(fi if} fl l ft,'. _, ~|AEESF6N E33 - “may: 3 BIG DAYS lot-TI... Wed. Nov. 7-8-9 ( Fannie Run-It’s CHANDU aiil'dlfilfi, IE. (ill, Sandâ€. Nov. 6 1 Day only Continuous from 2:15 part. at all performances Friday night and all day Saturday 111., hes repleeed R. ii/wood u an: tor of the Highland Park Press, be- ginning his duties this week. Mr. Heitmsnfs trradtsaterof the Univer- sity of Missouri, has had a varied newspaper experience on daily and weekly publications in Missouri and Illinois, and is slso s former mem- ber of the faculty of the University of Illinois, hsving taught jourimlism at the state school for three years; . " WLS RADIOSTAR -.- Friday-Saturday Nor. 4-5 . THE MAGICIAN- Edmund Lowe Bela Lug“! LAST TIMES TONIGHT Walter Huston Constance Cummihgs in the great American drama “now Eu Ila The Great Radio Mystery T Wheeler Gr. Woolsey Highland Park 2400 Baltha- u New Editor Edda May Oliver in person i Chihfr’en 10c Madness†'9 Park Rotary, was in charge of the meeting. ,. Charles Jiisoers-aurus liean candidate for state: attorney of Lake county, was introduced at the luncheon.' Rotary will hove an evening meet- ing next Monday. evening at the Moraine hotel. This will he an inter- Clifton G. frpeer,atewthtet Scott executive of the North Shore Ares council, Boy Scouts of America, wss the spenker at the weekly Highland Park Rotary club meeting Monday noon " the Moraine hotel. Mr. Speer was introduced by Dr. C. V. Nichols, chairmen of the boys’ work commit- tee of the local Rotary organization., Mr. Speer spoke on the ideals of the Boy Scout organisation. Marshall Johnson, president of Highland Park Rotary, was in charge of the Rotary Club Hears ___ ""“Né'w 'Ettttittiris- 6f -ee North Shore Scouts 1""e"'""", Ut'n“ "'-------.. 5.†White """""""""""-'"'"r-"------ Ingleaeombe yellow csnsry ---.-.. 4.00 Blue ---.----.-...--.......-." Inglescombe pink, lovely '"""----. 4.110 Fine Mixed _""""""-..----.-... , . . Double and Single Early Tulips - Nucleus or 1Htrbdils .. Crocus and 19Ntttl1tr,r: are Sprints earliest welcome. Plant now sad "Y? e reel Sorta: garden. ,Dsrwins _ Cottage and Breeders follow. Our Mum List It ollsnd Bu be are the best money can buy. Our - in Holland bu served Ill and our customers continuously for _ mote than a cutter century. -rrier6r.frWFrFrir, red """"---e---r- Pres. Taft, dark red ................. Rev. “Ewbank, lavender w-----.,..-'- Valentine, violet "r--------.., Wm. Copeland, lavender _...-..-.. . 10 at 100 mte.-P Louis XIV, purple and bronze _.....--.-.. Lucifer, orange, lovely -""'---... Panorama, orange red "-----.... Prince of Orange, orange red """--. Single Early Cottage Maid, pink N Flamingo, rose le"""-------..-..,. Fred Moore, bright orange "_---.. King of the Yellow, yellow _......':................ Lady Boreel, white -------...... Pres. Lincoln, violet "------...... Queen of Netherlands, pink ""'"'""-'-terw.w.- Double Ph _ Couronne DOr, yellow "---=-i....-..... La Grandesae, pink "----.---...... Murrillo, light pink "i"--.-..-..... Cottage _ 7 10 at 100 rate.--Pe Aegir, cherry rose vc-----..--" Avis Kennicott, ellow ""'"--.-.-. Dido, orange ll "_""------.--- grenadier, orange "----.---- Darwin 10 at 100 rate.---Per 100 Afterglow, rose light edge w-----.-..' 4.00 Barr. de la Tonnaye, rose "------ 100 Burti'gon, crimson -""'"""--r.------ 4.20 Clara Butt, 2, ink ariiiiaariiim .'ese.e.er4t) Mi ' _ V . , IP? - 'ee'J'SeT.".rd'ee'l'.t're.'e u†Dram, pale 111t1iotrope L-....-.--. 8.80 Flamingo, shell pink "T"?-""----- 5.00 Fame. Sanders, rose red J-.-.:.....'.'........ 4.00 Isis, Bright red .--u---.-...--.L..... 4.80 Mme. Krelage, rose lu--....-..-....,, 3.40 Orange Pérfection, salmon _.-.'.-.-..-. 10.00 MILWAâ€" NOW . FRANKEN BROS. Deerfield, Illinois TULIPS' 10 at 100 nail?†ai, 10 at 100 rate.--Per 100 TRT' ‘PIISI tion, has been selected an I mem- her of the board of omcen that will meet in Wuhinéton, D.C., on Dee. rio- telnet once" for promotion to the rink of fear admiral and an. The other omen: who will serve on the hoard are Admiral Luke Me- N-moe., president; Vice-Admiral Funk H. Cloth; Rear-Admiral Rear-Admiral Watt T. Cluveriua, United States Navy, commandant of the Ninth Nun! district and the city “fair, Ind romtatim of most of the- thtrtrcitttr"atttit- Iii this district will be pment to hear Prank M. Barley. of Sydney, Aur.. train, claiming! the club service committee of Rotary International. Admiral Cluverius on Selection Board .3 5.20 Yellow Grind Sol D'Or, yellow ..-...-..r Lady Derby, iitrht pink qAnnoeenee, white .9-tt-. Poetiemi Omatus, sihg'le ihiic.Cr..C.] .. ..A.trtsorted mixed, $7.00 per 100 sir antkinsz'gold and iiiikacr.LC.r. Yictqria, yhite fluted yelloy ._......-.t_...-... Narcissus 7 Barii Conspicuus _'"'"".".""....-.-----.-.---.--.... Emperor, all. yellows "".._.w"w.---wt-.--.---..-.. Lauren’s Koster white and yellow.......... Spring Glory, white and yellow .tt...tt._.--.. Sir Watkins. gold and nrimrose................ Blue ttueisn, Bright blue ..t. Rosy Queen, lilac rose ..tt._..' tAiberfea, Sky Blue .-.t.t_.ttttttt Heavenly‘ Bhie .. Heaven] Blue *illa ‘(gluilln Galanthus (Snowdrops) N in“: more Pleno ..c-.. Pearle Brilliant, silo blue ......;;LL;L Queen of, guys, light blue .....-..-... u. Vlcwguc, 1w .v--.-....'--, Gertrude", dark pink _-...-.....). i1ray.mLMtitre,Asyensitr deep ..-..t Moonli t, isiiok"r..2.L.r..C.CLLC."..C.LE Mrs. 31531.31? yellow w......-..-.....-'.... Marvel, rose ged yellow -""'--.t- 931m King, mange --"-a----r-.- Ricotie, whiuugagga me. LLLLC.CJL",",'L,L- John Ruskin, striking m...“ p, M1trt1ril1%rrimre -.-.-..--..---. .. . 00-...- .... . """-""t-"----- Mixed assorted, $3.00 per 100 Mal-moth 19 C. C. Size _.'........".'.'., Phone 241 HYACINTHS CROCUS .----u----.... Thomas T. Craven; Real-Adam; Thomaa C. Hart: Rear-Admin! Orin G. Marlin; Rear-Admiral Wu. ton R. Sexton; and Rear-Admin] William D. Leahy, " members; Md Commander Robert R. Emmet, n. corder. The board will select nine captains and twenty-two command. era for promotion to the next high" grade. . Henry V. Butler; GIESER HEALTH PARLOR (Women hclmivob) Natl glen m â€in. In. I" 300. Ct“. If “I!!! Ola-l. P. 4008 -Ns.- lag-I. P. on Read The Want, WV...“ Khan! Baths BeierttlfU Swedish lungs _ lulu-Bed Generator . 25 at 100 mtte.---.Per 100 running, now a, Ignite, per 100 j................8 3.75 ................ 8.75 _...'-.:-......"' 4.00 Ven; Renr~Admin1 Irt; Rear-Adm,“ Rear-Admiral Wu. and Rear-Admin] ... 10.50 A; 12.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 3.75 4.40 a. iGiii, hr of? may we]; lumber: 'Mr. Atl . nounce t1 Alice Ma Hishxmd The Ca “Educatim monthly Mtg: _ Mrs. E club rim Chicago. Rhibit t Drama is the Herbert _ Lmhe junior, , chorus of Sullivan’ be produ Brindfél the hom son Wah eiites for fie look fa 5cm, _ Highlan: avenue. 2:45 pal Woman; Mr. Bl datum non of fieshm: late, is the Ju which dauzbt her sis Mrs. Hrs. Mrs. l5 Pit on