interest on their mortgages and cannot pay the taxes? Is it not fair ings i1 to assume that the persons interested in getting an increase of 8500 Is it not quite-1 _ m.-, V--- "brought the inlrtmnee to bear on the supervisors to take this step? As comparing the fee both "of the othees named are purely clerical ofBees there are probably turned over to the - hundreds of citissns‘of Lake County, both men and women, who are Ctmt- of the actual salar: rss',', _gtetertttopevfimtrth. duties oteitherofsaid oMeesandeem1datstt, comparisonand he 3‘, 'learn°todoselna’reryfswdays. _ _-' ' Agnirt,tlusrtatam" is,“ 7 T Assoonaslharnedolthaactofthecountyboardaudotthejm- electedhewllltore ',,v. i) mien which evidently somebody had passed out has etratrt. to sm- vleons "id a violati: 5.95:1; : hitter criticism r sent a letter to the publisher of the Washes-n two attempts in th tiff: {burial in which [greeted section " of article 10 of the constitution Mother and L}: 5 . in! Illinois. which puts the WEB” for fiarhtg the Marked/said defeat) has secured "irj, anlyandphinlyonthemtyhoardotsuperdm/Mnathm.1pc j; _ had a lit to decide that. tghuf,de Net that the ter-rs'.-)')-,',','.":'; (loin; all the wori (we tieally We" have ' o y'dseraaead,‘ -v- ' fab er Board of Super-via: iy factthattheeostdansscsssitiesotlifehaveheenm-seehyfltohoandofpoorcom (r'",' AV. -88perant,thatthesahlss-efthoseeountyollsentortheeomln¢teeps _'rttemSnothttte al cl-. 'shouHhMIpedetflmdrtheyhadarkhtbmaWdWaflthcle _ss"r, tt8ttttrhttettitr.rthrr,, thesslariesssststed. Immediately 'tttqt)-' if; cheretttrrrthi-tiqrtttycttt,.rlt 'th-rc-Fair-i-aa, Gsi"d It ' i“ Thonunde of men end women whose heritage is the land of the Stars ' elected. 3 _ 'peset Stripes ere new more enxione for the welfnre of their conntr‘y than be vote, f,, ‘ever before. The time when blind pnrtiennnhip will elect n mrdidly trel.. until " _ , Aah-tax wanderer to a public oihee - especinlly ‘wben the mum of next fol a... . foilinttupeopie ere u sorely oppressed by taxing authorities es were the! of so y! ",".. rl inhebitente’ of ancient Palestine when the Biased Bebe we: born in e before t (s'ir: an-u-is surely passing. . . . ,, F- net of . _,"'. _ Atrotttatandintr journalist and thinker has repeatedly asserted tut E9318] all 'tll 4.70%“ ad who -I have been a loyal Republican for more than fifty years: In my wlier years I mule it I practice to devote a urge portion of my time to work for the party for two to four weeks preceding every election, and I never received I doll” for political work. I hold no stock in the TfHsttdrtr8 ' noi‘tETuti’féfifiii’i’3WVI6E‘BMWELWWEJ near at hand and I have no desire for any manner of politics] prefer- ment for myself. Hence no person can have a semblance of reason for questioning the purity of 'n-their utter reading “what I say inethis captain t What will arouse Inch Almrlcane from their lethargy? What will renew in them the ihune of patriotism.' What will show them the stu- pidity and the non-patriotism of voting the “straight ticket,” ”under any and all conditions, or of neglecting to vote at all? What will teach us that dream-tam should direct our-hoarse _in disehartring our duty to our ions tairing auttioAtiei,' ind ‘by the wanton dissipation of public funds that should I be re-elected'l will foreign receiving the advance voted by throughout "he. entire range of the public service from the township the Board of Supervisors for the coming term.'" Did he do so? Nay, or school district to the federal government. “Gutter" and "meketeqr" Nay, he did not? This man had his son-in-lsw in the same oMee as an em. are new words which have been added .to opt1ptttrtmttcigt_th. last!" 97193997tog-0mg,_yeara_nntil,_thgofiee9f 91331:, of the Circuit Court was years to express the practice of acquiring money dishonestly from public established. _ Since that time the Ion-ind"! has been drawing $3.500 "appropriations or from illegal trade. These words and the disreputable per year. and‘ihould he be re-eleeted he will receive $4,000 annually for or criminal practices they represent are now so common that they are the next four years. "He, likewise, refused to make I public pledge that met with a tolerant smile by many citizens whorwould be indignant if he would tum over to the county treasurer the 3500 annual increase directly charged with dishonesty in private life or with disloyaltyto the should he be re-elected. This man, I am told, has his son at work in his government. ofBee. Thus, practically three‘generations in the same family have This thought naturally brings to mind the immortal words of Alanna“ liken drawing salaries " stated and are now in line to have those salaries 7 This thought naturally brings to mlnd the immoral words, of Are?rattder Pope, the beloved English poet: the present era of famous and protracted tmaine/k depression is caused eolely by the agelpptdqu 917 many forms if nation imposed by repac- Vice in a monster of so frightful mien, b. Ass, to be hated, needs but to be seen; Yet seen too git, familiar with her face, W939? 995199999119 oitn then 'rtr,rlt,rptxr,, An _' Appeal To' Patriotic _ra"ii'i'a' r, 'fir'" {1163"}; TG eammutdedtrr; tr vi; , Brn3ateranRerahtieea Of Lake County .7- a... -_.'-- wavy“. “sun, “to 'yt"."'"?'" panics [new {all u tnese Increases could eggm tt,n Eloy-(gran)? t.tsho.r.t time tttttre electiorg and pyblif _irytitrmttion avoided EEZEQR Till Pill! MSO" '% a violation of the law” 1- a plein faleehood. Hence, there are two attempte in that one advertisement to deceive. Thegother candidate (probably equally alarmed by the prospect of defeat) has occurred the adornment of his work from the Circuit judm That in easy. I Manned the ttttties of Clerk of the Circuit Court while doingall the work of the county clerk’e cane, acting as clerk of the Board of Supervisors, clerk of the been] of election commissioners. th? boei'dof poor commissioners. 'tte.,-wUn I wee only " year: of are 1rttfrittptttjrtepbemr1rriiidkitotro-utituiuiiiii'." As the judgesaadtheclerkareincloeetouchhthelinesottheirmpectiw dutiee it is any to secure an color-emu: EM, (r, Wt u ', at“! m1m7W done by themtcircuitelerk. " tut_doedmrtitmttfr"theettndtrttno,rbe. in: criticised. P,tallftt't't which has arisen mint him come- tte the fact thet'ylile leoonty hes beedpam his: a lane may begun to take an interest tn these conditions) has published" meme: ments in whichhe says: V . . "Great stress is being laid on the Net that cer- _ tain candidates yiil turn in 8600 of their earn- s, s in“ the tterrtaasiiitcoiNse.--Wttho- prom- - - _ ise, Which is a violation on the law, the flrat . year I was Recorder I turned in $9,401.67 earn- ings in excess of expenses.” . _ Is it not quite-plain that this is an attempt to deceive the voters by comparing the fees received in excess of the salary requirements and turned over to the county treasurer with a promise to turn over a part oftheactualsalaryvotedbytheBoardofSupervisors? Thisis afalse comparison and hence looks like an attempt to befotr the real situation. Again. the statement that to assure the voters that it a candidate is elm-he will tonic {pastel thanks; Voted by the Board of Super . _ 7.77;- --- v--- "'i"e" -i_'.'._. v- - ~- - ‘wau - In val”! W riod of business paralysis when only a few deeds or mortgages are being recorded daily there are twice as many employees as are necessary in the oiBttesof the recorder. Of course this would make many thousands of dollars difference hn the sums turned over to the county treasurer isnnually to help defray the general expenses of keeping the court house "ofBtxs under consideration. I am told that the man who has audited the books in the county emcee for several-years does not furnish, as a' part of his report, a detailed list of the employees in each otBeir and the salary receiv' ed breach, and that the Supervisors dd" not require any tmyl ir4 teKe%eett-.geidiete-era1 ill Ill . payers are receiving fair treatment in these matters. Is not the time opportune for a change? “seems entirely probable that while the Saw, ings to be etteeted by the two candidates who have made public. pledges will amount tol4,000 in a single term many thousands of dollars, more might properly go into the county treasury to help lighten the burdens of the taxpayers if good business methods were enforced in the manage _ ment orthese two oMees. l _ . The 30-year recorder candidate for re-election (since the voters have - W, ,,,,,V- "_'-" -. - "r""“"'"" -- ---- r“y-I- "Yea, in View of the distressing conditions under which all people except those drawing good nitric: are now laboring, I on pleased to announce that should I be reelected! will forego receiving the advance voted by the Board of Supervisor: for the coming term t" Did he do so? Nay, Nay, he did not! This man had his son-ln-law in the some olllce as an em. 1tltttettjtraoerrerret1mtirtle 299cc! clerk of the Circuit Court wu 'thiit the atairii 'itiitta"ii'seerve their Uhirtet, "lit checks. “cording to the practiee of, any good buxinees eorporation, the constitution provides that the madam pay himself and his employees In his omee out of the fees received and turn the rest over to the county treasurer. Thus either of these county tttBears my keep as mny employees as he pleases flfizttbmjrig_%mmmm increased nt a timonwhen the incomes of practically all taxpayers had Melinda!” $0100 per cent. ' . _ . . The article of the einstitution appertaining to the Salaries of county omcera was not carefully considered when written. Instead of providing :11,ng lttt t1t,yo..rJy_.t).t,.tst.9i, Jy turned my: .90.!» may tram" and until after election they would be secure in getting $4.000 I yen- for the next four years. One of these men has held the some onlce for upwards of 80 year- 1nd he drew salaries from the county for three.or four yeam before the beginning of that period. Would it not have been a graceful not of appleeintion of the kindness shown this man if'he‘hld aid to the ‘Wnukem Journal when celled upon by s mrpresentative of that paper: aailqtrr1t',g'-ime'tr A i ei tile 1nttresstfdpmrtiy 1rnert that if these increises could ICt!'titfflrtlrtiitig mun“. uovnuin a "'i"iii"irtistiFifiiiiG'ir"iiiiriG'c" j. lg'will i lit of grievou t) pets tt ever timed gone] mist much paid f, where that glam hieh Ku' can!“ Eves "

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