tsettle, em I iii 'l.tittlli1ilmjt.LLIt1p, 1d present students at Lake school 15 well " of the district gather- fttdedteatton Services, school addition. WIS planned is a home all former students of Id the program includ- 1rttlyt,r1sDttt11s, 91mm, rance company, it on consists of a new used by lower grade Diamond Lake district. Addition . nond Lake School dant was Karl C. Zehles but the claim was um t of If/Pr to; injpyig county superintenden't an automobile aceideiii ' Libertyville last week W J. A. Miller, Conn“) tttba, 13-year-old Liber. lily; whiskers “Berti if; :uit ehurtireporter, and Circuit Judge Ralph J. msible for the" acciden: ' Aâ€. at.†d was seriously hurt. Throughout the 'trat quarter the the arm watt slashed pliy WIS BPOItly in Deeri1eid's terri- :11qu doubted that _ "tt?rtrutrttmrtrattrtuuesrcuta, :over. sweeping and runs and found was taking her to he} artyville after a visit Ito-Elm I Sterling . Mia. Cow/onto: um-yomui a, in "e"rolttttt, which was incomplete. 'ue-ttut-ttttuid.;,", 7.7. _ few plays took the ball tofhe 40-yard line. Petersen dropped back to the 204m line to try a fleld ml. Jhrnmsrttaudtt/theiiii Md. Who was almost in to block the kick More the bell was snapped. M tile kick we: 1 fella-e. _ Morin; position when he]: Allen Diluted sixty yards. The ball rolled out on the 6-yard ling. .Prieg imme- Sine}! limited out on the 19-yard line. RELIABLE LAtriiiiiiii- . AND DRY CLEANING co. on line plunges, end runs, and passes. With the ball on the Pro- Mao ll-ynrd line, Jnek Allen, on an (ti-tackle smash, went over for a buchdown. Petersen added the em point from placement. may» Want-Ads I: A1Kii’inti Bevan} Yuds Starting trom their own ' line, peer-691d mil-chad up the min in scoring position, hut two 15-yard penaltieg ruined their scor- ine opportunity. With the ball on their own 49-yard line, a fumble was powered by Ghini. Deerfield was 15.11 most of' the" time. j'rhe" m: ended with the score 7-0 in favor 1kid's territory on sweeping. end was end {mud panes. A tow Iihtrts to“ the ball to the Deerfield brard Tine.' On the next pint Price took the hell over for a touchdown. ‘Play throughout the minder of the quarter Renewed Mend forth,' _ Showing no†"ht-than at any thm before this your. Dearrfleid tied the strong Proviso eleven in a game phyed It our tuid but Saturdhy. With Ind rid â€cond- to blur, m- At one time Deerfield took the ball on down: on their own 20- nd line. After I few buys failed, Jack Allen dnip‘pod bath and minted meaty yerds. A few plays Inter the quarter ended with the score h! the third quarter Proviso wu- PETERSEN TIES SCORE Jack Align Jretrt Aftér a Apia Eithfhe ball in they m scoring bogition as thd%LriiL. "m Plan. a; P. In 't"Hrreatrtmameit- 1'0 M “B BY STRONG 'ltIMtllllllllij0 GRIDDHRS (Prom "The Shoreline") . An exhibition of relics of the old! days has been.arrnntred in connec-’ tion with the pageant. Ancient! farming equipment used by Luke: county pioneers, treasured household t articles of the early days. and other i antiques will be 'ahown. _ T i is to correct costumiilg and mg: ing of the various scenes. Advance registrations indicate a capacity seat stile for each night of production. muted within thé out few days. Residents of Highland Park, Lake Forest, Waukegon, Antioch, ' Fox Lake, Wnueopda, Barrington, and other eommuntiea, will be repre- sented in the out. Groups from all over the district are already laying (thus to attend one or more of the performances.- wanes amrmtmie. _ . T A special symphony orchestra has been selected from emong promin- eritattmn'eiam, of the county?!» pro- vide oteeompattimenta for the pro- duction. This orchestra. now includes the county. Among the interesting sidelights uncovered was the Net that in the early days residents of the district were almost evenly di- vided in their choice of a county seat, Wadkexan winning put by the narrow margin of eight- votes: m pageant will be uhiqde in that it is one of the few manuscripts written of the development of an A cut of 200 characters, includ- intr talent from several towns in the county, is rehearsing daily under the direction of Harold Moll. Civic or- ganizations from Libertyville, 1nd other communitiea, are cooperating in plana for stoningthe'evcnt-r - Historical records hove been searched and every effort made to present an nuthentic portrayal of The early history of lake county, as well in recent events, will be Pageant of szreu to be presented It the Libertyville high uchool audi- torium on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, November It 17 and 18. Pageant of Progress - at Libertyville' on November 16, 17 and 18 Old myidentt of the county will nape. and curtain. l, a. ' Plug II. t. 3902 . Per Pair $0d lit Up ATLANTIC & PACIFIC CLEANING C0. Domestic . 9212 RUG CLEANING SPECIAL district, Jith original $2.50 ran 1’illl Place a Want Ad for Results . MEN’S sun's - 'NPCOMS mums DRESSES AND cons _, _ - -MEN’S on LADIES ans FRENCH LICK. INDIANA - “nous?! PLUTO warn" T. D. TAGGARY. President HARRY J. “wen-n. In..." This may be Tmttirst trip to French Li but it won't be the lat. V . , Meals and room, with private bath, from . "810 per dag; with toilet and running water, 39; running water only, " warm on MR}; FOR RESERVATIONS ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET ON REQUEST hero - It... - /ii' "Crt-TT '."'""6. flu-HI -.a- ..3 " Lt!1fttr2tltt here. bt1raits or: by H 7 - """"-', ___ w-c-v‘g 3-). 'm-Bl"" W Cemtineattatin its manners. . ' Put your whole athletic repertory in action . . . or dmft even indulge in any sport. It's delightful either way. Rum over the hills with a hassle or et_1t,tuIei.itrer.uepr../UiiGGiai"iiriii7ut. Soak up health in the watemfm E'g'd old Pluto. Bowls: and Proserpine Springs. lee or play- bridge or any other can! T _ _ Frankly our early Fall mriater lists the smartest runes of. Indie year . . . you’re'sue to ttnd . well-traveled, interesting, 'tieetrreri.ovhttr crowd FRENCH "L' LICK Nothin’g else like it under the an! French Lick's Iht' 't'iPltrPyttt may?†successfuuy im- .Uome and forget your troubles ; ; . at _ Garments ,. [s Cleaned tit Pressed FOR’ONLY We Col “Delhi; ff - variety 'gny. nmGil"ir,Gie,